Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs October 15, 2014

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
October 15, 2014


Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

A new paper studies the Sivers asymmetry in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic hadron production, in particular, the photon-gluon fusion channel, where three-gluon correlation functions play a major role within the twist-3 collinear factorization formalism. The work establishes the correspondence between the formalism with three-gluon correlation functions and the usual transverse momentum dependent (TMD) factorization formalism at moderate hadron transverse momenta. The QCD collinear evolution equations of the twist-3 Qiu-Sterman function are also derived.

Facilities Management and Logistics

Sprinkler System Maintenance in CEBAF Center
A work crew is currently on site, performing annual maintenance on the CEBAF Center Fire Safety System. Building occupants may notice that building water may appear brown or discolored after 4 p.m. today and after 3 p.m. tomorrow and Friday (Oct. 16-17). There is no cause for alarm, but run the faucet until the water is clear before using. If you have any concerns about this work, contact Tim Minga,

Jefferson Avenue Roadwork
The construction contractor for the new Tech Center site will begin working on adding the new turn lanes and widening Jefferson Ave. this week as weather permits. This work is scheduled to take place over the next six weeks. Crews will begin working south of Hogan Drive and will proceed north on Jefferson Ave. Use extra caution when approaching the lab on Jefferson Ave. throughout this construction phase, and obey all flagmen and signage.

Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events

Oct. 17: Jefferson Lab Fall Golf Outing
Oct. 20: Safety Shoe Vendor onsite
Oct. 22: Colloquium: The Pursuit of Better SRF Cavities
Oct. 29: JAG Fall Festival
Oct. 31: American Red Cross Blood Drive
Nov. 3: United Way campaign ends
Nov. 12: Colloquium
Nov. 12-15: CLAS Collaboration meeting
Nov. 18-20: Future Directions in Spectroscopy Analysis
Nov. 27-28: Thanksgiving, Jefferson Lab closed


Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

Bicycle Road Rules
For those who ride bicycles, there are certain "rules of the road" that everyone needs to follow to keep our roadways safe. The Administrative Manual contains a Section 301.6 Traffic & Parking Management, which establishes traffic and parking management code for the operation of motor vehicles, including golf carts, utility carts, bicycles and other modes of transportation at Jefferson Lab and applies to all employees, users, ARC tenants, and contractors assigned, employed, or visiting the laboratory.

In this section, the manual notes that no vehicles are exempt from applicable traffic signs and notices. This means that drivers of all of the vehicles noted above must follow the rules of the road. Doing so can help keep you and your fellow workers safe.

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

CNI Systems Maintenance Period Set for Tuesday, Oct. 21,  5-10 p.m.
The IT Division CNI group is planning a maintenance period on Tuesday, Oct. 21, 5-10 p.m. During this time, there will be a short (approximately 10 minutes) outage for the Technology and Engineering Development Bldg. (Bldg. 55) 2nd floor while the power is updated to the network switch. There will also be a few short (10-30 second) internet outages for network updates. In addition, there will be several central outages to the central MySQL servers, cnidb and jmysql, which will cause outages to several services. The MIS applications will be down while maintenance is performed on the underlying file servers. The total outage will be no more than 30 minutes. In addition, there will be short outages of several central servers, including,, while they are rebooted after patches. The central mail servers for spam and virus checking will be down for about 30 minutes while updates are applied. Outgoing mail may be unavailable during this time, but all incoming mail will be stored on the remote servers and then re-sent when the service comes back up. Updates to Firefox, Thunderbird, Flash and Java will be released to the site. And, lastly, Linux and Windows patches will be released to all desktops and servers. Plan on rebooting your Linux or Windows desktop by Friday, Oct. 24, to finalize the patch installation. If you have any questions or concerns about this maintenance period, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.


Share Your Photo for Veteran’s Day Tribute
Jefferson Lab will again recognize its veterans on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, with a small display. This year, a photo exhibit of lab veterans in uniform is being prepared to highlight employees’ service. If you are a veteran and would like to participate, email or bring in your military service photo to Mike Robbins, CEBAF Center room C222, before Oct. 31. These photos can be of any time during your service from boot camp, to a retirement photo, to anywhere in between. Include with your photo your name, branch of service and years of service.

Sign Up for Cornhole at Oktoberfest!
The annual Oktoberfest, held by the Jefferson Lab Activities Group, is set for Wednesday, Oct. 29. This year's event will once again feature a Cornhole Tournament. If you would like to participate you must pre-register your two-person team by COB Monday, Oct. 27 by contacting Mike Zarecky, x7609. If you'd like to play but don't yet have a partner, sign up to be added to a list of potential players.

Colloquium: The Pursuit of Better SRF Cavities

Join Charlie Reece as he describes the superconducting niobium rf cavities that provide a remarkably efficient way to accelerate charged particles, especially for continuous wave applications. He’ll explain how practical cost pressures continue to motivate development of ever more energy efficient and lower capital cost systems and discuss the push to realize reliably SRF cavity surfaces with very low surface resistance with maximally high surface fields. He'll also address recent developments, including a collaborative effort involving Jefferson Lab, Fermilab, Cornell University, and The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin for Materials and Energy, as well as the LCLS-II project that will exploit new developments to minimize cryogenic capital and operating costs. These new understandings and associated challenges will be reviewed in their historical international and Jefferson Lab context. The colloquium will be held in the CEBAF Center auditorium on Oct. 22 at 3 p.m.

Come Out and Enjoy JAG Oktoberfest!
Jefferson Lab employees, their immediate family members, users and students are invited to the Jefferson Lab Activities Group Oktoberfest scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 29, 3-6 p.m. in the field behind the SURA Residence Facility. A variety of foods will be available, as well as games and activities, including a Cornhole Tournament (must register in advance, see brief), Bounce House, Treasure in a Haystack, Pumpkin Toss, Candy Jar Guessing Game, and Children's Arts and Crafts. Everyone attending is encouraged to wear a costume. Also, the winning raffle tickets will be drawn for the iPad and two iPad mini’s that are part of the lab's United Way fund-raising campaign; tickets are available for purchase noon-1 p.m. through Wednesday, Oct. 29 in the CEBAF Center lobby. Volunteer participation is critical to the event's success - volunteer for just one hour and party the other two! The best volunteer spots are taken early, so sign up today.

Red Cross Blood Drive Scheduled for Oct. 31
The next American Red Cross Blood Drive will take place Friday, Oct. 31, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in CEBAF Center room F113. New and repeat donors are encouraged to attend. All those who donate will be entered into a drawing for prizes from the American Red Cross. To schedule an appointment, visit and enter Sponsor Code: TJNAF.  You can also contact Johnie Banks, or x7539. Visit the website for donation eligibility requirements.

Discount Entertainment Tickets Available
Jefferson Lab now offers a link to Tickets at Work, a website that offers employee discounts and corporate prices for entertainment. Locally, discounts include savings of more than 20 percent off at Busch Gardens and Water Country USA, as well as discounts on movie tickets. The site also offers discounts on tickets to other major theme parks, tickets to Broadway shows, hotels and rental cars.

Flu Vaccines Offered by Appointment
Occupational Medicine is now taking appointments from Jefferson Lab staff for Influenza vaccinations. If you would like to be vaccinated, contact Occupational Medicine at x7539 to schedule an appointment. Shots are given by appointment only in the Support Service Center, Bldg. 28, room 3. Keep in mind that for 15 minutes after vaccination you should remain at Jefferson Lab, in the presence of other people and avoid safety-sensitive activities, including driving. For more information, contact Johnie Banks, Occupational Medicine, at


JLab Weekly Briefs is an ongoing publication providing information on the status of safety, accelerator operations, experiments, free-electron laser, reviews, upcoming activities and special events. Deadline for submission is every Tuesday by 10 a.m. Submit new items to: Public Affairs or contact Kandice Carter at x7263.