Farewell to CFO
Mary Erwin, our Chief Financial Officer has been offered a position at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory and will be leaving Jefferson Lab on March 9. This is a keenly felt loss for the Laboratory, but a wonderful growth opportunity for Mary and I ask all of you to join me in wishing her well.
Please join me on Thursday, March 8 for a Farewell Reception for Mary, 1:30-3:00 p.m. in the CEBAF Center lobby.
Sharon Parkinson will be the acting CFO until we find a replacement. The following individuals will continue to have lead and responsibility in their functional areas:
Budget: Sharon Parkinson
Payroll, Financial Systems and Fixed Asset Accounting: Heidi Derby
Accounts Payable and Receivable, General Ledger and Travel: Pam Turk
Please send all requests for conference attendance to Carol Kinsey-O'Neil so she can forward a consolidated request to DOE. All documents needing CFO signoff should go to Mike Dallas for approval (i.e., submittals to DOE, etc.).
Christoph Leemann
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