8020 Appendix
T1 Storm
Water Management |
The majority of stormwater
runoff generated at Jefferson Lab flows towards Brick Kiln Creek to the east,
eventually discharging into the Big Bethel Reservoir and further to tributaries
of the Chesapeake Bay. A much smaller portion of stormwater
runoff also flows into Sluice Mill Pond to the northwest, eventually draining
into Deep Creek and the James River. Under the Clean
Water Act and
several states statutes, Jefferson Lab is responsible for ensuring proper
management of water quality and quantity prior to discharging into all
receiving surface waters. The Jefferson Lab Stormwater
Management Program is designed to implement and satisfy the requirements of the
Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Regulations –
Erosion and Sediment Control (E&SC) Regulations – 9VAC25-840
Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer
Systems (MS4) – General Permit No. VAR040079
General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from
Construction Activities – 9VAC25-880
E&SC Handbook criteria
Lab Annual Standards and Specifications for Stormwater
Management and Erosion & Sediment Control
This chapter summarizes the
specific requirements for stormwater management at
Jefferson Lab and instructions in the form of references, appendices and other
ES&H Manual chapters, where applicable. This chapter also discusses general
stormwater management program aspects that are not
captured elsewhere.
VSMP Regulations – 9VAC25-870
VSMP requirements are approved by
the Virginia State Water Control Board and are authorized by the Virginia Stormwater Management Act to manage the quality and
quantity of runoff resulting from regulated land-disturbing activities. VSMP
regulations are administered by DEQ through the Virginia Pollution Discharge
Elimination System (VPDES) permitting program that regulates point source
pollution from MS4s, Construction, and Industrial Discharges. Several new
regulatory requirements were enacted in July 2014; including the need for all
counties, cities, towns and MS4s to establish a ‘local’ Stormwater
Management Program. These regulations essentially provide three separate
options for establishment of a local program:
1. Become a VSMP Authority – only
local government entities are authorized for this option due to having
mechanisms in place such as local ordinances and enforcement response protocol
2. Adopt ‘Annual Standards and
Specifications’ approved by DEQ that describe how land-disturbing activities
will be conducted at the facility
3. Rely on DEQ for all plan reviews,
inspections, and other program specifics
Since Jefferson Lab is a federal
facility, the only option available is to adopt Annual Standards and
Specifications approved by DEQ. Initial approval was obtained in 2015; annual
approval from DEQ is required. As mentioned above, these Standards and
Specifications describe the management process for all regulated land-disturbing
activities occurring at the Lab (https://www.jlab.org/div_dept/dir_off/oa/secure/permits.html) and include information such as:
training and certification
Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) requirements
Site Design and Low Impact Development (LID) practices
and maintenance requirements
exceptions, prohibited stormwater discharges and
authorized non-stormwater discharges
A major requirement under VSMP is
the need for land-disturbing activities greater than 1-acre to obtain
authorization under the General VPDES
Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction
Activities (also known as Construction General Permit or CGP). Prior to
issuance of a CGP, several steps must occur prior to receiving authorization
from DEQ. For further details on this process, please refer to Jefferson Lab’s Annual
Standards and Specifications for Stormwater
Management and Erosion & Sediment Control.
Stormwater runoff that is not classified
under a single point source is considered a nonpoint source controlled through
E&SC practices as regulated by Virginia E&SC regulations.
Virginia E&SC Regulations –
The Virginia Erosion and Sediment
Control Program is authorized by Virginia E&SC Law, Regulations, and
Certification Regulations and is administered by DEQ to prevent destruction of
property and natural resources caused by soil erosion, sedimentation and
nonagricultural runoff from land disturbing activities.
Under the requirements of the
Virginia E&SC Program regulations, an approved E&SC Plan is required for
any land disturbance totaling 10,000-square feet to 1-acre in size. The basic
framework of an approved E&SC Plan includes the controls that will be
utilized during the project to meet the applicable requirements of the Virginia
E&SC Handbook and the 19 E&SC Minimum Standards.
DEQ Permit No. VAR040079 – General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater
from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4)
The MS4 permit program is the
result of the 1987 amendments to the Clean Water Act (CWA), commonly referred
to as the Water Quality Act of 1987. In these amendments, Congress mandated
that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) address non-point source
pollution in stormwater runoff. In essence, EPA
defined urban stormwater (previously considered a
non-point source) as a point source because there was a physical location (or
point) of discharge. In response to the Congressional action, EPA was required
to develop a program to permit the discharge of stormwater
from MS4s; from specific industrial activities that it considered to be
significant sources of pollution; and from construction site runoff.
In 1990, the National Pollution
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Program was extended by EPA to
include stormwater discharges. The new associated
regulations established requirements for permitting discharges from industry,
construction sites, and MS4s in municipalities with populations greater than
100,000. In 1999, the permit program was expanded to include discharges from
communities with populations of less than 100,000 and was called the Phase II Stormwater Permit Program. These municipalities were
required to obtain permit coverage by March 10, 2003 to discharge stormwater.
Stormwater discharges from Phase II (small)
MS4s are authorized under the General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Small MS4s. These include MS4s operated by
cities, towns, counties, and state and federal facilities. To initiate or continue MS4 Permit
authorization, a new Registration Statement is required for submittal to DEQ
greater than 180 days prior to the permit deadline. Jefferson Lab’s current MS4 Permit will
require submittal of a new Registration Statement to DEQ for additional
coverage on or before August 3, 2023.
Conditions applicable to all State
and VPDES Permits are summarized below:
3, G – Reports of Unauthorized Discharges:
Any operator of a small MS4 must report unauthorized discharges to DEQ
within 24-hours of discovery and provide written follow-up report within 5 days
that includes:
and location of discharge;
of discharge;
that discharge occurred;
of time that discharge occurred before contained;
of the discharge;
discharge is ongoing, how long it is anticipated to continue;
discharge is ongoing, what is estimated total volume of discharge to occur;
steps taken to reduce, eliminate, and prevent a recurrence.
3, K – Signatory Requirements:
Statements, Reports and other information, along with Changes to Authorization
shall be signed by a responsible corporate officer (U.S. DOE Thomas Jefferson
Site Office Manager or other authorized Site Office Staff) with the following
certification statement:
certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were
prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed
to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information
submitted. Based on my inquiry of the
person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible
for gathering the information the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate,
and complete. I am aware that there are significiant penalties for submitting false information,
including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations”.
3, M – Duty to Re-apply:
Statement must be submitted at least 90 days prior to the expiration date of
the MS4 Permit (October 31, 2023) to continue coverage under the permit.
3, Q – Proper Operation & Maintenance:
shall properly operate and maintain all stormwater
facilities and treatment systems used to achieve compliance with the conditions
of the MS4 permit.
3, W – Inspection & Entry:
shall allow DEQ and EPA representative or inspector to enter the premises; have
access to permit-related records; inspections of facilities equipment,
practices, and operations regulated under the MS4 permit; and sample or monitor
substances or parameters located onsite.
The operator of a small MS4 is
required to develop, implement and enforce a program that will reduce the
discharge of stormwater pollutants to the ‘maximum
extent practicable’ or MEP. The program
is outlined through Jefferson Lab’s MS4 Program Plan.
The MS4 Program Plan is intended to
serve as a ‘living document’ where revisions are expected throughout the life
of the permit in order to reduce pollutant loading and protect water
quality. Any revisions to the Program
Plan are provided in the MS4 Annual Report that is due to DEQ every year by
October 1st. The MS4 Annual
Report provides a summary of all MS4 related activities for the previous
reporting year that occurs annually from July 1st to June 30th.
The MS4 Program Plan is executed
through the implementation of the six following Minimum Control
Measures or MCMs and associated Best Management Practices (BMPs):
MCM – 1: Public Education and
Outreach on Stormwater Impacts
Implement a public education and
outreach program that is designed with consideration of the following goals;
the Environmental Engineer is responsible for implementing MS4 Public Education
and Outreach activities:
MCM – 2: Public Involvement/Participation
Public involvement actions shall
include maintaining an updated MS4 Program Plan in conjunction with the Annual
Report; updated Program Plan and Annual Report is posted on the Jefferson Lab
webpage at:
Public participation shall include
participation in at least four environmental-related activities on an annual
basis that focus on reducing stormwater pollution,
improving water quality, and increasing awareness of regional stormwater concerns.
The ESH Environmental Engineer is responsible for annual participation/involvement
in MS4 related activities.
MCM – 3: Illicit Discharge
Detection and Elimination
Jefferson Lab shall develop,
implement, and enforce a program to detect and eliminate illicit discharges to
the Jefferson Lab MS4. The ESH
Environmental Engineer and Environmental Technician are responsible for
implementation of Jefferson Lab’s IDDE program.
MCM – 4: Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control
Jefferson Lab shall implement a
Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control program
that is compliant with the requirements of VSMP regulations; The ESH Environmental
Engineer and Facilities Management & Logistics (FML) Engineers are
responsible for implementation of Jefferson Lab’s Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control program as applicable.
MCM – 5: Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Development on
Prior Developed Lands
Jefferson Lab shall address
post-construction stormwater runoff that enters the
MS4 from new development and development on prior developed lands. The ESH Environmental Engineer and FML
Engineers are responsible for post-construction stormwater
management of facilities located onsite.
MCM – 6: Pollution Prevention (P2)/Good
Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
Jefferson Lab shall implement P2/Good
Housekeeping requirements established in the Spill Prevention Control and
Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan, the Jefferson Lab Annual Standards and
Specifications for SWM and E&SC, and the Jefferson Lab Environmental
Management System (EMS). The ESH
Environmental Engineer is responsible for implementation of Jefferson Lab’s
SPCC Plan/Program, Annual Standards & Specifications for SWM and E&SC,
and the Jefferson Lab EMS. However, it
is the general responsibility of all personnel working onsite to be aware of pollution
prevention practices in their respective work areas onsite and to maintain good
housekeeping measures.
Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily
Load (TMDL) Special Conditions reduction requirements:
in 1998, the Chesapeake Bay and its associated tributaries were listed as
impaired due to not meeting water quality standards for nitrogen, phosphorus,
and sediment levels. In 2010, the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the requirement for the
development of a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for each contaminant. Watershed Implementation Plans (WIP)
developed by the Chesapeake Bay area states was designed as the mechanism for
achieving the required pollutant reductions.
Phase I and Phase II Chesapeake Bay TMDL WIP developed by the Commonwealth of
Virginia committed to a ‘phased approach’ to reducing the applicable nutrient
and sediment loads. In order to
accomplish this, the Commonwealth developed the Chesapeake Bay TMDL Special
Condition in the MS4 General Permit. The
Chesapeake Bay TMDL Special Condition requires MS4 operators to develop a
Chesapeake Bay TMDL Action Plan approved by DEQ to address the required
Lab’s Chesapeake Bay TMDL Action Plan was due to DEQ with the Annual Report for
the reporting period of July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 and was submitted prior
to October 1, 2015. Jefferson Lab’s DEQ
approved Chesapeake Bay TMDL Action Plan successfully demonstrated that the Lab
met the requirements of the permit Special Condition for the Chesapeake Bay for
the first permit cycle and will meet the reduction goals by the end of the
second permit cycle on June 30, 2023.
Lab’s Chesapeake Bay TMDL Action Plan shows that the Lab has:
any new or modified legal authorities implemented or requiring implementation
in order to meet the requirements of the MS4 General Permit;
the total load and cumulative reductions from each river basin;
reductions achieved for each river basin as of July 1, 2018;
all BMPs implemented to achieve the required reductions prior to July 1, 2018;
the requirement for public comment response period;
how the Lab will meet the 2nd Permit Cycle reduction requirements.
General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from
Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) – General Permit No.
General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from
Construction Activities – 9VAC25-880
Laws and Regulations:
· State Water Control Law
· VSMP Regulations – 9VAC25-870
· Virginia E&SC Regulations – 9VAC25-840
E&SC Handbook, 3rd Edition 1992
Regulations – 9VAC25-31
Programs and Plans:
Jefferson Lab EMS
Jefferson Lab Annual Standards and Specifications for SWM and
Jefferson Lab MS4 Program Plan
Revision 0.1 – 03/23/2021 – Periodic Review; reviewed and made minor updates to reflect
current process per MOA-2020-10-01-02, updated footer and header, no approval
needed for minor edits
Revision 0.0 – 10/27/17 – Initial Content