By combining engineering and operations domain expertise and creative integration of advanced hardware and software, we deliver advanced computational solutions that address complex data and analytic challenges. Working in multidisciplinary teams, we connect research to engineering to operations, providing the tools necessary to innovate quickly and field results faster. Our strengths are integrated across the data analytics lifecycle—from data acquisition and management, to analysis, to decision support.
Data Science at Jefferson Lab Mission:
- Provide world-class data science solutions to advance research in nuclear physics by working with the subject matter experts at Jefferson Lab, partnering universities and Labs, and the Department of Energy.
- Provide world-class data science solutions to scientific applications relevant to the regional scientific community.
Vision Statement
- Expand the capability and capacity of data science at JLab
- Create a collaborative data science research hub to:
- Work with regional partners on challenging scientific problems
- Champion education and research opportunities with regional universities and industry
- Reduce the carbon footprint by optimizing the data science workflow and algorithms