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parameter block "experiment"

This gives the general parameters of the simulations. Most are fairly self explanatory. Choose either doing_phsp, doing_pion, doing_kaon, or none (for (e,e'p)). For the pion and kaon case, you can choose to produce positive or negative hadrons, and enable decay of the hadron (in which case you must provide the decay length). In all cases you must give SIMC the number of events to generate (number of successes if ngen>0, number of attempts if ngen<0) and the total charge to simulate (for normalization purposes). You can also give a filename for 'extra_dbase_file'. This is useful if you have many different kinematics, but you want to keep all of the general options the same. If you give a value for extra_dbase_file, SIMC will read in this second input file after it's done with the main file.

The following example will generate (e,e'$\pi^+$) events (with pion decay enabled) until there are 2000 events that make it through both spectrometers. The normalization factor (normfac) will be calculated so that the properly weighted number of events (see 'getting answers from simc') will represent the counts for 1 microCoulomb of beam on target.

  ngen = 2000                   ;  POS: # of successes; NEG: # of tries
  EXPER.charge = 1.0            ;  total charge (mC)
  doing_phsp = 0                ;  (ONE = TRUE)
  doing_kaon = 0                ;  (ONE = TRUE)
  doing_pion = 1                ;  (ONE = TRUE)
  doing_piplus = 1              ;  pi+ or pi- production (ONE = TRUE = pi+)
  doing_decay = 1               ;  1=decay ON, 0=decay OFF.
  ctau = 780.4                  ;  decay length (cm)
  extra_dbase_file='extra_SAMPLE' ;  additional input parameters.

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