12 GeV Upgrade
The Physics Division conducted an Equipment Readiness Review (ERR) for the Hall C Horizontal Bend (HB) magnet on March 25. The ERR is an essential part of the process for safely testing and commissioning each superconducting magnet being built as part of the 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade project. Following the successful review, the HB magnet was placed on the Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) carriage on Tuesday, March 31, and cryogenic connections are now underway. In the area of 12 GeV civil construction, above-ground work for the tunnel air conditioning has been hampered due to the weather, but work is progressing.
Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles March 30-April 3
- Christian Bierlich, Gösta Gustafson, Leif Lönnblad, Andrey Tarasov. "Effects of Overlapping Strings in pp Collisions." JHEP 1503 148 (2015).
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.
Records and Information Management Month Fact of the Week
Jefferson Lab stores its inactive records that have not yet reached disposition retention at the Federal Records Center, which is operated by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The Jefferson Lab stock room carries the boxes we are required to pack the records into. Each box measures 15" x 12" x 10" to fit properly on the shelves at both the Federal Records Center and in the Jefferson Lab temporary record holding area. When transferring inactive records to Records Management, be sure to use the correct boxes. No other boxes will be accepted. For more information, contact Kim Edwards.
RIM Trivia Question of the Week
The dimensions of a standard records box that is used at Jefferson Lab is described in this week's fact of the week. How many inches of legal-sized material will fit in each box? All responses must be received by Kim Edwards by noon on Friday, when a random drawing will take place of all correct answers. One person will win a Starbucks gift card! (Winners will be notified via email no later than 5 p.m. Friday following publication. Limit one gift card win per person.)
The answer to last week's question: Gandalf smoked, drank and used candles in the archives room - any of those responses would have been accepted. Onish Kumar won the Starbucks gift card in the random drawing.
JSA Minority/Female Undergraduate Research Assistantship
Jefferson Lab is seeking candidates for a Research Assistantship. JSA will provide funds to support a junior or senior level student at the university during the 2015-2016 academic year. In recent years, students have used the funds to aid the exploration of 3D printed scintillator detectors for the study of field emission in accelerating cavities, as well as a presentation at the SESAPS conference on work done on the PrimEx-II Collaboration. Nominations will be accepted through April 17. For more information, visit the website.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
April 11-14: APS April Meeting
April 14: American Red Cross Blood Drive
April 19-20: A' Experiment (APEX) 2015 Collaboration Meeting
April 20: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
May 3-8: International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC15)
May 13: JAG Run-A-Round
May 14-15: Final State Nucleons for Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions Workshop
May 25: Memorial Day holiday - Jefferson Lab closed
May 26-30: QCD Evolution 2015 Workshop
Environment, Safety, Health & Quality
How many times were we told as children or have told our own children to "Pay Attention!"? Attention has been shown to be more than just a mental exercise: It can invoke the brain to actions we want or need to take, such as lifting an item, walking somewhere or driving a car. We perform these tasks better when we visually focus on what we want to do.
When we lose that focus, perhaps by mentally skipping ahead to the next step before the first one is complete or thinking about another topic altogether, it's more likely that we'll make a mistake, miss the target or get something wrong. All those undesirable outcomes can lead to accidents or injuries. So the message is: "Pay attention!" Think about and look at what you want to do as you perform a task, and you will less likely have an undesirable outcome.
Last Chance to Vote for Your Favorite 2015 Jefferson Lab T-Shirt Design
Vote for your favorite submission in the 2015 Jefferson Lab Annual T-Shirt Contest. There are 12 different designs to choose from this year. Voting will remain open until April 10. The winning design will be unveiled at the lab's annual Run-A-Round.
Red Cross Blood Drive Scheduled for Tuesday, April 14
The next American Red Cross Blood Drive will take place Tuesday, April 14, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in CEBAF Center room F113. New and repeat donors are encouraged to attend. To schedule an appointment, visit redcrossblood.org and enter Sponsor Code: TJNAF. You can also schedule an appointment by contacting Johnie Banks at jbanks@jlab.org or x7539. Visit the website for donation eligibility requirements.
Training Sponsors an Excel Intermediate & Advanced Course
The class will be held on Monday and Tuesday, May 18-19, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. If you are interested in this class, you can register through the Learning Management System. For more information on the course, see the All-Staff memo.
Don’t Throw Excessed Jefferson Lab Property into Trash or Recycling Bins
On March 31, two items of property were found in a recycling bin; neither item should have been put there. Here are some things to keep in mind about the management of Jefferson Lab property:
- Never throw Excessed (no longer needed) Jefferson Lab Property into trash or recycling bins. Turn items into Property Management. This applies whether or not the item is listed in your Property Inventory List.
- Property Management must process Excessed Property Requests before these items may be disposed of. Remember: Only Property Management staff may recycle or dispose of excessed property.
- All unused, unneeded, or unserviceable property, whether it has a Jefferson Lab property tag or not, must be Excessed through Property Management.
As you complete your annual property validation, you may determine equipment or property assigned to you is no longer usable or needed. There is only one authorized way to get those items off of your Property Inventory List. You must follow completely the Property Excessing procedure. For more information about the procedure and viewing your own property list, see the memo.
Reminder: RadCon Services Limited March 25-April 17
The Jefferson Lab Radiation Control (RadCon) Operations Group, Electronics Group, Training Group, Analytical Lab and Dosimetry Group will be moving from their current location (in the RadCon trailers near the Accelerator entrance/Guard Post) to the ARC Library (first floor) on April 8. Due to the move, RadCon staff will be available on a limited basis March 25-April 17. For more information, see the full All-Staff memo.
TIAA-CREF Individual Counseling Available by Appointment
TIAA-CREF will be offering additional Individual Counseling Sessions in the coming months. The consultant will be available to discuss how to help you achieve your financial goals by investing in financial solutions such as mutual funds, brokerage, life insurance and annuities. Sessions will be offered on June 17, July 22 and 23, August 13, Sept. 17, Oct. 8, Nov. 19 and Dec. 16 in Support Service Center room 41a. To schedule an appointment with a TIAA-CREF Individual Consultant to discuss your plan and options for managing your retirement savings, call TIAA-CREF at (800) 732-8353, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (ET).
Student Projects, Volunteer Mentors Needed for High School Interns
Eight outstanding high school students have been selected to participate in the lab's High School Summer Honors Program, which will be held June 22 – July 31. Critical to the success of their internship experience are projects for the students with mentors who can oversee one or more students as they carry out their work. The students are currently in the 11th and 12th grades and have expressed interest in pursuing scientific and technical careers. Lab scientists, engineers and other technical managers who are interested in serving as a mentor to high-achieving high school students and have a project, or any number of small projects that can be accomplished over the summer, are asked to contact Brita Hampton with a description of the work to be assigned by May 1. If you have questions, email or call her at x7633.
Claim Your Items in Jefferson Lab's Lost and Found
The CEBAF Center Reception Desk doubles as the Jefferson Lab Lost and Found collection point. The Lost and Found currently has a dozen pairs of prescription/reading glasses, four pairs of sunglasses and three pairs of safety glasses. In addition, there is a variety of other items. To claim these or other lost items, visit the CEBAF Center Reception Desk, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.