Dr. Kevin B. Beard's selected computer programs

software maintainence

  • splitcf - powerful legacy C and FORTRAN code analyzer; widely used to produce documentation
  • kbb libraries - used by most of this author's programs

  • common utilities
    widely used in scripts.

  • MISC - description of my small utility programs

    autoname - automatically generate unused output filenames
    count - generate statistics on a text file
    duh - convert ascii, hexadecimal, octal, decimal, and floating numbers
    genrep2 -generate very repetitive patterns
    sleepy - print messages at intervals
    today - return or translate time & dates
    beshuffled - reshuffled words to create commands
    breaktext - inserts blank lines into text files or breaks input into individual files
    no_bs - manipulates text; removes backspaces, deletes, etc.
    sdup - duplicate an input stream
    sork - numerically order a list

  • scientific programs
    The documentation for the following is in the Jlab CUE system under


  • kmimf - generic tool for iterative optimizing
  • optim2g4blmodel - uses OptiM input and output to construct a G4beamline input model
  • makeuniformbunch - construct input particle distributions for a number of accelerator simulation programs
  • retrack - analyze output from a number of accelerator simulation programs