DAnalysis | |
DAnalysisAction | |
DParticleCombo | |
DParticleComboCreator | |
DParticleComboStep | |
DReaction | |
DReactionStep | |
DReactionStepInfo | |
DReactionStepVertexInfo | |
DReactionVertexInfo | |
DReactionVertexInfo_factory | |
DSourceComboInfo | |
DCompare_FurtherDecays | |
DCompare_ParticlePairPIDs | |
DSourceCombo | |
DCompare_FurtherDecays | |
DSourceComboChecker_ReusedParticle | |
DCompare_SourceComboInfos | |
DSourceComboer | |
DSourceComboP4Handler | |
DSourceComboTimeHandler | |
DSourceComboVertexer | |
ExtractTDCADCTimingNS | |
ExtractTimeOffsetsAndCEffNS | |
ExtractTimeWalkNS | |
ExtractTrackBasedTimingNS | |
GetResolutionsNS | |
xstream | Library top namespace |
base64 | Base64 encoding/decoding objects |
ostreambuf | Base64 encode stream class |
istreambuf | Base64 decode stream class |
general_error | Errors in base64 usage |
encode_error | General base64 encoding errors |
decode_error | General base64 decoding errors |
bz | |
general_error | Errors in bzlib usage |
compress_error | General bzlib compression errors |
decompress_error | General bzlib decompression errors |
digest | Digest objects |
stream | |
common | Digest base class |
fd | File descriptor streambuf objects |
streambuf | File descriptor streambuf |
posix | POSIX objects and functions |
general_error | Errors in POSIX usage |
date_format | Stores a strftime format and returns a string representation of the current date |
tee | Tee related ostreambuf objects |
ostreambuf | Fork output stream class |
xdr | Xdr related objects |
ostream | Output xdr stream class |
istream | Input xdr stream class |
z | |
general_error | Errors in zlib usage |
compress_error | General zlib compression errors |
decompress_error | General zlib decompression errors |
ostreambuf | |
buffer | Buffer management |
common_buffer | Common base for objects that manage input and output buffers to use with zlib and bzlib |
dater | Filter that add a time stamp on the begining of each line |
fatal_error | General errors only detected at runtime, no solution possible |
adc_hit_t | |
adc_hits_t | |
adc_value_t | |
adc_values_t | |
align_t | |
alist | |
amplitude_t | |
amplitudes_t | |
anyURI_attribute_t | |
async_filebuf | |
attribute_t | |
bcal_match_t | |
bcal_t | |
BCALMCComparison | |
BCALSelector | |
blockINFO_t | |
boolean_attribute_t | |
caen1190config | |
cartcoord_t | |
cathode_align_t | |
ccalcluster_t | |
ccalhit_t | |
CDC | |
cdc_align_t | |
CDC_branch | |
cdc_offset_t | |
cdc_segment_t | |
cdc_track_t | |
cdc_update_t | |
CDChit_branch | |
CDCHitDetails | |
centroid_t | |
CereHit | |
chisqMin | |
cilist | |
cllist | |
cluster_t | |
coda_crate_map | |
coda_event_info | |
coda_exp_info | |
coda_hit_info | |
CodeBuilder | |
method_descr | |
combinedResidFunc | |
compareTrackHits | |
complex | |
constant_attribute_t | |
csi_hit_t | |
csi_hits_t | |
csi_tags_t | |
cylcoord_t | |
DAnalysisResults | |
DAnalysisResults_factory | |
DAnalysisUtilities | |
DAnalysisUtilities_factory | |
DApplication | |
DBCALClump | |
DBCALClump_factory | |
DBCALCluster | |
DBCALCluster_factory | |
DBCALCluster_factory_SINGLE | |
DBCALDigiHit | |
DBCALGeometry | |
DBCALGeometry_factory | |
DBCALHit | |
DBCALHit_factory | |
DBCALIncidentParticle | |
DBCALPoint | |
DBCALPoint_factory | |
cellHits | |
DBCALShower | |
DBCALShower_factory | |
DBCALShower_factory_CURVATURE | |
DBCALShower_factory_IU | |
DBCALShower_factory_JLAB | The showers produced here are based on the output of the DBCALClump_factory |
DBCALShower_factory_KLOE | Form fully reconstructed showers from BCAL data based on the KLOE algorithm. The showers produced by this do have calibration applied to correct the output energy based on cluster energy and z-location. This used DBCALHit objects as input. All clustering, merging etc. are done here as described in GlueX-doc-569 |
DBCALShowerMatchParams | |
DBCALSiPMSpectrum | |
DBCALTDCHit_factory | |
DBCALTruthCell | |
DBCALTruthShower | |
DBCALUnifiedHit | |
DBCALUnifiedHit_factory | |
cellHits | |
readout_channel | |
timewalk_coefficients_c4 | |
DBeamCurrent | |
DBeamCurrent_factory | |
Boundary | |
DBeamPhoton | |
DBeamPhoton_factory | |
DBeamPhoton_factory_MCGEN | |
DBeamPhoton_factory_TAGGEDMCGEN | |
DBeamPhoton_factory_TRUTH | |
DBORptrs | |
DCAEN1290TDCBORConfig | |
DCAEN1290TDCConfig | |
DCAEN1290TDCHit | |
dcartcoord_t | |
DCCALDigiHit | |
DCCALGeometry | |
DCCALGeometry_factory | |
DCCALHit | |
DCCALHit_factory | |
DCCALRefDigiHit | |
DCCALShower | |
DCCALShower_factory | |
DCCALTruthShower | |
DCCALTruthShower_factory | |
DCDCDigiHit | |
DCDCHit | |
DCDCHit_factory | |
cdchit_info_t | |
DCDCHit_factory_Calib | |
DCDCTrackHit | |
DCDCTrackHit_factory | Provide CDC track hit objects. Currently, these objects are supplied by the simulated data file. Once real data is available, this factory will be made to take lower-level uncalibrated hit objects and apply calibrations to generate the DCDCHit objects |
DCDCWire | |
DCdEdxInformation | |
DCdEdxSelector | |
DCereHit | |
DChargedTrack | |
DChargedTrack_factory | |
DChargedTrack_factory_Combo | |
DChargedTrack_factory_PreSelect | |
DChargedTrackHypothesis | |
DTimingInfo | |
DTrackingInfo | |
DChargedTrackHypothesis_factory | |
dchit | |
DClassDef | |
DCODAControlEvent | |
DCODAEventInfo | |
DCoordinateSystem | |
DCustomAction_CutExtraPi0 | |
DCustomAction_CutExtraTrackPID | |
DCustomAction_CutNoDetectorHit | |
DCustomAction_CutPhotonKin | |
DCustomAction_dirc_reactions | |
DCustomAction_dirc_tree | |
DCustomAction_ee_ShowerEoverP_cut | |
DCustomAction_HistMass_b1_1235 | |
DCustomAction_HistMass_X_2000 | |
DCustomAction_HistOmegaVsMissProton | |
DCustomAction_p2gamma_cuts | |
DCustomAction_p2gamma_hists | |
DCustomAction_p2gamma_unusedHists | |
DCustomAction_p2k_hists | |
DCustomAction_p2pi0_hists | |
DCustomAction_p2pi_cuts | |
DCustomAction_p2pi_hists | |
DCustomAction_p2pi_unusedHists | |
DCustomAction_p3pi_hists | |
DCustomAction_p3pi_Pi0Cuts | |
DCustomAction_ppi0gamma_hists | |
DCustomAction_ppi0gamma_Pi0Cuts | |
DCustomAction_TrackingEfficiency | |
DCutAction_AllTracksHaveDetectorMatch | |
DCutAction_AllTruePID | |
DCutAction_AllVertexZ | |
DCutAction_BDTSignalCombo | |
DCutAction_BeamEnergy | |
DCutAction_CombinedPIDFOM | |
DCutAction_CombinedTrackingFOM | |
DCutAction_dEdx | |
DCutAction_EachPIDFOM | |
DCutAction_GoodEventRFBunch | |
DCutAction_InvariantMass | |
DCutAction_KinFitFOM | |
DCutAction_MaxTrackDOCA | |
DCutAction_MinTrackHits | |
DCutAction_MissingMass | |
DCutAction_MissingMassSquared | |
DCutAction_NoPIDHit | |
DCutAction_OneVertexKinFit | |
DCutAction_PIDDeltaT | |
DCutAction_PIDFOM | |
DCutAction_PIDTimingBeta | |
DCutAction_ProductionVertexZ | |
DCutAction_ThrownTopology | |
DCutAction_TrackFCALShowerEOverP | |
DCutAction_TrackHitPattern | |
DCutAction_TrackShowerEOverP | |
DCutAction_TransverseMomentum | |
DCutAction_TrueBeamParticle | |
DCutAction_TrueCombo | |
DCutAction_TruePID | |
dcylcoord_t | |
DDANAEVIO_factory | |
DDANAEVIOFactoryGenerator | |
DDAQAddress | This class holds the Crate, Slot, Channel address for a digitized value from the DAQ system. It is a base class for the low-level hit objects generated by the DAQ system |
DDAQConfig | This class is a base class used for classes that hold DAQ module configuration parameters. A subclass for each type of digitization module exists that has the attributes appropriate for that type of module. (See Df250Config, DF1TDCConfig, ...) This class only holds the rocid and slot_mask fields which are common to all configurations. One of the main purposes of this base class is to allow configuration objects for all module types to be stored in a single container used internally by the DAQ plugin |
DDetectorMatches | |
DDetectorMatches_factory | |
DDetectorMatches_factory_Combo | |
DDetectorMatches_factory_WireBased | |
DDIRCGeometry | |
DDIRCGeometry_factory | |
DDIRCLEDRef_factory | |
DDIRCLut | |
DDIRCLut_factory | |
DDIRCLutReader | |
DDIRCMatchParams | |
DDIRCPmtHit | |
DDIRCPmtHit_factory | |
DDIRCTriggerTime | |
DDIRCTruthBarHit | |
DDIRCTruthPmtHit | |
DEPICSstore | |
DEPICSvalue | A DEPICSvalue object holds information for a single EPICS value read from the data stream. Values are stored in the data stream as strings of the form: key=value. This string is available in the "nameval" field. It is parsed however so that one may access the name via "name" and the value as a sting via "sval". The "ival", "uval", and "fval" hold the value converted into a an "int", "uint32_t", and "double" respectively. This is done using the stringstream class an is done for convience. The EPICS values are inserted into the EVIO file during data taking by the epics2et program which should be started automatically by the DAQ system. Source for that can be found here: |
DEPICSvalue_data | |
DESDBProvider | |
DESDBProviderMySQL | |
DESSkimData | |
DEventProcessor_acceptance_hists | |
DEventProcessor_b1pi_hists | |
DEventProcessor_B3pi_eff_missgamma | |
DEventProcessor_B3pi_eff_misspim | |
DEventProcessor_B3pi_eff_misspip | |
DEventProcessor_B3pi_eff_missprot | |
DEventProcessor_bcal_calib | |
DEventProcessor_BCAL_gainmatrix | |
DEventProcessor_bcal_hists | |
DEventProcessor_BCAL_Shower | |
DEventProcessor_bcalfcaltof_res_tree | |
DEventProcessor_candidate_tree | |
hit_info_t | |
DEventProcessor_ccal_display | |
DEventProcessor_ccal_hits | |
DEventProcessor_cdc_covariance_hists | |
DEventProcessor_cdc_hists | |
DEventProcessor_coherent_peak_skim | |
DEventProcessor_dc_alignment | |
trajectory_t | |
DEventProcessor_DCdEdxStudy_tree | |
DEventProcessor_dirc_hists | |
DEventProcessor_dirc_reactions | |
DEventProcessor_dirc_tree | |
DEventProcessor_eloss | |
event_t | |
DEventProcessor_eta_ntuple | |
Event_ntuple_t | |
DEventProcessor_fcal_charged | |
DEventProcessor_fcal_hists | |
DEventProcessor_fcal_led | |
DEventProcessor_fdc_covariance_hists | |
DEventProcessor_fdc_hists | |
DEventProcessor_invariant_mass_hists | |
DEventProcessor_lut_dirc | |
DEventProcessor_mc_tree | |
hit_set | |
particle_set | |
DEventProcessor_mcthrown_hists | |
DEventProcessor_mcthrown_tree | |
DEventProcessor_monitoring_hists | |
DEventProcessor_p2gamma_hists | |
DEventProcessor_p2k_hists | |
DEventProcessor_p2pi0_hists | |
DEventProcessor_p2pi_hists | |
DEventProcessor_p2pi_trees | |
DEventProcessor_p3pi_hists | |
DEventProcessor_p4pi_hists | |
DEventProcessor_photoneff_hists | |
DEventProcessor_phys_tree | |
particle_set | |
DEventProcessor_pid_dirc | |
hit_set | |
DEventProcessor_pidstudies_tree | |
plugin_trackmatch_t | |
DEventProcessor_ppi0gamma_hists | |
DEventProcessor_pulls_tree | |
DEventProcessor_radlen_hists | |
DEventProcessor_ReactionFilter | |
DEventProcessor_rho_p_hists | |
DEventProcessor_run_summary | |
DEventProcessor_track_hists | |
hit_info_t | |
DEventProcessor_track_skimmer | |
DEventProcessor_trackanal | |
DEventProcessor_trackeff_hists | |
DEventProcessor_trackeff_hists2 | |
DEventProcessor_trackeff_missing | |
DEventProcessor_trk_profile | |
DEventProcessor_trkres_tree | |
meas_t | |
DEventProcessor_truth_dirc | |
DEventProcessor_Z2pi_trees | |
DEventRFBunch | |
DEventRFBunch_factory | |
DEventRFBunch_factory_Calibrations | |
DEventRFBunch_factory_CalorimeterOnly | |
DEventRFBunch_factory_Thrown | |
DEventSourceEventStore | |
DEventSourceEventStoreGenerator | |
DEventSourceEVIO | |
DEventSourceEVIOGenerator | |
DEventSourceHDDM | |
DEventSourceHDDMGenerator | |
DEventSourceREST | Implements JEventSource for REST files |
DEventSourceRESTGenerator | Implements JEventSourceGenerator for REST files |
DEventStoreEvent | |
DEventTag | |
DEventWriterEVIO | |
DEventWriterEVIO_factory | |
DEventWriterHDDM | |
DEventWriterHDDM_factory | |
DEventWriterREST | |
DEventWriterREST_factory | |
DEventWriterROOT | |
DEventWriterROOT_factory | |
DEVIOBufferWriter | |
DEVIOWorkerThread | |
Df125BORConfig | |
Df125CDCPulse | |
Df125Config | |
Df125EmulatorAlgorithm | |
Df125EmulatorAlgorithm_factory | |
Df125EmulatorAlgorithm_factory_v2 | |
Df125EmulatorAlgorithm_v2 | |
Df125FDCPulse | |
Df125PulseIntegral | |
Df125PulsePedestal | |
Df125PulseRawData | |
Df125PulseTime | |
Df125TriggerTime | |
Df125WindowRawData | |
DF1TDCBORConfig | |
DF1TDCConfig | |
DF1TDCHit | |
DF1TDCTriggerTime | |
Df250AsyncPedestal | |
Df250BORConfig | |
Df250Config | |
Df250EmulatorAlgorithm | |
Df250EmulatorAlgorithm_factory | |
Df250EmulatorAlgorithm_factory_v1 | |
Df250EmulatorAlgorithm_factory_v2 | |
Df250EmulatorAlgorithm_factory_v3 | |
Df250EmulatorAlgorithm_v1 | |
Df250EmulatorAlgorithm_v2 | |
Df250EmulatorAlgorithm_v3 | |
Df250PulseData | |
Df250PulseIntegral | |
Df250PulseIntegral_factory | |
Df250PulsePedestal | |
Df250PulseRawData | |
Df250PulseTime | |
Df250Scaler | |
Df250StreamingRawData | |
Df250TriggerTime | |
Df250WindowRawData | |
Df250WindowSum | |
DFactoryGenerator | |
DFactoryGenerator_b1pi_hists | |
DFactoryGenerator_B3pi_eff_missgamma | |
DFactoryGenerator_B3pi_eff_misspim | |
DFactoryGenerator_B3pi_eff_misspip | |
DFactoryGenerator_B3pi_eff_missprot | |
DFactoryGenerator_DESSkimData | |
DFactoryGenerator_dirc_reactions | |
DFactoryGenerator_dirc_tree | |
DFactoryGenerator_evio_writer | |
DFactoryGenerator_OmegaSkim | |
DFactoryGenerator_p2gamma_hists | |
DFactoryGenerator_p2k_hists | |
DFactoryGenerator_p2pi | |
DFactoryGenerator_p2pi0_hists | |
DFactoryGenerator_p2pi_hists | |
DFactoryGenerator_p2pi_trees | |
DFactoryGenerator_p3pi_hists | |
DFactoryGenerator_p4pi_hists | |
DFactoryGenerator_pi0calib | |
DFactoryGenerator_ppi0gamma_hists | |
DFactoryGenerator_ReactionFilter | |
DFactoryGenerator_track_skimmer | |
DFactoryGenerator_trackeff_missing | |
DFactoryGenerator_Z2pi_trees | |
DFactoryGeneratorLSLM | |
DFCALCluster | |
DFCALClusterHit_t | |
userhit_t | |
userhits_t | |
DFCALCluster_factory | |
DFCALDigiHit | |
DFCALGeometry | |
DFCALGeometry_factory | |
DFCALHit | |
DFCALHit_factory | |
DFCALShower | |
DFCALShower_factory | |
DFCALShowerMatchParams | |
DFCALTruthShower | |
DFDCCathode | |
DFDCCathodeCluster | |
DFDCCathodeCluster_factory | Class DFDCCathodeCluster_factory: defines a JFactory for producing groups of cathode strips that form a cluster |
DFDCCathodeDigiHit | |
DFDCGeometry | Class DFDCGeometry: definition of a class providing basic geometry methods for FDC reconstruction |
DFDCHit | Class DFDCHit: definition for a basic FDC hit data type |
DFDCHit_factory | |
DFDCIntersection | |
DFDCIntersection_factory | |
DFDCPseudo | Class DFDCPseudo: definition for a reconstructed point in the FDC |
DFDCPseudo_factory | Class DFDCPseudo_factory: definition for a JFactory that produces pseudopoints from anode hits and DFDCCathodeClusters. For now, it is purely geometry-based |
DFDCPseudo_factory_WIRESONLY | |
DFDCSegment | Class DFDCSegment: definition for a track segment in the FDC |
DFDCSegment_factory | Class DFDCSegment_factory: definition for a JFactory that produces space points from pseudopoints |
xyz_t | |
DFDCWire | |
DFDCWireDigiHit | |
DFillBaseClass | |
DFillClass | |
DFMWPCTruthHit | |
DGeometry | |
cdc_offset_t | |
fdc_cathode_offset_t | |
fdc_wire_offset_t | |
fdc_wire_rotation_t | |
DHelicalFit | |
DHFHit_t | |
DHFHitLessThanZ | |
DHFProjection_t | |
DHistogram | |
DHistogramAction_2DInvariantMass | |
DHistogramAction_Dalitz | |
DHistogramAction_DetectedParticleKinematics | |
DHistogramAction_DetectorMatching | |
DHistogramAction_DetectorMatchParams | |
DHistogramAction_DetectorPID | |
DHistogramAction_EventVertex | |
DHistogramAction_GenReconTrackComparison | |
DHistogramAction_InvariantMass | |
DHistogramAction_KinFitResults | |
DHistogramAction_MissingMass | |
DHistogramAction_MissingMassSquared | |
DHistogramAction_MissingTransverseMomentum | |
DHistogramAction_Neutrals | |
DHistogramAction_NumReconstructedObjects | |
DHistogramAction_ObjectMemory | |
DHistogramAction_ParticleComboGenReconComparison | |
DHistogramAction_ParticleComboKinematics | |
DHistogramAction_PID | |
DHistogramAction_ReconnedThrownKinematics | |
DHistogramAction_Reconstruction | |
DHistogramAction_ThrownParticleKinematics | |
DHistogramAction_TrackMultiplicity | |
DHistogramAction_TrackShowerErrors | |
DHistogramAction_TrackVertexComparison | |
DHistogramAction_TruePID | |
DHoughFind | |
DKalmanCentralTrajectory_t | |
DKalmanForwardTrajectory_t | |
DKalmanSIMDCDCHit_t | |
DKalmanSIMDFDCHit_t | |
DKalmanUpdate_t | |
DKinematicData | |
DKinematicInfo | |
DKinFitChain | |
DKinFitChainStep | |
DKinFitConstraint | |
DKinFitConstraint_Mass | |
DKinFitConstraint_P4 | |
DKinFitConstraint_Spacetime | |
DKinFitConstraint_Vertex | |
DKinFitParticle | |
DKinFitResults | |
DKinFitter | |
DKinFitUtils | |
DSpacetimeParticles | |
DKinFitUtils_GlueX | |
DDecayingParticleInfo | |
DL1Info | |
DL1MCTrigger | |
DL1MCTrigger_factory | |
bcal_mod | |
bcal_signal | |
fcal_mod | |
fcal_signal | |
gtp_par | |
trigger_conf | |
DL1Trigger | |
gtp_par | |
DL1Trigger_factory | |
DL3Trigger | |
DL3Trigger_factory | |
DLine | |
DLorentzDeflections | |
DLorentzMapCalibDB | |
DLumi | |
DLumi_factory | |
DMagneticFieldMap | |
DMagneticFieldMapCalibDB | |
DBfieldPoint_t | |
DMagneticFieldMapConst | |
DMagneticFieldMapFineMesh | |
DBfieldCylindrical_t | |
DBfieldPoint_t | |
DMagneticFieldMapNoField | |
DMagneticFieldMapParameterized | |
Dsection | |
DMagneticFieldMapPS | |
DMagneticFieldMapPS2DMap | |
DBfieldPoint_t | |
DMagneticFieldMapPSConst | |
DMagneticFieldMapSpoiled | |
DMagneticFieldStepper | DMagneticFieldStepper class |
DMapEVIOWords | |
DMaterial | Holds information on a single material type. The main purpose is to hold information needed to estimate energy loss and multiple scattering for particles being swum through the detector. The GetdEdx() method can be used to calculate dE/dx through this material for a given particle type and mometum using the Bethe formula |
DMaterialMap | |
MaterialNode | |
DMatrix1x2 | |
DMatrix1x3 | |
DMatrix1x4 | |
DMatrix1x5 | |
DMatrix2x1 | |
DMatrix2x2 | |
DMatrix2x3 | |
DMatrix2x4 | |
DMatrix2x5 | |
DMatrix3x1 | |
DMatrix3x2 | |
DMatrix3x3 | |
DMatrix4x1 | |
DMatrix4x2 | |
DMatrix4x4 | |
DMatrix5x1 | |
DMatrix5x2 | |
DMatrix5x5 | |
DMCReaction | |
DMCThrown | |
DMCThrown_factory_Decaying | |
DMCThrown_factory_FinalState | |
DMCThrown_factory_Primary | |
DMCThrownMatching | |
DMCThrownMatching_factory | |
DMCTrackHit | |
DMCTrajectoryPoint | |
DMCTrigger | |
DMCTrigger_factory | Implements a L1 trigger algorithm on simulated data in the form of a flag in the DMCTrigger object. The flag will indicate whether the level 1 trigger would have fired for the event based on the hit objects. This can be used by analysis programs to decide whether to process or ignore the event |
DModuleType | |
DNeutralParticle | |
DNeutralParticle_factory | |
DNeutralParticle_factory_Combo | |
DNeutralParticle_factory_PreSelect | |
DNeutralParticleHypothesis | |
DTimingInfo | |
DNeutralParticleHypothesis_factory | |
DNeutralShower | |
DNeutralShower_factory | |
DNeutralShower_factory_PreSelect | |
DNeutralShower_FCALQualityMLP | |
double_attribute_t | |
doublecomplex | |
DParsedEvent | |
DFactoryPointers | |
DParticleID | |
dedx_t | |
DParticleID_factory | |
DParticleID_factory_PID1 | |
DParticleID_PID1 | |
DPSCDigiHit | |
DPSCHit | |
DPSCHit_factory | |
DPSCPair | |
DPSCPair_factory | |
DPSCTDCDigiHit | |
DPSCTruthHit | |
DPSDigiHit | |
DPSGeometry | |
DPSGeometry_factory | |
DPSHit | |
DPSHit_factory | |
DPSPair | |
PSClust | |
DPSPair_factory | |
clust | |
tile | |
DPSTruthHit | |
DQFHit_t | |
DQFHitLessThanZ | |
DQuickFit | |
DRandom2 | |
DrcEvent | |
DrcHit | |
DrcLutNode | |
DReaction_factory_b1pi_hists | |
DReaction_factory_B3pi_eff_missgamma | |
DReaction_factory_B3pi_eff_misspim | |
DReaction_factory_B3pi_eff_misspip | |
DReaction_factory_B3pi_eff_missprot | |
DReaction_factory_dirc_reactions | |
DReaction_factory_dirc_tree | |
DReaction_factory_OmegaSkim | |
DReaction_factory_p2gamma_hists | |
DReaction_factory_p2k_hists | |
DReaction_factory_p2pi | |
DReaction_factory_p2pi0_hists | |
DReaction_factory_p2pi_hists | |
DReaction_factory_p2pi_trees | |
DReaction_factory_p3pi_hists | |
DReaction_factory_p4pi_hists | |
DReaction_factory_pi0calib | |
DReaction_factory_ppi0gamma_hists | |
DReaction_factory_ReactionFilter | |
DReaction_factory_Thrown | |
DReaction_factory_track_skimmer | |
DReaction_factory_trackeff_missing | |
DReaction_factory_Z2pi_trees | |
DRebuildFromRawFADC_factory | |
DReferenceTrajectory | |
swim_step_t | |
DResettable | |
DResourcePool | |
DRFDigiTime | |
DRFTDCDigiTime | |
DRFTime | |
DRFTime_factory | |
DRFTime_factory_FDC | |
DRFTime_factory_PSC | |
DRFTime_factory_TAGH | |
DRFTime_factory_TOF | |
DRiemannFit | |
DRiemannHit_t | |
DRootGeom | |
DSCDigiHit | |
DSCHit | |
DSCHit_factory | |
DSCHitMatchParams | |
DSCTDCDigiHit | |
DSCTruthHit | |
DSelector_p2pi_trees | |
DSelector_Z2pi_trees | |
DSelector_Z2pi_trees2 | |
DSharedPtrRecycler | |
DStatusBits | |
DTACDigiHit | |
DTACHit | |
DTACHit_factory | |
DTACTDCDigiHit | |
DTAGHDigiHit | |
DTAGHGeometry | |
DTAGHGeometry_factory | |
DTAGHHit | |
DTAGHHit_factory | |
DTAGHHit_factory_Calib | |
DTAGMDigiHit | |
DTAGMGeometry | |
DTAGMGeometry_factory | |
DTAGMHit | |
DTAGMHit_factory | |
DTAGMHit_factory_Calib | |
DTOFDigiHit | |
DTOFGeometry | |
DTOFGeometry_factory | |
DTOFHit | File: DTOFHit.h Created: Tue Jan 18 16:15:26 EST 2011 Creator: B. Zihlmann Purpose: Container class to hold Monte Carlo data, unsmeared and smeared with the MC tag |
DTOFHit_factory | |
DTOFHitMatchParams | |
DTOFHitMC | File: DTOFHitMC.h Created: Wed Jan 19 14:22:41 EST 2011 Creator: B. Zihlmann Purpose: Container class to hold Monte Carlo track data, like track id number, particle type ect |
DTOFPaddleHit | |
DTOFPaddleHit_factory |
DTOFPoint | |
DTOFPoint_factory | |
tof_spacetimehit_t | |
tof_spacetimehitmatch_t | |
DTOFTDCDigiHit | |
DTOFTruth | |
DTPOLHit | |
DTPOLHit_factory | |
DTPOLRingDigiHit | |
DTPOLSectorDigiHit | |
DTPOLTruthHit | |
DTrackCandidate |
DTrackCandidate_factory |
DTrackCandidate_factory_CDC | |
DCDCLineFit | |
DCDCRingSeed | |
DCDCSuperLayerSeed | |
DCDCTrackCircle | |
DCDCTrkHit | |
DSpiralParams_t | |
intersection_t | |
DTrackCandidate_factory_CDC_or_FDCpseudo |
DTrackCandidate_factory_FDC |
DFDCSeed | |
DFDCTrkHit | |
DTrackCandidate_factory_FDCCathodes |
DTrackCandidate_factory_FDCpseudo |
DFDCSeed | |
DFDCTrkHit | |
DTrackCandidate_factory_StraightLine | |
cdc_update_t | |
fdc_update_t | |
trajectory_t | |
DTrackCandidate_factory_THROWN |
DTrackFinder | |
cdc_hit_t | |
cdc_segment_t | |
cdc_track_t | |
fdc_hit_t | |
fdc_segment_t | |
DTrackFinder_factory | |
DTrackFitter | Base class for different charged track fitting algorithms. It does not actually fit the track itself, but provides the interface and some common support features most algorthims will need to implement |
dedx_t | |
Extrapolation_t | |
pull_t | |
DTrackFitter_factory | |
DTrackFitter_factory_ALT1 | |
DTrackFitter_factory_KalmanSIMD | |
DTrackFitter_factory_KalmanSIMD_ALT1 | |
DTrackFitter_factory_LSLM | |
DTrackFitter_factory_Riemann | |
DTrackFitter_factory_StraightTrack | |
DTrackFitterALT1 |
hitInfo | |
resiInfo | |
DTrackFitterKalmanSIMD | |
DTrackFitterKalmanSIMD_ALT1 | |
DTrackFitterRiemann | |
DTrackFitterStraightTrack | |
cdc_update_t | |
fdc_update_t | |
trajectory_t | |
DTrackHit | |
DTrackHitSelector | Base class for algorithms that will select hits from the drift chamber systems that are likely to belong to a specified trajectory. This class doesn't actually do the hit selection itself, it just provides a standard API so multiple algorithms can be written. It is done this way since at this point in time, we expect at least a couple of algorithms may be tried. Feb. 6, 2009 DL |
DTrackHitSelector_factory | |
DTrackHitSelector_factory_ALT1 | |
DTrackHitSelector_factory_ALT2 | |
DTrackHitSelector_factory_THROWN | |
DTrackHitSelectorALT1 | |
cdchitdbg_t | |
fdchitdbg_t | |
DTrackHitSelectorALT2 | |
cdchitdbg_t | |
fdchitdbg_t | |
DTrackHitSelectorTHROWN | |
DTrackingData | |
DTrackingResolution | |
DTrackingResolutionGEANT | |
DTrackLSFitter | |
DTrackTimeBased | |
DStartTime_t | |
hit_usage_t | |
DTrackTimeBased_factory | |
DTrackTimeBased_factory_Combo | |
DTrackTimeBased_factory_StraightLine | |
DTrackTimeBased_factory_THROWN | |
DTrackWireBased | |
DTrackWireBased_factory | Coordinates the fitting of wire-based tracks. While the hit selection is done here, the actual heavy lifting of the fit is done by the DTrackFitter class (or, more specifically, a class that inherits from DTrackFitter) |
DTrackWireBased_factory_StraightLine | |
DTrackWireBased_factory_THROWN | |
DTranslationTable | |
BCALIndex_t | |
CCALIndex_t | |
CCALRefIndex_t | |
CDCIndex_t | |
csc_t | |
DChannelInfo | |
DIRCIndex_t | |
FCALIndex_t | |
FDC_CathodesIndex_t | |
FDC_WiresIndex_t | |
PSCIndex_t | |
PSIndex_t | |
RFIndex_t | |
SCIndex_t | |
TACIndex_t | |
TAGHIndex_t | |
TAGMIndex_t | |
TOFIndex_t | |
DTranslationTable_factory | |
DTreeBranchRegister | |
DTreeFillData | |
DTreeInterface | |
DROOTTypeString | |
DROOTTypeString< Bool_t > | |
DROOTTypeString< Char_t > | |
DROOTTypeString< Double_t > | |
DROOTTypeString< Float_t > | |
DROOTTypeString< Int_t > | |
DROOTTypeString< Long64_t > | |
DROOTTypeString< Short_t > | |
DROOTTypeString< UChar_t > | |
DROOTTypeString< UInt_t > | |
DROOTTypeString< ULong64_t > | |
DROOTTypeString< UShort_t > | |
DTreeTypeChecker | |
DTrigger | |
DTrigger_factory | Implements a L1 trigger algorithm on simulated data in the form of a flag in the DTrigger object. The flag will indicate whether the level 1 trigger would have fired for the event based on the hit objects. This can be used by analysis programs to decide whether to process or ignore the event |
DTSGBORConfig | |
DTSscalers | |
DTTabUtilities | |
DTTabUtilities_factory | |
DVector2S | |
dvector3_t | |
dvector3cyl_t | |
dvector4_t | |
DVertex | |
DVertex_factory | |
DVertex_factory_THROWN | |
element_t | |
esr_compressed_t | |
esr_compressedParticle_t | |
esr_nparticle_t | |
esr_nprong_t | |
esr_particle_t | |
esr_track_t | |
esr_vertices_t | |
Event | |
event_t | |
EventWeights_t | |
f125config | |
f125config_fe | |
F1TDCconfig | |
f250config | |
FCAL | |
fcal_t | |
FCALMCComparison | |
FCALSelector | |
FDC_anode | |
FDC_branch | |
FDC_c_branch | |
FDC_cathode | |
fdc_track_t | |
FDChit_branch | |
FDCHitDetails | |
float_attribute_t | |
generic_t | |
greaterthan | |
group_header_t | |
HDDMmaker | |
HDET | |
EVIOBlockRecord | |
EVIOEventRecord | |
HDEVIOWriter | |
hdv_debugerframe | |
hdv_endviewAframe | |
hdv_endviewBframe | |
hdv_fulllistframe | |
hdv_mainframe | |
hdv_optionsframe | |
HitRebuilderByFit | |
HitRebuilderInterfaceTAC | |
HitRebuilderTAC | |
icilist | |
IClassifierReader | |
inlist | |
int_attribute_t | |
istreambuffer | |
itape_header_t | |
JEventProcessor_2trackskim | |
JEventProcessor_BCAL_ADC_4ns | |
JEventProcessor_BCAL_attenlength_gainratio | |
JEventProcessor_bcal_calib_cosmic_cdc | |
JEventProcessor_BCAL_Eff | |
JEventProcessor_BCAL_Hadronic_Eff | |
JEventProcessor_BCAL_inv_mass | |
JEventProcessor_BCAL_LED | |
JEventProcessor_BCAL_LED_time | |
JEventProcessor_BCAL_LEDonline | |
JEventProcessor_BCAL_online | |
JEventProcessor_BCAL_point_calib | |
JEventProcessor_BCAL_point_time | |
JEventProcessor_BCAL_saturation | |
JEventProcessor_BCAL_SiPM_saturation | |
JEventProcessor_BCAL_TDC_Timing | |
readout_channel | |
timewalk_coefficients | |
JEventProcessor_BCAL_TimeCalibration | |
JEventProcessor_bigevents_skim | |
JEventProcessor_cal_high_energy_skim | |
JEventProcessor_CCAL_online | |
JEventProcessor_CDC_amp | |
JEventProcessor_CDC_dedx | |
JEventProcessor_CDC_drift | |
JEventProcessor_CDC_Efficiency | |
JEventProcessor_cdc_emu | |
JEventProcessor_CDC_expert | |
JEventProcessor_CDC_expert_2 | |
JEventProcessor_CDC_online | |
JEventProcessor_CDC_PerStrawReco | |
JEventProcessor_CDC_roc_hits | |
JEventProcessor_CDC_TimeToDistance | |
JEventProcessor_CODA_online | |
JEventProcessor_danaevio | |
JEventProcessor_danahddm | |
JEventProcessor_danarest | |
JEventProcessor_DAQ_online | |
JEventProcessor_DAQTree | |
JEventProcessor_DAQTreeBCAL | |
JEventProcessor_DIRC_online | |
JEventProcessor_dumpcandidates | |
JEventProcessor_dumpthrowns | |
JEventProcessor_EPICS_dump | |
JEventProcessor_es_test | |
JEventProcessor_event_size | |
JEventProcessor_EventTagPi0 | |
JEventProcessor_eventWriterHDDM | |
JEventProcessor_EVNT_online | |
JEventProcessor_FCAL_Hadronic_Eff | |
JEventProcessor_FCAL_invmass | |
JEventProcessor_FCAL_LED_shifts | |
JEventProcessor_FCAL_online | |
JEventProcessor_FCAL_Pi0HFA | |
JEventProcessor_FCAL_TimingOffsets | |
JEventProcessor_FCALgains | |
JEventProcessor_FCALLEDTree | |
JEventProcessor_FCALpedestals | |
JEventProcessor_FCALpulsepeak | |
JEventProcessor_FDC_Efficiency | |
JEventProcessor_FDC_InternalAlignment | |
JEventProcessor_FDC_online | |
JEventProcessor_FDCProjectionResiduals | |
JEventProcessor_highlevel_online | |
JEventProcessor_HLDetectorTiming | |
JEventProcessor_imaging | |
JEventProcessor_janaded | |
JEventProcessor_L1_online | |
JEventProcessor_L3_online | |
JEventProcessor_L3BDTtree | |
bdt_params_t | |
JEventProcessor_lowlevel_online | |
JEventProcessor_merge_rawevents | |
JEventProcessor_MilleFieldOff | |
JEventProcessor_MilleFieldOn | |
JEventProcessor_occupancy_online | |
JEventProcessor_OmegaSkim | |
JEventProcessor_pedestal_online | |
JEventProcessor_pedestals | |
csc_t | |
JEventProcessor_pi0bcalskim | |
JEventProcessor_pi0calib | |
JEventProcessor_pi0fcalskim | |
JEventProcessor_PS_E_calib | |
JEventProcessor_PS_flux | |
JEventProcessor_PS_online | |
JEventProcessor_ps_skim | |
JEventProcessor_PS_timing | |
JEventProcessor_PSC_online | |
JEventProcessor_PSC_TW | |
JEventProcessor_PSPair_online | |
JEventProcessor_randomtrigger_skim | |
JEventProcessor_rawevent | |
JEventProcessor_RF_online | |
JEventProcessor_SC_Eff | |
JEventProcessor_scanf250 | |
JEventProcessor_ST_online_efficiency | |
JEventProcessor_ST_online_lowlevel | |
JEventProcessor_ST_online_multi | |
JEventProcessor_ST_online_tracking | |
JEventProcessor_ST_online_Tresolution | |
JEventProcessor_ST_Propagation_Time | |
JEventProcessor_ST_Tresolution | |
JEventProcessor_st_tw_corr_auto | |
JEventProcessor_ST_ZEff | |
JEventProcessor_syncskim | |
JEventProcessor_TAGGER_online | |
JEventProcessor_TAGH_doubles | |
JEventProcessor_TAGH_online | |
JEventProcessor_TAGH_timewalk | |
JEventProcessor_TAGM_clusters | |
JEventProcessor_TAGM_online | |
JEventProcessor_TAGM_TW | |
JEventProcessor_TOF_calib | |
paddle | |
SingleP | |
JEventProcessor_TOF_Eff | |
JEventProcessor_TOF_online | |
JEventProcessor_TOF_TDC_shift | |
JEventProcessor_TPOL_online | |
JEventProcessor_TPOL_tree | |
JEventProcessor_TrackingPulls | |
JEventProcessor_TRIG_online | |
JEventProcessor_trigger_skims | |
JEventProcessor_TS_scaler | |
JEventSource_EVIO | Implements a JEventSource capable of reading in EVIO data from raw data files produced in Hall-D. It can read in entangled (or blocked) events as well as single events. The low-level objects produced reflect the data generated by the front end digitization electronics |
ObjList | |
JEventSource_EVIOpp | How this Event Source Works
JEventSourceGenerator_EVIO | |
JEventSourceGenerator_EVIOpp | |
JExceptionDataFormat | This is a subclass of JException that is used to indicate a parsing error. This was motivated by hdmon needing to catch this specific type of error and set an alarm. hdmon is used for online monitoring and the source is kept in subversion |
JFactoryGenerator_DAQ | |
JFactoryGenerator_Df250PulseIntegral | |
JFactoryGenerator_DTrigger | |
latch_values_t | |
lgd_mam_t | |
lgd_tp_list_t | |
long_attribute_t | |
MakeAmpToolsFlat | |
MakeAmpToolsFlat_gen | |
MakeAmpToolsFlat_mcthrown | |
mam_indiv_t | |
Material | |
MCReconstructionStatus | |
MCReconstructionStatuses | |
MCTrackHitSort | |
md5_state_s | |
Mille | Class to write C binary file |
ModulesConfigBOR | |
mps_plane_t | |
mps_planes_t | |
mpsdc_comp_t | |
mpsdc_hit_comp_t | |
mpsdc_hit_t | |
mpsdc_hits_t | |
Multitype | |
MutexLock | |
MutexLockBase | |
MyDOMErrorHandler | |
MyEntityResolver | |
MyOwnErrorHandler | |
MyProcessor | |
DGraphicSet | |
factory_info_t | Called after last event of last event source has been processed |
MyTrajectory | |
MyTrajectoryBfield | |
MyTrajectoryGrkuta | |
Namelist | |
oldAdc_hit_t | |
olist | |
ostreambuffer | |
Particle | |
Particle_attribute_t | |
particleID_t | |
photon | |
PIDStudySelector | |
PlainLock | |
plot_t | |
prof_time | This utility class is to help in doing detailed profiling of code. It is uses the unix itimer system (see man getitimer). It is assumed that all 3 of the hi-res timers are running. They should be because JANA starts them all at program start up |
time_diffs | |
pull_t | |
pwc_cluster_t | |
pwc_hits_t | |
radstep | |
Read_bcal_hadronic_eff2 | |
ReadLock | |
ReconstructedHypothesis | |
residCDC | |
residFDC | |
residFDCAnode | |
residFDCCathode | |
residFunc | |
rho_t | |
RichHit | |
RichTruthHit | |
sc_t | |
scaler_values_t | |
scint_hit_t | |
scint_hits_t | |
segment_t | |
StepStruct | |
string_attribute_t | |
strip_update_t | |
SyncEvent | |
t_ForwardTOF_t | |
t_HDDM_t | |
t_Hit_t | |
t_Hits_t | |
t_iostream | |
t_Side_t | |
t_Sides_t | |
t_Slab_t | |
t_Slabs_t | |
tdc_value_t | |
tdc_values_t | |
test | |
TOF | |
TOFMCComparison | |
TOFSelector | |
track | |
track2 | |
track_info | |
TrackEff2Selector | |
trackpar | |
trackPosition_t | |
trackPositions_t | |
trackres | |
trajectory_t | |
TreeMaker | |
trk_mainframe | |
update_t | |
Vardesc | |
vector3_t | |
vector3cyl_t | |
vector4_t | |
vetoCounters_t | |
VolMat | |
WaveformErfcFunctor | |
WaveformSpikeFunctor | |
wire_align_t | |
wire_t | |
wire_update_t | |
WriteLock | |
XMLmaker | |
XString | |
XtString | |