Jefferson Lab > Physics > Hall B
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Shift Taker's Required Training

In order to take shifts in Hall B, you are required to complete the training detailed below, and read the documents in the attached list. Paper copies of the documents are available in the Hall B counting room and electronically accessible on the web directly from the Main Hall B Page/Shift-Taker's Manuals.

  1. EH&S Orientation to Jlab (SAF 100)
  2. Oxygen Deficiency Hazards Training (SAF 103)
  3. Radiation Worker I Training (SAF 801)
  4. Hall B Safety Awareness Walk-Through (SAF 111)
  Required Reading:
  1. Conduct of Operations (COO)
  2. Radiation Safety Assessment Document (RSAD)
  3. Experiment Safety Assessment for the Base Equipment in Hall B (ESAD)
  4. CLAS12 subsystem operation manuals and procedures.
  Must Sign:

  Check your training status:

If you are on site, you may access your own training-related requirements on the Jlab MIS site. Web-based training is available here.

Maintained by B. McKinnon. Written by D. Protopopescu. Send any queries or bug reports to shiftbot