2nd Workshop Science at the Luminosity Frontier: Jefferson Lab at 22 GeV (LNF-INFN 2024)

Conference Date
Conference Location

Zoom link for the remote connection

The five-day long workshop “Science at the luminosity frontier: Jefferson Lab at 22 GEV” will be held in Frascati, Italy, on December 9 - 13, 2024 (Monday 9:00am – Friday 1:30pm)

The workshop will focus on the continuing development of the scientific case for a 22 GeV upgrade to CEBAF at Jefferson Lab.

As highlighted in the 2023 US Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science:

“Recently, the Cornell Brookhaven Electron Test Accelerator (CBETA) facility demonstrated eight-pass recirculation of an electron beam with energy recovery employing arcs of fixed-field alternating gradient magnets. This exciting new technology could enable a cost-effective method to double the energy of CEBAF…”

The 22 GeV energy upgrade “…will allow access to a new sector of hadron spectroscopy and offer an unprecedented view of the complex nucleon structure in the valence region, one not accessible at other machines.”

This workshop will showcase the continued staff and user community efforts to develop increasingly realistic projections for experiments that would become possible with an energy upgrade that maintains the world-leading luminosity of CEBAF. This is the second edition in a series with the previous workshop being in January 2023 at Jefferson Lab. The outcome of the 2023 workshop has been summarized in a white paper (e-Print: 2306.09360 [nucl-ex]) accepted for publication in EPJA.

The format of the workshop foresees invited and contributed talks that span the interests of the user community.  We encourage our users and others interested to submit talks and ideas on the scientific topics listed below. The participation of young researchers interested in the field is very much encouraged.

Scientific topics:

  • Charmed and light hadron spectroscopy
  • Structure of hadrons: Form Factors, Parton Distribution Functions, TMDs, GPDs, Fragmentation Functions, Fracture Functions
  • QCD in Nuclei and associated Nuclear Modifications and Dynamics
  • Low energy tests of the Standard Model and beyond the Standard Model physics

Registrations are open and the deadline for abstract submission is October 31, 2024

Workshop Chairs:

David Dean (deandj@jlab.org), Cynthia Keppel (keppel@jlab.org), Patrizia Rossi (rossi@jlab.org), and Matt Shepherd (mashephe@iu.edu)

Organizing Committee

Local Organizing Committee
Marco Battaglieri (INFN-GE)
Marco Mirazita (INFN-LNF) - co-chair
Alessandro Pilloni (Messina University and INFN-CT)
Patrizia Rossi  (Jefferson Lab and INFN-LNF) - co-chair

Program Committee
Harut Avagyan (avakian@jlab.org)
Marco Battaglieri (battaglieri@ge.infn.it)
Jian-Ping Chen (jpchen@jlab.org)
Lamiaa El Fassi ( le334@msstate.edu)
Latifa Elouadrhiri (latifa@jlab.org)
Liping Gan (ganl@uncw.edu)
Dave Gaskell (gaskelld@jlab.org)
Ralf Gothe (rwgothe@gmail.com)
Garth Huber (Garth.Huber@uregina.ca)
Thia Keppel (keppel@jlab.org)
Marco Mirazita (mirazita@lnf.infn.it)
Ioana Niculescu (ioana@jlab.org)
Alessandro Pilloni (pillaus@jlab.org)
Patrizia Rossi (rossi@jlab.org)
Misak Sargsian (sargsian@fiu.edu)
Nobuo Sato (nsato@jlab.org)
Matt Shepherd(mashephe@iu.edu)
Justin Stevens (jrsteven@jlab.org)
Christian Weiss (weiss@jlab.org)

The workshop is sponsored by The ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI and Jefferson Lab.

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