Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs May 25, 2011

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
May 25, 2011

12 GeV Upgrade

The 12 GeV accelerator installation activities are underway. An initial survey of the beamline elements is almost complete; the information will be used as the basis for returning these elements to their present positions following removal and rework. Assembly of the first 12 GeV cryomodule is nearing completion; assembly of the second cavity string into a cryomodule is well along. Onsite powered testing of production klystrons has begun. Preparations are underway for preliminary measurements of in-tunnel characteristics of an R-100 and a C-100 cryomodule during the coming weeks.

Stacking of lead sheets and scintillator bars threaded with wavelength-shifting fibers has started for the first sector of the pre-shower calorimeter (PCAL) for CLAS12. The second Region 2 wire chamber sector is nearing completion at Old Dominion University, the first Region 1 sector is being strung at JLab, and cleanroom preparations for the remaining Region 1 sectors is underway at Idaho State University. The first assembled bars of the forward time-of-flight 1-b are assembled and undergoing testing at the University of South Carolina. The first mirror for the high threshold Cerenkov counter is being assembled. The new JLab cleanroom for the silicon vertex tracker (SVT) is complete and being equipped, and the notice to proceed was given to the vendor to produce the first items of the three different sensor types that will be used to form the stave modules for the SVT barrel region.


Hall A is in a de-installation phase. The work has just begun, but it's going well and is on track.


As planned, the activity level has been high on the accelerator site during the first full week of the six-month accelerator shutdown. The low-conductivity water system that supplies purified water to magnet and radiofrequency systems was turned off, and contractors started upgrading the 20-year-old system. The accelerator northeast stub dump area was de-posted from a Radiologically Controlled Area (RCA) to a Radioactive Materials Area (RMA), and civil contractors started to tie in the Hall D tunnel.

Saturday’s scheduled 40 Megavolt-Ampere (MVA) power outage occurred with minimal impact to critical accelerator systems and without loss of any accelerator or Central Helium Liquefier control networks. The 500 Kilovolt-Ampere (KVA) generator was pre-started, and when the 40 MVA power was switched off, there was a seamless transition from 40 MVA line power to the Machine Control Center uninterruptible power supplies and then to the 500 KVA generator that provides emergency power to the MCC and critical systems.

Tunnel safety training resumed for new staff needing unescorted access to the accelerator tunnel. Also, the personal protective equipment requirement for the accelerator tunnel has been revised to indicate that tunnel workers must wear long pants.

Finally, Harry Fanning has been appointed as the Accelerator Division Safety Officer Deputy and will be leaving the Operations Group as of June 1. He will be the new safety contact for the accelerator site.

Free-Electron Laser

A Director's review was held of proposed vacuum ultraviolet pilot experiments at the FEL. The review addressed combustion dynamics by a group representing Sandia National Lab and Lawrence Livermore National Lab and krypton dating by a group representing Argonne National Lab and Old Dominion University. In addition, the FEL group was engaged with preparations for moving the gun test stand gun into the FEL.


The machine shop is in the process of modifying "H" steel for the three-meter magnets.

Additionally, the shop is reworking the C100 wave guide assemblies. This involves taking a skim cut on the stainless steel end to remove the indentation caused by the aluminum seal. This will allow the wave guides to be re-used without re-manufacturing. Since April 8, the shop has processed 195 job requests.

The alignment group has completed the as-found survey of the west arc magnets and approximately 90 percent of the east arc magnet survey. The installation/vacuum group has followed closely behind the survey crews and has begun the vacuum bleed down and removal of the west arc dipoles for refurbishment.

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

Work Zone and Vehicle Safety
According to the National Safety Council, 667 people were killed and 28,958 were injured in work zone crashes in 2009. Do not become a statistic for 2011. Use extra caution when approaching construction zones on Virginia roads and highways, and always obey the signs and be alert to workers and vehicles that may unexpectedly exit construction zones.

The same vehicle and pedestrian awareness should also be applied for the JLab site. Now that the six-month down has begun, there are many more automobiles and pedestrians onsite, including additional personnel working in and around the accelerator site buildings, summer students in areas across the site, and construction workers for the TEDF site. All of these additional work areas and people on JLab roads make it that much more critical to remain attentive while driving and walking onsite.


Stockroom Takes On Water
The JLab Stockroom has added bottled water to its inventory. The bottled water is sold by the case; each case contains 24, half-liter bottles.

Book Swap Lunch Party Planned for Friday, May 27
Are you looking for your next great read, but still have a collection of books you're ready to pass on? Then kick off the Memorial Day weekend with a good, old-fashioned book swap! If you'd like to participate, just bring no more than 12 of your gently read books to CEBAF Center F113, noon-12:15 p.m., on May 27. You'll get a voucher for the number of books you bring in. All books will be grouped by genre. New book selection starts at 12:15 p.m., and you may take away as many books as you bring in. Swap ends at 1 p.m. Any un-selected books will be placed on a bookcase in CEBAF Center for sharing to continue. All non age-restricted genres are welcome, including sci fi, fiction, self-help, fantasy, children's, romance, cookbooks and etc. For more information, contact Kandice Carter, Maya Keller or Deb Magaldi.

One-Week Tax Holiday on Hurricane Supplies
Now through May 31, purchases of certain supplies and equipment needed for hurricane preparedness will be exempt from sales tax in Virginia. To see the complete list of items that may be purchased tax-free, visit the Virginia Department of Taxation website. Hurricane season is June 1-Nov. 30. You can also get valuable information on putting together an emergency kit for your family here.

Fire Academy Graduation Ceremony
The Tidewater Regional Fire Training Academy will hold its class graduation ceremony and reception Wednesday, June 1, in the CEBAF Center auditorium and lobby. The cadets’ family members will begin arriving shortly after 4 p.m. After lunch next Wednesday, if you normally park in the main CEBAF Center (east) parking lot, you might want to instead park in the lot between CEBAF Center and the VARC or in the lot on the east side of the EEL (Experimental Equipment Lab, Bldg. 90) to avoid congestion from the traffic coming to the main CEBAF Center parking lot for the event.

Sign Up Your Kids for a Summer Physics Fest
This two-hour show will take place 10 a.m.-noon in the CEBAF Center auditorium. It includes a brief interactive summary of the science and technology at JLab, followed by Deep Freeze (cryogenics) and Hot Stuff (plasmas) presentations. Physics Fests are open to the general public. Reservations are required and kids must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Seating is still available for the July 13 and August 9 sessions. For reservations, call x6286 or email Steve Gagnon. For more information, visit the Physics Fest webpage.

Tracking Thomas at JLab
Little Thomas is visiting all corners of the JLab campus. If you can identify his location this week, email Kandice Carter with your guess. The first correct response will receive special recognition on this page. Guesses are accepted through Fridays.

Congratulations to Russell Mammei, who was the first person to correctly identify the May 18 location. Honorable mentions go out to Stephen Smith, Mike Martin, Dick Owen, Jim Follkie, Kelly Tremblay, Tina Johnson, John Conger, David Fazenbaker and Jason Willoughby. Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo.

JLab Calendar of Events

May 30: Memorial Day holiday - JLab closed
May 30-June 18: Hampton University Graduate Studies Program
June 1: Tidewater Regional Fire Training Academy Graduation Ceremony
June 6: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
June 6-8 Users Group Workshop and Annual Meeting
June 20: Safety Shoe vendor onsite

JLab Summer 2011 Education Calendar

May 31- June 17: Hampton University Graduate Studies
May 23 - July 29: Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship
May 23 - July 29: Research Experience for Undergraduates
June 20 - July 29: High School Summer Honors Program
June 27 – July 22: Academies Creating Teacher Scientists
July 29: Summer Intern Programs Poster Session