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This is the big input file. It contains the kinematics, and all of the important flags and parameters for the run. If there is something missing that you feel is important, please let me know and I'll add it. The idea is that from the .hist file, you should basically be able to reproduce the input file you used (though it may not be easy). There are a couple of quantities I would like to point out, as they are particularly useful or especially confusing.

CENTRAL.sigcc is the cross section for a central event. This is for an electron along the central ray of the electron arm, and the hardon along the central ray of the hadron arm, both at delta=0kinematics, but it's going to spit out some kind of cross section in any case. Buyer beware. Also note that it may not actually be a true cross section, but the sigcc variable returned from the physics.f routine.

AVERAGE.sigcc is in fact not the average sigcc. It is the average weight for the events. For kaon/pion electroproduction, sigcc and weight are very close to each other (just small geometry and radiative correction modifications). For (e,e'p), the weight also includes the spectral function weighting. As a final note, since sum of counts is the sum of $weight \cdot
normfac / nevent$, and AVERAGE.sigcc is weight / nevent, the total number of events you would get if you look at the ntuple with NO CUTS is $AVERAGE.sigcc \cdot

INTEGRATED WEIGHTS (displayed as wtcontr) is the total number of counts, and is equal to $AVERAGE.sigcc \cdot
normfac$. However, this is not the best number to use, because the predicted counts is only reliable within the spectrometer generation limits you give SIMC in the input file. What I plan on doing is modifying wtcontr so that it gives the number of counts for all events within the generation limits. When I apply this cut, I will update the .hist file to say that those cuts have been applied. However, even now it gives a good general idea of then number of counts.

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