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COOL Workshop 2015
September 28 to October 2, 2015
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Newport News, VA

Dieter Möhl Medal/Award

The winners of this 2015 Dieter Möhl Medal/Award have been announced at the COOL’15 Workshop.

COOL'15 Workshop Award Presentation Photos

The winners of this 2013 Dieter Möhl Medal/Award have been announced at the COOL’13 Workshop.

We are very pleased to announce that the following medals and awards will be presented at the workshop to reorganize achievements and contributions to the fields of beam cooling and applications:

mohlbwDieter Möhl Medal for life-time achievements and/or recent important contributions to the field of beam cooling and their applications

Dieter Möhl Award for young scientists in their early career who have already made significant contributions to the field of beam cooling and their applications

Dieter Möhl Medal/Award are sponsored by European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), for memorial of Dr. Dieter Möhl, who was one of pioneers in the field of beam cooling and its applications.

A selection committee was formed for this year medal/award, with its members appointed by the International Program Committee of the COOL’15 workshop. The list of members of the selection committee is the following:

Yaroslav Derbenev (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
Igor Meshkov (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research), committee chair
Vasily Parkhomchuk (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
Lars Thorndahl (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Gerard Tranquille (European Organization for Nuclear Research)