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No shifts for user Sangbaek Lee in this period (Feb 7, 2023 to Dec 31, 2020)

Found a total of 0 shifts spread over 0 days.

User info for Sangbaek Lee:

Full name: Sangbaek Lee
Affiliation: ANL (Argonne National Laboratory)
Qualification: Expert


Institutional contact for ANL ()

  • Whitney Armstrong ()

There are 8 members of ANL registered for Hall B shifts:

  • Henry Klest ()
  • Junqi Xie ()
  • Kawtar Hafidi ()
  • Maria Zurek ()
  • Sangbaek Lee ()
  • Sylvester Joosten ()
  • Whitney Armstrong ()
  • Zein-Eddine Meziani ()

Membership DB data:

  • Postal address: Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439, IL, USA
  • Website:
  • Present CLAS membership status of ANL: Full

If you find this information inaccurate, please contact
Bryan McKinnon (and CC Bryan McKinnon) in order to
reconcile the Shift and Membership databases.
Maintained by B. McKinnon. Written by D. Protopopescu. Send any queries or bug reports to shiftbot