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ES&H Manual
6145 Material Handling Equipment - Forklifts and Attachments
Powered industrial trucks (forklifts) and associated attachments are considered material handling equipment by Jefferson Lab and are subject to the requirements of ES&H Manual Chapter 6140 Material Handling Equipment Program and all associated appendices. Jefferson Lab's additional requirements related to forklifts and attachments are defined within ES&H Manual Chapter 6145 Material Handling Equipment - Forklifts and Attachments and all associated appendices.

Jefferson Lab bases this forklift program on 29 CFR 1910.178 "Powered Industrial Trucks" and American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/ITSDF B56.1 - 2013 Safety Standard for Low Lift and High Lift Trucks.

This program defines requirements specific to forklifts, associated forklift attachments, and qualified operators. The requirements and procedures outlined in ES&H Manual Chapter 6140 Material Handling Equipment Program are to be followed for all material handling equipment.

The movement of hazardous waste using a forklift and/or attachment must be accomplished under the supervision of the Jefferson Lab Hazardous Waste Coordinator (HWC).

Table 1: Table 1: Required Material Handling Training by Job Classification

Training Course Qualified Forklift Operator Qualified Forklift Attachment Users
Forklift/truck Operator, Inspection and Testing
Forklift Attachment Training
Medical Monitoring for Hazardous Work
* Per ES&H Manual Chapter 6800 Appendix T1 Medical Monitoring


T1 Training Requirements - Forklift Operators and Attachments
Qualified forklift operators at Jefferson Lab are approved by their supervisor/TR and trained and/or approved by the MHSR in the proper operation or equipment type. ES&H Manual Chapter 6145 Appendix T1 Training Requirements - Forklift Operators and Attachments provides the training requirements of Jefferson Lab in order to be considered a qualified forklift operators and for use of forklift attachments.

T2 Procurement Requirements - Forklifts and Attachments
Requirements for the procurement, lease, and receipt inspection of of forklifts and/or related subcontracted services, over and above those for material handling equipment, are provided in ES&H Manual Chapter 6415 Appendix T2 Procurement Requirements - Forklifts and Attachments.

T3 Inspection and Maintenance Requirements - Forklifts and Attachments
Jefferson Lab ensures that industry standard periodic inspections and maintenance of forklifts and attachments, used on its behalf, are accomplished and documented. ES&H Manual Chapter 6145 Appendix T3 Inspection and Maintenance of Forklifts and Attachments provides these minimum requirements.

T4 Use of Forklifts
Requirements for the safe operations of forklifts on behalf of Jefferson Lab are provided for in ES&H Manual Chapter 6145 Appendix T4 Use of Forklifts.

T5 Use of Forklift Attachments and Lift Devices
Use of forklift attachments is restricted [1] at Jefferson Lab. Qualified forklift operators are required to obtain additional "Forklift Attachment" training prior to use of this equipment. Descriptions, hazards, and inspection requirements are provided in ES&H Manual Chapter 6145 Appendix T5 Use of Forklift Attachments and Lifting Devices.

[1] at Jefferson Lab. Qualified forklift operators are required to obtain additional "Forklift Attachment" training prior to use of this equipment. Descriptions, hazards, and inspection requirements are provided in ES&H Manual Chapter 6145 Appendix T5 Use of Forklift Attachments and Lifting Devices.


Forklift Daily Checklist: Click for Word Document

Supplemental Material:

Note: Management authority may be delegated to a task qualified Jefferson Lab employee at the discretion of the responsible manager.

Qualified Operator, Includes anyone (staff; users; service and construction subcontractors) using a forklift on behalf of Jefferson Lab.

Qualified Operators (Jefferson Lab Employees)
  • Report forklift damage or malfunctions to the Material Handling Manager (MHM).
  • When using a forklift at another facility to conduct Jefferson Lab business:
    • Review the facilities forklift policies and procedures.
    • Follow the more stringent safety procedures.

Material Handling Manager (MHM)
Technical Representative (TR)
  • Monitor subcontractor's work to ensure compliance with Jefferson Lab requirements.
  • Coordinates with MHM on access restricted construction sites to ensure the requirements of the referenced standards are satisfied.
    • The MHM must acknowledge, in writing, that the evaluated knowledge and capabilities of the TR and project support staff are adequate along with providing the level of responsibility to be assumed.

Document Control:
    APPROVAL DATE:   01/24/18
    REVIEW DATE:  03/25/2024
    Revision 1.6 – 03/25/21 – Periodic Review; Updated header and footer, updated SOTR to TR, no new approval needed.
    Revision 1.5 - 01/24/18 - Updated TPOC from B.Sperlazza to M.Loewus
    Revision 1.4 - 02/09/17 - Updated TPOC from D.Kausch to B.Sperlazza per B.Sperlazza.
    Revision 1.3 - 12/17/15 - Eliminated two positions previously identified as the MHSR and the MHER, the responsibilities of these positions are now performed by the MHM.
    Revision 1.2 - 06/03/15 - Periodic Review; updated DOE Standard 1090 link
    Revision 1.1 - 05/20/14 - Added Required Safety Training Table.
    Revision 1.0 - 04/12/10 - Updated to reflect current laboratory operations.

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