12 GeV Upgrade
Both of the large, refurbished quadrupole magnets have been put in place for the Moller Polarimeter in the beam tunnel upstream of Hall C, while downstream of the hall, removal of aged equipment from the beam-dump tunnel is taking place. Delivery has been made of about half of the new beam pipes and stands that will run from the pivot to the dump tunnel entrance. Inside Hall C itself, installation of the Personnel Safety System on the new spectrometer has been completed and shielding blocks are being cleaned and brought in so they can be stacked to form a wall just behind the Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS).
The Q1 magnet acceptance tests and final alignment have been completed, and that fabrication contract is now closed-out. Low-current measurements involving the Horizontal Bend (HB) magnet continue. Careful, methodical testing and modeling of the components of this superconducting magnet are required to demonstrate that a quench, or any other sudden interruption in the current supplied to the magnet, will not damage it. The coil of the main SHMS dipole magnet, collared last month, is now integrated with its steel helium vessel. The Q2 magnet coil has undergone its final potting and been sent for machining on a giant lathe; splicing of the sub-coils of the Q3 magnet coil assembly has been completed.
Installation of mirrors, photomultiplier tubes and windows of the Noble-Gas Cerenkov has started in the Equipment Service Building, as has cosmic-ray testing of one of the drift chambers. These detectors are scheduled to go into the hall in Summer 2016, after the dipole magnet is installed.
Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles July 6-10
Y. X. Zhao et al. (Jefferson Lab Hall A Collaboration). "Double Spin Asymmetries of Inclusive Hadron Electroproductions from a Transversely Polarized 3He Target." Phys. Rev. C 92 015207 (2015).
P. Solvignon et al. (Jefferson Lab E01-012 Collaboration). "Moments of the neutron g2 structure function at intermediate Q2." Phys. Rev. C 92 015208 (2015).
Tech Note: Charles E. Hyde. "Non-Factorized Form of Radiative Corrections to DVCS." JLAB-TN-15-023.
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
The first coupled-channel π-π and K-K analysis has been performed in lattice QCD, from which the ρ-meson resonance has been extracted at a pion mass of 236 MeV. The coupled-channel scattering amplitudes have been derived from a detailed spectrum of finite-volume energy levels, allowing a pole to be identified in the complex energy plane that corresponds to the ρ resonance. The mass and width are found to be closer to the experimental values than in previous analyses with larger pion masses, and the K-K channel is essentially decoupled for this energy region, which is in good agreement with experimental observations.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
July 27: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
July 28-30: Science & Technology Review
July 31: Summer Internrs Poster Session
Aug. 18: American Red Cross Blood Drive
Aug. 19-21: Q-weak Collaboration Meeting
Sept. 7: Labor Day holiday; Jefferson Lab closed |
Environment, Safety, Health & Quality
Pay Attention as a Pedestrian
Recent information published by the National Safety Council noted that distracted walking incidents involving cell phones accounted for more than 11,000 injuries between 2000 and 2011, with 52 percent of cell phone distracted walking injuries happening at home and nearly 80 percent of the injuries due to a fall. Walking through parking lots and crossing streets while distracted can be particularly dangerous. The National Safety Council report notes that 6,100 pedestrians were killed by motor vehicles in 2013. That same year, about 160,000 pedestrian injuries required medical attention.
Recently, it's been noted that there have been a number of pedestrians on the Jefferson Lab site that have been walking while distracted. As a pedestrian, you can greatly reduce your risk of injury by always being aware of your surroundings and by not letting a cell phone, iPod or other device distract you as you walk through parking lots, cross streets or use intersections.
Lab Community Invited to Summer Interns Poster Session on July 31
All members of the Jefferson Lab community are invited to attend the 2015 Summer Interns Poster Session to be held in the CEBAF Center lobby on Friday, July 31, 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Nearly 40 participants from this year's Jefferson Lab High School Summer Honors Internship Program, the DOE Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program, and the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program will be on hand with posters they developed to present their work or research projects.
Deadline Nears for JSA Initiatives Fund Proposals
Jefferson Science Associates is soliciting proposals for JSA Initiatives Fund support for the FY2016 program. The deadline for submitting a proposal to the SURA Chief Governance Office is close of business on July 31. Members of the Jefferson Lab user community, Jefferson Lab researchers and staff, other individuals or groups who can make unique contributions to the lab's research, development, education and technology transfer missions may submit proposals. An Initiatives Fund Evaluation Committee will review eligible proposals. For more information and to see the full announcement, click the link.
*Locations Changed* TIAA-CREF Individual Counseling Available by Appointment
TIAA-CREF will be offering additional Individual Counseling Sessions in the coming months. The consultant will be available to discuss how to help you achieve your financial goals by investing in financial solutions such as mutual funds, brokerage, life insurance and annuities. Sessions will be offered on July 23 in Support Service Center room 4, and August 13, Sept. 17, Oct. 8, Nov. 19 and Dec. 16 in Support Service Center room 22. To schedule an appointment with a TIAA-CREF Individual Consultant to discuss your plan and options for managing your retirement savings, call TIAA-CREF at (800) 732-8353, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (ET).
Jefferson Lab Employee Tour Set for Thursday, Aug. 27
Have you ever wanted to see the experimental halls and the accelerator tunnel, but have not had the opportunity to do so? Jefferson Lab employees, users, students and contractors will have that opportunity on Thursday, Aug. 27, 1-3:30 p.m. The tour will include stops at the Test Lab, the Machine Control Center, the CEBAF Accelerator tunnel, and Experimental Halls A and B. The visit to each facility will be guided by subject-matter experts. Photos may be taken. Space is limited and your supervisor's approval and advance registration is required. For signup instructions and more information, contact Mike Robbins, x7617.
Looking for Summer Fun? Discount Entertainment Tickets Available
Jefferson Lab employees, users and contractors may access Tickets at Work, a website that offers employee discounts and corporate prices for entertainment. Locally, discounts include savings at Busch Gardens and Water Country USA, as well as discounts on movie tickets. The site also offers discounts on tickets to other major theme parks, tickets to Broadway shows, hotels and rental cars. A link to the site is available in the Popular Applications section on Insight.