12 GeV Upgrade
Work on the tunnel air conditioning systems is progressing well. A team of insulators have been working inside the tunnel while controls and electrical work is occurring above the ground. Over at the Central Helium Liquefier cold box, fit-up and welding of components is on-track. In the experimental halls, there are several activities in progress, including cryogenics and electrical connections for the Torus magnet in Hall B as well as low-current testing of the Horizontal Bend magnet in Hall C.
Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles July 6-10
I. G. Aznauryan and V. D. Burkert. "Extracting meson-baryon contributions to the electroexcitation of the $N(1675){\frac{5}{2}}^-$ nucleon resonance." Phys. Rev. C 92 015203 (2015).
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
A unified formalism for studying transverse momentum dependent distributions (TMDs) has been proposed, allowing the scheme dependence of TMDs and their applications to be investigated. Several TMD schemes are applied to the Drell-Yan process of lepton-pair production in hadronic collisions. The analysis finds that the constrained nonperturbative form factors in different schemes are remarkably consistent with each other and with that of the standard Collins-Soper-Sterman formalism.
The Engineering Division's Machine Shop is busy with the following work:
- Cutting, welding and assembling three-bay klystron racks for the Center for Advanced Studies of Accelerators;
- Fabricating 24 units of 304 SS braze rings for Superconducting Radiofrequency Operations;
- Working on a UHV central stage platform (support bracket) for SRF research and development;
- Machining internal parts for 1C12 mirror blanks for Mechanical Engineering;
- Machining, pressing and testing parts for Hall B;
- Working on CERN Resonator supports for SRF research and development; and
- Working on an SRF half-wave coaxial cavity weldment in process for ODU/SRF operations.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
July 15-16: Super BigBite Spectrometer Collaboration Meeting
July 17-18: Hall A/C Summer Collaboration Meeting
July 20: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Aug. 18: American Red Cross Blood Drive
Aug. 19-21: Q-weak Collaboration Meeting
Sept. 7: Labor Day holiday; Jefferson Lab closed |
Environment, Safety, Health & Quality
Fire Pit Safety
Many Jefferson Lab employees have "fire pits" at home, at the campground or at a beach home. While these appear to be simple, primeval fireplaces, some of the newer ones may pose hazards for people and structures. Some issues and precautions to consider are:
Fire pits should be installed at least 10 feet away for any structure or combustible material;
The owner's manual should be reviewed before placing any fire pit device on grass, wood decks or even in an enclosed porch (think of trapped carbon monoxide);
Make sure wood is dried for at least six months before use;
Always use a fire starter or kindling to start the fire instead of combustible liquids, such as lighter fluid, gasoline or kerosine;
Avoid windy days when starting fires and be aware of any burning restrictions in your area;
Make sure there are no "fire loads" of brush, sticks, leaf piles near-by that could catch fire if a floating ember lands on them; and
Have a fire extinguisher, garden hose or buckets of sand handy in case fire does escape your pit.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
Keep Your Web Pages and Web Services Secure from Exploits
Recently, a couple of Department of Energy laboratories have experienced website defacements that, while not resulting in loss of any sensitive information nor endangering lab resources, have put DOE laboratories under increased scrutiny. Given the current focus on computer security throughout the federal government and industry, it is important to remain vigilant and to secure our work environment to the best of our ability while minimizing productivity loss. Since one of the defacements was the result of scientific user written code, it is important to rethink the security and necessity of any services exposed to outside access. You, as an individual, are responsible for any content exposed to the outside, including website cgi code (PHP, Perl, Python, Java, etc.). If assistance is needed in assessing the security of web services, contact the CNI department via the IT Division Helpdesk. In addition, if any Jefferson Lab websites are discovered to be illegitimately modified or off-line, immediately report the site to the IT Division Helpdesk at x7155 or helpdesk@jlab.org.
CNI Maintenance Planned for Tuesday, July 21, 5-7 p.m.
There will be a short maintenance period on Tuesday, July 21, at 5-7 p.m. During this time, the main DNS name server, ns1, will be replaced with a newer system. Expect delays in reaching websites while this critical system is down. The new DNS name server should be up and functional by 6 p.m. Also, there may be various web server outages as security patches are applied and the system is rebooted or the web server restarted. Each web server should be unavailable for no more than five minutes. Updates will also be released for various Core CUE software (Internet Explorer 11, Firefox, Thunderbird, Flashplayer, etc.) during this time. Plan on updating these packages at your earliest opportunity. Finally, Microsoft and Linux patches will be released to desktops and servers. Plan on rebooting your desktop system no later than Friday, July 24, to finalize the patch installation. Note that there may be more than one reboot required during the week as Internet Explorer 11 and its updates may each require a reboot. If you have any comments or concerns regarding this maintenance period, contact the IT Division Helpdesk at helpdesk@jlab.org, or x7155.
*Locations Changed* TIAA-CREF Individual Counseling Available by Appointment
TIAA-CREF will be offering additional Individual Counseling Sessions in the coming months. The consultant will be available to discuss how to help you achieve your financial goals by investing in financial solutions such as mutual funds, brokerage, life insurance and annuities. Sessions will be offered on July 22 and 23 in Support Service Center room 4, and August 13, Sept. 17, Oct. 8, Nov. 19 and Dec. 16 in Support Service Center room 22. To schedule an appointment with a TIAA-CREF Individual Consultant to discuss your plan and options for managing your retirement savings, call TIAA-CREF at (800) 732-8353, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (ET).
Jefferson Lab Employee Tour Set for Thursday, Aug. 27
Have you ever wanted to see the experimental halls and the accelerator tunnel, but have not had the opportunity to do so? Jefferson Lab employees, users, students and contractors will have that opportunity on Thursday, Aug. 27, 1-3:30 p.m. The tour will include stops at the Test Lab, the Machine Control Center, the CEBAF Accelerator tunnel, and Experimental Halls A and B. The visit to each facility will be guided by subject-matter experts. Photos may be taken. Space is limited and your supervisor's approval and advance registration is required. For signup instructions and more information, contact Mike Robbins, x7617.
Looking for Summer Fun? Discount Entertainment Tickets Available
Jefferson Lab employees, users and contractors may access Tickets at Work, a website that offers employee discounts and corporate prices for entertainment. Locally, discounts include savings at Busch Gardens and Water Country USA, as well as discounts on movie tickets. The site also offers discounts on tickets to other major theme parks, tickets to Broadway shows, hotels and rental cars. A link to the site is available in the Popular Applications section on Insight