Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs June 27, 2012

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
June 27, 2012

12 GeV Upgrade

With the Long Shutdown in full swing, many employees have been assigned to other organizations to provide needed resource support. Although the work is often similar, the work environment could be different. These differences increase the potential for human error. Many management tools can be used to minimize this risk, such as interactive pre-job briefs, mentoring, maintaining a questioning attitude, repeat-back style of communication, review of training requirements, and frequent first-line supervision interaction. Consult with Dr. Chandler to assure "new" work assignments for employees are safe and appropriate.


Hall C technical staff and Q-weak collaborators continue to de-cable and dis-assemble the Q-weak experiment. The eight quartz main detector bars and the two large wire chamber packages have been dismounted and are being moved to storage.

Nuclear Physics: Exploring the Heart of Matter
The National Research Council has completed its decadal review of the field of nuclear physics and has publicly released the draft report. The Committee on Assessment of and Outlook for Nuclear Physics (NP 2010) has prepared the report to assess the outlook for nuclear physics research in the United States. This report builds on the DOE's Nuclear Science Advisory Committee’s 2007 Long Range Plan: The Frontiers of Nuclear Science. The new report, Exploring the Heart of Matter, was released in concert with two videos (a long and a short version) that highlight current research in the field and illustrate some of the societal benefits that flow from that research.


Last week, the accelerator alternated installation work during day shifts with running of the Polarized Electrons for Polarized Positrons (PEPPo) experiment and the commissioning of superconducting radiofrequency cavities in cryomodule 2L23 during swing and owl shifts. Late Wednesday night, the water temperature for the injector chopper became unstable, eventually reaching a point where the chopper would not stay on. This forced PEPPo to end the night early. On Thursday, Engineering Support personnel were able to trace the problem to a loose connector for the chopper water heater; Operations also recovered from a problem that arose due to inadvertent operation of an electrical breaker during the replacement of a Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) tag on a nearby breaker. Accelerator running was quiet for the remainder of the week and the weekend.

Next week, operations with the CEBAF injector will wrap up, and CEBAF will not resume operation until the start of the machine commissioning at 12 GeV, planned for Fall 2013. So, until "Humpty Dumpty" is back together again, the Accelerator brief will report on the Long Shutdown coordination activities. The LSD organization, modeled after last year's six-month shutdown, coordinates 12 GeV, FEL, Facilities, Maintenance and all other activities at the lab relevant to the LSD and tracks the overall progress of the work planned for the LSD. The LSD, started on May 18, is off to a good start. The first schedule progress report, collected at the end of May, showed minor delays that can be easily absorbed, and LSD coordinators look forward to the progress report at the end of June as a better indicator of the overall status. Last week, work in the tunnel focused on C100 cryomodule installation and the removal of the girders. De-installation of existing 6 GeV experimental equipment is continuing in Halls A, B and C. A big challenge for Facilities is to help vacate the Test Lab by the end of June to prepare for extensive demolition work in the Test Lab, and to assist in the transition to the Test Lab Addition, which is critical for supporting the SRF activities for the 12 GeV Project and external collaborators and customers.

Free-Electron Laser

Last week, the FEL team continued delivery of the third harmonic vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) beam at 124 nanometers to the Argonne National Lab/Old Dominion University users who are seeking to improve the sensitivity of atomic trap trace analysis experiments. This exercise provided valuable on-demand FEL operational experience, which will help guide development efforts for the FEL's main customer, as well as other users. At the end of the week, FEL staffers continued installation of the Darklight hardware in the 3F region of the infrared machine.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

Unlike Wilson fermions, domain wall fermions (DWF) are a lattice fermion formulation that preserves chiral symmetry at finite lattice spacing. Given that chiral symmetry is an important property of QCD that spontaneously breaks due to quantum dynamics, it is important that lattice fermion formulations preserve this symmetry. In a new paper, an extension to the standard DWF formulation is presented, resulting in a potentially order of magnitude reduction of the computational cost of lattice QCD calculations that preserve chiral symmetry at finite lattice spacing. This would have significant impact on the JLab lattice QCD program to reliably compute observables that will be measured in future JLab experiments.


The magnet re-manufacturing area has been set up and is in a minimal operating status. The area delivered the first XD magnet for assembly and testing to the magnet measurement group. The CLAS 12 High Threshold Cerenkov Counter (HTCC) mold mirror facet block 2 assembly and the mirror assembly fixture for Hall B were completed. Additionally, 170 dipole-lengthening shims for 12 GeV were delivered. Thirty strip-line beam position monitors were also worked on.

The shop has received the new vertical milling machining center that is needed for reworking magnet cores associated with the 12 GeV Upgrade. It has been assembled and is mechanically operational; however, programming problems are still being resolved.

Facilities Management and Logistics

Pardon the progress being made in CEBAF Center. The L102/104 conference room is getting new doors and will be unavailable during removal of the old doors and installation of the new ones. The plastic sheeting is there to minimize the mess that will be generated during this process.

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

Unintentionally Leaving Traps

Did you leave a trap for someone today? Traps are sets of conditions that could later injure an unsuspecting fellow worker. These are not intentionally created for the purpose of injuring another but are created by a process or action and are often not thought a hazard at the time. In one incident from another DOE lab, a single-edge razor blade was left exposed in a holder. This holder was placed on a rack, so that when the next person reached for an item, the exposed blade cut their hand and arm, requiring about 40 stitches to repair. Some other examples of unintentional traps include:

  • A burr - a sharp piece protruding from the surface - of a piece of metal or plastic from when the metal/plastic was machined or cut. Those familiar with machining take care to remove burrs; however, hand tool users and those who infrequently machine may create burrs without knowing it. Any time a rigid piece is cut, it should be checked carefully either visually or with a loosely held rag, not with bare skin, to find the burrs;
  • Leaving the end of an item unsecured, so that it can fall or whip up and strike a person;
  • Leaving a flat or heavy item on top of a ladder or tall box, so that when the support is moved, the item can fall onto a person;
  • Leaving small, round items such as nails or bolts on the hard floor, so that when stepped on, these rolling items can result in a fall;
  • Leaving paper or other trash on stairs or slick floors, which can cause a person to lose their footing.

These are just some examples of traps that may be unintentionally set for co-workers – don't be the source of one.

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

Network Maintenance Planned for Tonight
There will be a network maintenance period tonight, June 27, 5-7 p.m. Internet connectivity will be down for about 30 minutes during the maintenance period. Additionally, some trailers and smaller buildings may lose network connectivity. There will also be a rolling wireless network outage throughout the site; the wireless outage will last about 10 minutes at each location. All network and internet connectivity will be restored no later than 7 p.m. The IT Division will strive to make the outages as brief as possible. If you have any questions or concerns about this planned work, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.

New JLab Email to Report Phishing, Spam Emails
JLab email addresses constantly receive spam, spear phishing and other suspicious emails from non-JLab addresses and from addresses that appear to be from JLab. These emails are attempts to get JLab computer account holders to click links that could allow hackers access to their computer or to give up user names, passwords and other personal information. If you receive a suspicious email, do not click any link in the email, do not visit any website, and never provide any information. Instead, first forward the email to and then delete the email. Emails forwarded to this address will automatically notify Cyber Security and engage the lab's protective spam filters. If you click a link in one of these emails, call the IT Division Helpdesk immediately at x7155.

Cyber Attacks can also begin on the phone. Remember, JLab IT staffers will never call you to ask for your user name or password. If you receive a call asking for this information, note the phone number if you are able, hang up, and immediately report the call to the Helpdesk. Any time you experience any difficulties with your computer or you have any doubt about the validity of a message, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155, for advice.

Email Migrations into New System Continue
The CNI group is continuing to migrate staff and some users into the new email and calendar suite, Zimbra. These migrations are going well, with nearly 887 staff and users migrated into Zimbra and about two still left to migrate. These migrations are occurring overnight, and you will receive an email around noon on the day you are scheduled to be migrated. For more information, see the article in the March 16 OnTarget newsletter.


JLab Personal Dosimeter Change Out Set For Monday
JLab's semi-annual personal dosimeter change out will take place during the afternoon of Monday, July 2. This includes the dosimeters of all JLab staff, users, subcontractors and summer students. If you need to use your dosimeter during the change out period on July 2, you may exchange it that morning in the Radiation Control Dosimetry Office in Bldg. 52B, Room 4, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Make sure to put your personal dosimeter in its dedicated spot in the dosimeter racks no later than 4 p.m. on July 2. If you will be leaving the lab before then for vacation, business travel or a long holiday, make sure to put your dosimeter in its place in the racks before leaving the lab.
If you have questions or concerns, contact Becky Mosbrucker, x7236.

JSA Initiatives Fund Call for Proposals Announced
A call for proposals for support from the 2013 JSA Initiatives Fund program has been issued. Proposals with JLab principal investigators will be forwarded to Bob McKeown for the first round of review. Proposals with User PI's will be forwarded to Sebastian Kuhn for the first round of review. Details on the full application process can be found on the JSA website. All proposals are due by Aug. 3.

Tracking Thomas at JLab
Little Thomas is visiting all corners of the JLab campus. If you can identify his location this week, email Kandice Carter with your guess. Guesses are accepted through Friday.

Congratulations this week go to Bryan Moffit, who was the first person to correctly identify the location for June 13 and June 20. Honorable mentions go to Buddhini Waidyawansa, Narciso Gomez, Michael Darcy, Dick Owen, Percy Harrell, Doug Higinbotham, Zhe Chen, Eric Forman, Josh Magee and Ron Bartek. Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo.

JLab Calendar of Events

July 4: Independence Day holiday, JLab closed
July 9: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Jule 9-13: Geant4 Tutorial
July 16-17: 7th SRF Materials Workshop
July 18-20: 5th International Workshop on Thin Films and New Ideas for Pushing the Limits of RF Superconductivity
July 23: Safety Shoe vendor onsite