Jefferson Lab photo by Aileen Devlin
TJHSST wins 2025 Virginia Regional High School Science Bowl
NEWPORT NEWS, VA – In an exciting display of academic fortitude and fast-paced competition, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) has once again earned the title of Virginia Regional High School Science Bowl champions in the 2025 competition hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility on Feb. 1, 2025.
The tournament-style event included a series of round robin matches followed by a double elimination playoff bracket. Students were tested in all areas of science and mathematics. As one of the nation’s largest science competitions, it is well known for its rigorous questions and incredibly talented future scientists.
The Alexandria-based team tackled a wide range of questions, from the origins of nori to the axial tilt of planets, ultimately securing their reign as champions in a final battle against BASIS Independent McLean.
The annual competition, sponsored by the DOE, brought together 14 teams from across the commonwealth to compete for the opportunity to represent Virginia at the upcoming National Science Bowl®, in Washington, D.C.
Events during the NSB will include several days of science activities, sightseeing and competitions. In addition to the science bowl experience, teams will enjoy cutting-edge science seminars and hands-on science activities.
"I love science and enjoy the opportunity to share and hopefully pass that love on to students," said Rhonda Bell, a Jefferson Lab Science Education administrator. “The National Science Bowl® is an incredible opportunity to get young people excited about science and foster an interest in future STEM careers, especially as they approach college and have to start making some of those decisions for their future selves."
TJHSST demonstrated exceptional skill and teamwork, navigating through a challenging series of questions on a wide range of science topics, including biology, chemistry, Earth science, physics, energy and math, to advance to nationals.
“As a scientist, everything I’ve done has been collaborative and about the joy of learning, said Alyssa Levy, TJHSST physics teacher and science bowl coach. “This team loves to practice together. They really support each other and are in it for the love of science. Being their coach has far exceeded my expectations.”
The full list of winners of the 2025 Virginia Regional High School Science Bowl include:
• First Place: Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (Alexandria)
• Second Place: BASIS Independent McLean (McLean)
• Third Place: Deep Run High School (Glen Allen)
Launched in 1991, the NSB is a highly competitive science education and academic event among teams of high school and middle school students. Regional and national events encourage student involvement in math and science activities of importance to the DOE and the Nation.
To learn more about DOE's National Science Bowl competition, visit: National Science Bowl® (NSB)... | U.S. DOE Office of Science (SC)
For sample sets of questions and answers that have been used in previous competitions, visit: NSB High School Sample Questions | U.S. DOE Office of Science (SC)
Contact: Michelle Alvarez, Jefferson Lab Communications Office,