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parameter block "kinematics_main"

Here you give the beam energy, and spectrometer momentum settings (in MeV/c), the spectrometer angles (in degrees, sign does not matter). In addition, you give the beam energy spread (in %) and a flag telling if electrons are in the hms (hms_e_flag=1) or in the sos (hms_e_flag=0).

  Ebeam = 3007.                 ;  (MeV)
  dEbeam = 0.05                 ;  beam energy variation (%)
  hms_e_flag = 0                ;  e- in HMS if set to ONE (SOS if ZERO)
  spec.e.P = 594.               ;  e arm central momentum (MeV/c)
  spec.e.theta = 56.51          ;  e arm angle setting (degrees)
  spec.p.P = 2326.              ;  p arm central momentum (MeV/c)
  spec.p.theta = 10.505         ;  p arm angle setting (degrees)
