Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs February 17, 2010

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
February 17, 2010

12 GeV Upgrade

The first lot of beam transport quadrupole magnets was received. The contracts were awarded for the radiofrequency system's cathode power supplies and for the H-iron that will be used to modify the arc and spreader/recombiner dipole magnets. The first batch of warm-to-cold waveguides for the cryomodules was received. In-tunnel installation activities were completed. In addition, data was acquired on the activation of the magnets; this information will be folded into the work plan for the dipole magnet refurbishment.


Overall, maintenance activities and pre-startup checks are going very well. In the injector, Gun2 was conditioned to 100 kV. The capture section startup went well. Injector setup began, with very good early results. A variety of calibrations and signal verifications were checked off the list. Component hot checkout up to the inline dump looked good. Cryomodule installation is going well with NL05, NL06 & NL07 being cooled to 4 Kelvin. In addition, the cryomodule brought from the Test Lab is being installed at 2L21. This cryomodule is the last of the C-50 cryomodules. Calibration of the newly installed cryomodules began on swing shift and a cryo-cycle of NL17 was completed. The annual ODH head maintenance and replacement process was finished.

Free-Electron Laser

Progress continues on re-establishing operations early next month, despite battling the inclement weather. Researchers from Vanderbilt University, Old Dominion University, The College of William & Mary and JLab performed resonant infrared pulsed laser deposition (PLD) of organic thin films in December, as had been done previously at the now-decommissioned Vanderbilt FEL. Successful performance was verified and is resulting in a paper as a first for JLab's new PLD facility.

Theory Center

Recent amplitude analyses of pion-nucleon scattering data have established the two-pole structure of the mysterious Roper resonance P11(1440). The most recent paper from EBAC <arXiv:1001.5083 [nucl-th]> shows that, within the coupled-channels framework, such structure appears to be rather model independent and insensitive to the analytic structure of the amplitude below the πN threshold. The number of P11 resonances in the 1.5 <W<2 GeV region could be more than one, depending on how the available pion-nucleon scattering data are fitted within the errors.

JLab's Safety Numbers

26 Days since Last Recordable Accident (JLab record: 331)
26 Days since Last Lost Workday Accident (JLab record: 676)

JLab Calendar of Events

Feb. 25: Safety Shoe Vendor onsite
Feb. 27: Virginia Regional High School Science Bowl
March 2: Science Series Lecture: Restoration of the USS Monitor
March 6: Virginia Regional Middle School Science Bowl
March 10: Colloquium: Physics and Forensics
March 25: Safety Shoe Vendor onsite




Environment, Safety, Health & Quality

Free Reusable Solvents Available on Webstock
The solvents that are available are acetone, methanol and isopropanol. Originally, these electronics-grade solvents were used primarily for the cleaning of high-vacuum parts. They are still suitable for most general-cleaning tasks that would involve the use of the particular solvent. These solvents are intended for JLab use only. To order the solvents, log in to Webstock, select JLab Onsite Technical Stockroom and then select Jefferson Lab Freestock. The reusable solvents are listed under 97 REUSEABLE CHEMICALS-SAFETY (sic). For questions regarding the safe and proper use of these chemicals, contact Brett Lewis at x6254 or Jennifer Williams at x7882.

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

Last Chance for Smartcard Renewal
If you use a JLab smartcard to log on to your system, it needs to be renewed at the Computer Center Helpdesk by Thursday, Feb. 18. All JLab smartcards that have not been renewed by that time will cease to function. Renewal takes only a couple of minutes but requires you and your smartcard to be present at the Helpdesk.

Linux/Mac Printing Changes
The CNI group has begun supporting printing via a central CUPS server for use on both Unix/Linux and Macintosh systems. Users can go online to find out how to configure and use this printing method. The previous use of PDQ and XPDQ will be discontinued on March 1. If you have questions or concerns, you may contact the Helpdesk at x7155.

New General Purpose Solaris System Available
A new general purpose login server, jlabs3, is available to all users and staff at JLab. This system is running Solaris 10 and will be replacing the current general purpose systems: jlabs1 and jlabs2. If you cannot use the central linux systems (jlabl1, jlabl2 and jlabl3), then begin using jlabs3, since jlabs1 and jlabs2 will be taken out of service in the near future. If you have any questions or concerns, e-mail or call Kelvin Edwards, x7770.


JLab’s 2010 Benefits Open Enrollment Underway
Benefits Open Enrollment is now offered via the Employee Self Service System to all regular and term staff employees through March 2. To see 2010 benefit descriptions and changes, visit the Human Resources Benefits webpage.

Volunteers Needed for Science Bowls on Feb. 27 and March 6
Volunteers are needed for a range of activities for the Virginia Regional High School (rescheduled for Feb. 27) and the Middle School (March 6) Science Bowl competitions. Training and practice is provided to all volunteers. All volunteers receive a 2010 original-design Science Bowl T-shirt and lunch if they work all day. JLab staff, users, spouses and children (over age 13) are eligible to assist. Anyone interested in more information or in volunteering may contact Jan Tyler.

Free H1N1 Flu Vaccination Clinics Offered Locally
H1N1 vaccinations are being offered free of charge through February. On Wednesdays, a clinic will be held at Sentara Port Warwick from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4 p.m.-7 p.m. On Thursdays, a clinic will be offered on the Sentara CarePlex Hospital Campus at the Hampton River Medical Arts Building from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4 p.m.-8 p.m. More detailed information can be found on the Occupational Medicine webpage.