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Recycled Content versus Recyclable

Can You Tell the Difference?

What is the difference is between "recycled content" and "recyclable"? The two concepts are not one and the same. At Jefferson Lab, especially where the Recycling Centers are concerned, it is important to know the difference.

Recycled content refers to the amount of recycled material versus virgin materials in a product's physical makeup. For example, if a product's description specifies "made of 35% recycled materials", then that product has been made from at least 35% recycled items, such as from the plastic bottles you put in your recycling bin last month. Look for "recycled content" when you make a purchase—you will be doing your part to reduce the use of virgin materials and to make practical use of "stuff" that otherwise would have gone to a landfill. REMEMBER, however, that having recycled content does not mean that the product or container is necessarily recyclable.

When you purchase a soda in an aluminum can, plastic, or glass bottle, and that container has the universal recycling triangle with a number on it, then that container is recyclable. This is what you place in your recycling bin that later is provided to companies to add during the manufacture of "new" recycled content products.

Jefferson Lab's Recycling Center coordinators do an excellent job in monitoring their recycling centers to ensure that the proper recyclable materials are placed there. With their help and the efforts of staff, users, and visitors throughout the Lab, quantities of materials collected and sent for recycling have steadily risen over the passed 3 years. It is anticipated that efforts will continue to increase as we do our part as stewards for the environment.