Jefferson Lab
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    Second Announcement


    The third workshop on Chiral Dynamics — Chiral Dynamics 2000: Theory and Experiment — will be hosted by Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia, USA from July 17-22, 2000. Co-sponsors are Jefferson Lab and the Institute for Nuclear Theory. The workshop will address key issues in low-energy QCD that are primarily related to chiral symmetry, including production, decay, and strong interactions of Goldstone bosons (pions, kaons, etas), nucleon properties, low-energy pion-nucleon interactions, and few-nucleon systems.

    This third workshop will mix theory and experiment equally, continuing the tradition set at MIT in 1994 and Mainz in 1997. The program will consist of plenary talks and working groups on each of the key issues, exploring the present status of the field with the goal of identifying the important new research topics. On Monday, July 17, a series of introductory lectures will include consideration of possible physics of interest at Jefferson Lab.

    The workshop will be held in CEBAF Center on site at Jefferson Lab.

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