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2005 Physics Seminars

Speaker Title Date
Kim Egiyan, Yerevan Physics Institute/Jefferson Lab Today's Nucleonic Picture of Nuclei December 16, 2005
Jorge Piekarewicz, Florida State University The Quest for the Neutron Radius of 208Pb: How, Why, and When December 5, 2005
Rocco Schiavilla, Jefferson Lab/Old Dominion University Electromagnetic Structure of Few-Body Nuclei from keV to GeV Energies December 5, 2005
Michael Ramsey-Musolf, California Institute of Technology/University of Connecticut Theoretical Perspectives on Nuclear Strangeness December 5, 2005
J.C. Hardy, Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University Weak Interaction Parameters from Superallowed Beta Decay November 18, 2005
John Ralston, University of Kansas Exploring Color and Spin November 11, 2005
Fridolin Weber, San Diego State University Strangeness in Neutron Stars October 28, 2005
Constantia Alexandrou, Cyprus University Hadron Structure from Lattice QCD: Status and Outlook August 19, 2005
Victor Flambaum, University of New South Wales, Australia Effects of Variation of Fundamental Constants from Big Bang to Atomic Clocks August 12, 2005
Rolland Johnson, Muons, Inc. Recent Innovations in Muon Beam Cooling and Prospects for Muon Colliders July 22, 2005
Frank Close, Oxford University Exotic Tales: diquarks, tetraquarks, pentraquarks and no quarks July 15, 2005
Douglas Beck, University of Illinois Strange Quark Contributions to Nucleon Structure? Results from the Forward G0 Experiment June 17, 2005
Valery Kubarovsky, RPI and JLab Search for Pentaquark with CLAS June 10, 2005
Leonid Ponomarev, Director of Muon Catalyzed Fusion Center and Theory Department Head at Kurchatov Institute Moscow Muon Catalized Fusion: Essence, Main Results and Possible Applications June 3, 2005
Aram Kotzinian, Yerevan Physics Institute Polarized Semi-Inclusive DIS in Current and Target Fragmentation May 27, 2005
Jim Kelly, University of Maryland Response Functions for Delta Excitation at Q2=1 May 11, 2005
Dr. Rodolfo Sassot, University of Buenos Aries, Argentina NLO QCD fits to Semi-Inclusive Polarized DIS Data
Michael Ramsey-Musolf, California Institute of Technology Sub-Z Supersymmetry: Precision Electroweak Physics Below the Z-pole April 29, 2005
Dimitar Stamenov, Institute for Nuclear Research, Sofia, Bulgaria The Role of Higher Twists and Positivity Constraints in Determining Polarized Parton Densities April 22, 2005
Andreas Aste, University of Basel Coulomb Corrections for Quasielastic (e,e') Scattering March 30, 2005
Kent Paschke, University of Massachusetts Measurement of the Strange Form Factors of the Nucleon at Low Q2: Final Results from the 2004 HAPPEX-II Run March 25, 2005
Rex Tayloe, Indiana University - Bloomington Probing Nucleon Spin Structure with Neutrino Scattering March 18, 2005
Kevin Kramer, Duke University The Q2 Evolution of the Neutron Spin-Structure Function g_2 March 11, 2005
William Bertozzi, MIT/Passport systems Inc., MIT Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence Imaging in Non-Intrusive Cargo Inspection March 4, 2005
Victor McCrary, Johns Hopkins University Orbiting the Sun with Qubits: An Overview of Science & Technology at the Applied Physics Laboratory February 16, 2005
Rajendran Raja, Fermilab The Main Injector Particle Production Experiment At Fermilab February 4, 2005
Huan Zhong Huang, University of California, Los Angeles Is There a Theta++ State? January 7, 2005