Continuing Resolution

September 28, 2006

Memo to All Staff,

As the new fiscal year begins on Sunday, Jefferson Lab will be operating under a continuing resolution along with most other government entities through November 17, 2006 initially. According to rules governing continuing resolutions, we are authorized to spend at the lower of the FY 2006 bill or FY 2007 House Marks. For Jefferson Lab, the lower budget is our FY 2006 funding. Therefore we are allowed to spend at the rate of 1/12th of the FY 2006 budget per month, with the exception of 12 GeV, where we anticipate we will be authorized to spend at 1/12th of the FY 2007 budget per month.

Budgets will be provided to all directorates and divisions before COB on Friday 9/29. Because the FY 2006 budget was a reduced budget from previous years, funds will be tight during the continuing resolution. Therefore we are asking all staff to limit purchases to those necessary to continue operations of the Lab until we receive further guidance.

If you have any questions, please call Mary Erwin (x7027) or Sharon Parkinson (x7590) in the CFO office.

Christoph Leemann


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