Creative Energy. Supercharged with Science.

Accelerate your career with a new role at the nation's newest national laboratory. Here you can be part of a team exploring the building blocks of matter and lay the ground work for scientific discoveries that will reshape our understanding of the atomic nucleus. Join a community with a common purpose of solving the most challenging scientific and engineering problems of our time.


Title Job ID Category Date Posted
Document Control Administrator 13501 Clerical/Admin
Magnet Group Mechanical-Electrical Designer 13388 Misc./Trades
CEBAF Director – Associate Laboratory Director 13493 Management
Badge Office Administrator 13480 Clerical/Admin
Geant4 Developer 13214 Computer
Procurement Officer 13482 Purchasing
Chief of Staff Intern 13457 Management
Cryogenics Fabrication-Welding Technician II 13497 Engineering
Target Group Technician III 13499 Misc./Trades
Designer II (Mechanical) 13471 Design
Engineering Student Intern 13456 Engineering
HVAC Technician II 13494 Misc./Trades
Mechanical Engineer III 13484 Engineering
SRF Production Engineer 13434 Engineering
Hall C Technician II 13464 Misc./Trades
Accounts Payable Specialist 13463 Accounting
Mechanical Engineer II 13483 Engineering
Storage Solutions Architect 13238 Computer

A career at Jefferson Lab is more than a job. You will be part of “big science” and work alongside top scientists and engineers from around the world unlocking the secrets of our visible universe. Managed by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC; Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility is entering an exciting period of mission growth and is seeking new team members ready to apply their skills and passion to have an impact. You could call it work, or you could call it a mission. We call it a challenge. We do things that will change the world.

Jefferson Lab Virtual Field Trip
Why choose Jefferson Lab
    Middle School Science Bowl competitors huddle together to brainstorm the answer.
    Local teachers share ideas for a classroom activity with other teachers during Teacher Night.
    Two young learners hold up a model of the atom during Deaf Science Camp.
    Staff Scientist Douglas Higinbotham snaps a selfie with some of the postdoc students he is mentoring.

At Jefferson Lab we believe in giving back to our community and encouraging the next generation of scientists and engineers. Our staff reaches out to students to advance awareness and appreciation of the range of research carried out within the DOE national laboratory system, to increase interest in STEM careers for all, and to encourage everyone to become a part of the next-generation STEM workforce. We are recognized for our innovative programs like:

  • 1,500 students from 15 Title I schools engage in the Becoming Enthusiastic About Math and Science (BEAMS) program at the lab each school year.

  • 60 teachers are enrolled in the Jefferson Science Associates Activities for Teachers (JSAT) program at the lab inspiring 9,000 students annually.

  • 24 high school students have internships and 34 college students have mentorships at the lab.


Facebook posts
Meet our people
  • Salute to Veterans with Brinn Ruiz, U.S. Army

    “Everyone you meet has a story, and getting to hear those stories was very inspiring.”

    “Say you’re out in the middle of the ocean with a crew of 20 people or less. If something fails on the vessel, you have to be prepared to correct the issue efficiently,” Brinn Ruiz explained.

    As a watercraft engineer, Ruiz became proficient in electrical, HVAC, welding and diesel mechanics through extensive testing and real-time experience. He recalls that there was a lot of pressure to learn and hone these trades quickly. The experience also shaped his leadership skills.

    “My grandfather was the one who encouraged me to join the military,” Ruiz recalled. He remembers the day his grandfather sat him down and had an honest conversation with him. Both of Ruiz’s grandparents were hard workers on the overnight shift. After Ruiz started bringing home a “B” average on his report cards, his grandfather had to level with him.

    “I think you should join the military to find your calling,” he said.

    That weekend, Ruiz called a recruiter and found the start of his calling in the United States Army as an 88L Watercraft Engineer. He knew that eventually he wanted to get a degree in engineering, and this opportunity was the path he needed to embark on his journey to becoming an engineer.

    During his deployment at sea, he learned very quickly how to be an innovative problem solver by only working with the tools accessible to him aboard the ship. If the tool wasn’t available? He and his crewmates would make it and figure out a way to fix any issues.

    Although the work itself provided valuable experience, he says the best part of his time served was the people he worked with. 

    “I mean, you have a group of strong-minded people coming from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. It taught me a lot about myself and a lot about the world I thought I knew. Everyone you meet has a story, and getting to hear those stories was very inspiring,” Ruiz remarked.

    At Jefferson Lab, Ruiz is an electrical technician in the Cryogenics group. He admits that even though he is given more freedom to perform the job the way he believes is the most efficient at the lab, he sometimes sees parallels between his role at the lab and his role in the military.

    “At the lab, we work with a lot of liquid helium. Because this is so specialized and unique, a lot of the parts we receive need to be modified, because they aren’t made to interact with helium. We have to brainstorm the best way to get the job done right,” Ruiz said.

    Thank you for your service, Brinn Ruiz!

    View the Jefferson Lab "Salute to Veterans" poster here:

    By: Rebecca Anderson

Youtube videos

The Jefferson Lab campus is located in southeastern Virginia amidst a vibrant and growing technology community with deep historical roots that date back to the founding of our nation. Staff members can live on or near the waterways of the Chesapeake Bay region or find peace in the deeply wooded coastal plain. You will have easy access to nearby beaches, mountains, and all major metropolitan centers along the United States east coast.

To learn more about the region and its museums, wineries, parks, zoos and more, visit the Virginia tourism page, Virginia is for Lovers

To learn more about life at Jefferson Lab, click here.


We support our inventors! The lab provides resources to employees for the development of patented technology -- with over 180 awarded to date! Those looking to obtain patent coverage for their newly developed technologies and inventions while working at the lab are supported and mentored by technology experts, from its discovery to its applied commercialization, including opportunities for monetary awards and royalty sharing. Learn more about our patents and technologies here.

  • Jianwei Qiu
    Jianwei Qiu
    Associate Director For Theoretical And Computational Physics

    "My own research enables me to better lead the Theory Center, to lead our collaboration, to provide good guidance to our junior researchers on the team, and to provide valuable input to the advisory and review committees that I serve"

  • Ashley Mitchell
    Ashley Mitchell
    SRF Chemistry Technician

    “Chemistry is the art of science and art; you’re manipulating and creating things. We have lots of different recipes to work with.”

  • Katherine Wilson
    Katherine Wilson
    Staff Engineer

    “Generally, the mechanical engineers at the lab support the physicists. The physicists have the big ideas about how to support new science, and the engineers figure out how to make that happen.”

  • Pashupati Dhakal
    Pashupati Dhakal
    Accelerator Operations

    "Not every day is the same day. Working in research and development, it’s not a one person job."

  • Kim Edwards
    Kim Edwards
    IT Division/Information Resource

    "When I’m 95 years old, I hope I will be one of those people who worked in the background to affect other people’s lives for the better."

Jefferson Science Associates, LLC manages and operates the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. Jefferson Science Associates/Jefferson Lab is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer and does not discriminate in hiring or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, or veteran status or on any other basis prohibited by federal, state, or local law.

If you need a reasonable accommodation for any part of the employment process, please send an e-mail to recruiting or call (757) 269-7100 between 8 am – 5 pm EST to provide the nature of your request.

"Proud V3-Certified Company"

A Proud V3-Certified Company
JSA/Jefferson Lab values the skills, experience and expertise veterans can offer due to the myriad of experiences, skill sets and knowledge service members achieve during their years of service. The organization is committed to recruiting, hiring, training and retaining veterans, and its ongoing efforts has earned JSA/Jefferson Lab the Virginia Values Veterans (V3) certification, awarded by the Commonwealth of Virginia.