Project Progress Summary
3 December 1991
Cryomodule Assembly and Installation Readiness Review
To evaluate resolution of technical issues associated with cryomodule production, and to provide advice on assurance of technical performance during production, a Cryomodule Assembly and Installation Readiness Review was held November 25 and 26, 1991 (in place of the Monthly Progress Meetings for both November and December). The following conclusions were voiced at the November 26 closeout:
- CEBAF is doing an excellent job, is ready to assemble the accelerator, and has impressive facilities and procedures in place for doing so.
- The technical issues have been handled well; the fixes are good.
- The management process and assembly staff are excellent.
Congratulations to all involved, not just for a good review, but for resumption of production.
FET Operations
- Successfully achieved 200 μA CW beam.
- Completed another week and a half of 17-shift running. Many small problems are being resolved.
- Recirculation transport has been studied; will require careful dispersion suppression to succeed. Kickers and pickups for transfer function measure saw signal on straight section.
- Sextupole was installed before straight beam dump to permit CW currents in excess of 200 μA.
- Bunch length was measured to be 4.5° versus 3.7° optimum. Work remains in properly adjusting buncher and capture phase and amplitude, but factor-of-two improvements at high energy have been achieved already.
Cavity Pairs:
- Cavity pair IA129/IA130 was successfully processed, assembled, and tested. Performance met all RF and vacuum specifications. After final alignment check was completed, the cavity pair was turned over to cryounit assembly group (11/25).
- IA97/98 assembled on Tuesday (11/26); cooled down Wednesday (11/27).
- Installation of the fourth cryounit into cryomodule no. 8 (NL-2) was completed, and the cryomodule was transferred to the test cave for start of testing.
HOM Loads:
- Received first results of NDE testing of HOM load braze integrity by ultrasonic imaging technique developed by NASA-Langley; appears method can be used for QA.
- Pre-brazing for next 25 loads being done in RF window furnace.
RF Windows:
- RF testing of the first batch (25) of production windows was 90% completed.
- Delivery was completed for east arc dipoles.
- Corrector delivery has begun with 1/2 of the 2" aperture units (BM).
- S/R dipole contract sent to vendors.
- Inspection of WA stands identified one family with a design error. The stands have been removed and shipped to the vendor for correction.
- Grouting of EA stands was completed.
- EA sprinkler/LCW/air contractor began work.
- A twice-weekly Arc Installation Coordination meeting was begun. The meetings are Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. in the MCC.
Survey/ Alignment:
- East arc dipole support bridge alignments complete.
- Alignment of girder pedestals and cryomodule stands has begun.
- Quality control inspections of west arc stands were begun.
- Another fixture was mapped for SRF.
- All requested work for the end stations has been completed.
DC Power:
- One trim rack placed in E 1 and E2. Total is now 32.
- The east arc cable tray installation and mounting of the major dipole return circuit cables was completed.
- A hardline coax for the RF system master oscillator system (MOS) was installed.
- Re-labelling of breaker panel boards, per request of safety personnel, was completed.
- A solution has been identified for the autocalibration in the 1500 MHz BPM electronics.
- 32 sets CPU and IO boards shipped.
- Final 18 crates and 36 module cassettes received.
- Four more HPAs arrived, Ieaving only 10 to go.
- The 55' probe cables were installed in NL02 cryomodule.
- HOM filters were installed on NL02; some tolerances need work.
Ops Electronics:
- Design and installation have begun for safety components for NL RF testing.
- Beam diagnostic cross connects completed in buildings El through E4.
- South linac control fibers installed and are being terminated.
Software and Controls:
- Working on CAMAC access by HP700: read/write works but other functions like serial polls lead to time-outs.
- Merge function has been completed and bench tested.
- First version of create macro has been completed but needs testing.
- Diagnostic software for trim supplies started; meeting on scope was held.
- PR for HP 750 database computer submitted.
- Pulled U tubes and bypassed 2 K cold box. CVI bringing it up to air to allow fix of location probe for cold compressor #4.
- High-pressure test for CRF cold box #4 completed. Leaks identified and corrected.
- Heat exchanger #2 acid cleaned to prove to CVI that flow is one-half that required. It appears design was incorrect. L'Air Liquide has been notified.
- Programming completed and first test successful for fully automatic operation of CTF pump down.
- CEBAF 80 K purifier now back and fully operational after failure of C8 recovery compressor.
- Argonne National Laboratory reports that the copper conductor contract for Hall C's short orbit spectrometer (SOS) has been awarded. The bids for the SOS steel have been received and are under evaluation.
- Hall A has called for best and final offers (BAFOs) for the coil/cryostat portion of the high-resolution spectrometer (HRS) dipole magnets. Contract award is planned for late January 1992.
- Jean Mougey, Hall A leader, attended an international physics conference at Osaka, Japan, during November and presented a talk titled "CEBAF: The Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility and Its Physics Program."
- Two Hall B contracts have been awarded recently: photomultiplier tubes, and scintillation material for the electromagnetic calorimeter.
Civil Construction
End Stations Underground (Package A):
- Continued cleanup and punch list activities throughout the project; the counting house basement and all three beam tunnels, including the beam switchyard, have been accepted and turned over to the Package B contractor.
- The Hall C polar crane is now installed; testing will begin as soon as temporary power connections are complete.
- Installation of the crane supports in Hall B will begin this week.
End Stations Above-Ground (Package B):
- Continued work on footings and underground utilities at SB #1.
- Completed the structural steel and started installation of metal siding at SB #4.
- Completed installation of the metal siding, roofing insulation and louvers at the ESR building.
- Continued installation of underground utilities.
Miscellaneous Projects:
- Completed tunnel floor coating from the FET wall to Station 1700.
- Qualicon Corp. began relocation of sprinkler lines and installation of supports for the LCW and instrument air lines in the east arc.
Support Services
- Withdrawal activity for the week: $20,731.31.
- Total monthly expenditures: $57,567.34.
- New requirements contract for computer supplies complete.
- Please see stockroom inventory closure announcement below.
CEBAF Science Series
The next CEBAF Science Series presentation will take place Wednesday, 11 December. Leigh Harwood will give a lecture/demonstration on "Magnets and Their Attractions for Technology." Students in grades six to twelve are targeted for the Science Series, but all are welcome. Professional closed-circuit TV coverage will be provided in the lobby for high-quality viewing by overflow crowds like those that have attended all three earlier presentations this fall.
Emergency Management Plan Revision
A revision to CEBAFs Emergency Management Plan was approved on 26 November. This plan sets forth CEBAF institutional policy for preparing for, coping with, and recovering from emergencies. An emergency is any situation requiring immediate action and threatening human life, causing serious property damage, or threatening harm to the environment. Examples include large fires, tornadoes, and bomb threats.
A memo which summarizes the major changes to the plan will be distributed to CEBAF staff this week. The memo will include Appendix B to the plan, which provides policy and direction to staff for the following events: (1) action to be taken by the person discovering an emergency, (2) a procedure for evacuating a building, (3) a procedure for taking cover, and (4) a procedure for obtaining medical assistance. The memo will also contain information about where a complete copy of the plan may be found.
Quality Control Presentation
Tom Hassler, CEBAF QA Officer, will present a talk on Robust Engineering Design on Thursday, 5 December at 3:00 p.m. in CEBAF Center Room L102/104. Robust Engineering Design, also called Taguchi Analysis, is a modem quality control technique that was originally developed by the scientific, community to reduce the number of experimental tests needed to reach a conclusion. The technique was adopted and perfected by Japanese scientists and industry to reduce costs and improve the quality of products. The technique has become nearly mandatory for competitiveness in consumer product manufacturing, and it continues to have applications in research and development when the number of variables makes testing every combination infeasible.
Stockroom Closure for Inventory
The stockroom will be closed for normal walk-in operations from Monday, 9 December, through Friday, 20 December in order to perform the required annual inventory. However, during this time materials can still be obtained via the "Material Request" function of the computer database. But please use these requests for emergency requirements only. The stockroom staff has a tremendous task to complete in counting over 3 million items in a short period of time. Your cooperation in allowing the staff to work with a minimum of interruptions will be greatly appreciated. For more information, please contact Dave Saunders at 7202.
Training: Opportunities
The Training Opportunities Bulletin for December and January has been distributed.
Recycling Activity
As shown in the table below, the laboratory has been recycling nearly 2000 pounds of recyclables per month.