Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs December 17, 2008

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs

December 17, 2008

12 GeV Upgrade

Evaluations of the proposals for the FY2009 civil contracts are complete, and DOE Thomas Jefferson Site Office personnel were briefed on Dec 11. Contract awards will be made following the requisite evaluations by DOE.

Interviews for a construction safety representative position in the Facilities Management Group are in progress. In support of the 12 GeV Upgrade project, the construction safety representative will provide safety oversight of the construction contractors’ operations for the Central Helium Liquefier (CHL) building addition and Hall D Complex.


In Hall B, the Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) experiment continues. Hall B staff members are continuing with production data taking. Approximately 70 percent of required statistics have been collected, and the experiment is on track to have full statistics by the end of the run. CLAS12 project engineering design (PED) continues; procurement for the CLAS12 drift chamber systems has begun. Staff members are also preparing for a CLAS dismounting and CLAS12 installation review in spring.

After repairing additional wiring issues with the superconducting magnet for the polarized target, the magnet has been reinstalled in Hall C, where it is currently being cooled down. If the magnet operates properly, then the transverse polarization setup, which includes the use of the pre-target chicane, will be commissioned with beam. This will allow prompt resumption of the Spin Asymmetries of the Nucleon Experiment (SANE) in January.

JSA Accepting Applications for Graduate Fellowships at JLab
JSA will award up to eight fellowships to doctoral students at SURA member universities for research related to JLab. Interested applicants should download and complete the application form and provide the reference form to three individuals for letters of recommendation. Details and an application can be found online. Applications are due by Feb. 15.

JSA Accepting Applications for Sabbatical and Research Leave Support at JLab
JSA will award living expense support for up to two faculty members from SURA member universities who will be on sabbatical or research leave at JLab. Awardees must undertake full-time research at JLab for the duration of an award. Interested applicants should visit the Jefferson Science Associates, LLC, website for more information and application instructions. Application materials are due by Feb. 15.


The accelerator has been performing well, with low trip rates (about 15 trips per hour). The beam polarization was low for about three shifts due to the Pockel Cell voltage change, which was caused by a failed device in the injector called the zoom box. The problem was identified and addressed. Box supply RSEP8R tripped off a few times. Maintenance is scheduled for this power supply.

Free-Electron Laser (FEL)

With the gun up and running at high voltage, FEL staff was able to proceed in the effort of setting up beam properly around the machine. Although the gun lifetime is more limited than previously, the new cesiator permits rejuvenation in 30 minutes, so the productivity is good. As of today, lasing has been re-established, accomplishing an important milestone before the holiday break.

Theory Center

The photoproduction of the 12ΛB hypernucleus, which is investigated at JLab using virtual photons, has been studied (arXiv:0812.1547 [nucl-th]) within a fully covariant effective Lagrangian-based model, employing the Λ bound state spinors derived from the latest quark-meson coupling model. The kaon production vertex is described via the creation, propagation and decay of N*(1650), N*(1710), and N*(1720) intermediate resonant states in the initial collision of the photon with a target proton. The hypernuclear production cross sections calculated with the quark model-based hyperon bound state spinors are found to differ significantly from those obtained with phenomenological single-particle wave functions.




Environment, Safety, Health & Quality

There has been a great deal of discussion lately on when to report injuries. For the safety and welfare of all employees, all injuries must be reported to supervisors and Occupational Medicine. This will:

- Ensure you get appropriate medical treatment as quickly as possible. Even if the injury is minor, either you or your supervisor needs to contact Occupational Medicine (x7539). Medical staff will assess whether you need to come in for further evaluation. If the injury is truly minor, they will record it in their first aid log and disseminate that information to your supervisor, the Division Safety Officers and ESH&Q.

- Prevent similar or even more serious injuries. Safety staff looks at each incident to figure out how to prevent recurrence. Also, monitoring trends in "minor" events can warn of the potential for more serious events.

We are all responsible for maintaining a safe working environment at JLab for ourselves and our co-workers. The lab goal is that everyone comes to work on a given day in good shape, does the work, and goes home in that same good shape or better.

Computing and Networking Infrastructure (CNI)

Ten Best Tips to Keep Your Computer Running Smoothly
A free newsletter offered by the SANS (SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security) Institute offers a comprehensive security strategy that ordinary computer users can follow, from plugging your computer into the outlet and connecting to the Internet, to keeping out the bad guys and preparing for disaster. The number one tip reminds users to always plug their computers in through a surge protector. The full list can be accessed on the SANS Institute website.


End-of-Year Radiation Badge Change Out
The semi-annual OSL (Optically Stimulated Luminescence) radiation badge change out for all badge racks will take place over the holiday shutdown. Everyone with an OSL badge is asked to place it in its assigned slot before leaving JLab for the break. The OSL badges replaced the older TLD badges over the summer. Anyone with questions may call Becky Mosbrucker, x7236 or page 584-7236.

Holiday Bake Sale on Dec. 18
The cafeteria is holding a Holiday Bake Sale on Thursday, Dec. 18, from 10 a.m.–1:30 p.m.  Stop in and pick up a special dessert, bread or gift item. Prices on individual items will range from about $4 to $12.

Holiday Pie Orders Taken Through Dec. 19
The Quark Cafe is taking holiday pie orders through 2 p.m. Friday, Dec. 19. Desserts available for ordering include cranberry cheesecake and pumpkin, pecan, sweet potato and fruits-of-the-forest pies. Dessert order forms may be picked up and turned in at Quark Cafe. Prices are listed on the order form. Dessert orders may be picked up Monday, Dec. 22 from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Tuesday, Dec. 23 from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Holiday Shutdown – Cafeteria Meal Notice
The Quark Cafe will close after lunch on Tuesday, Dec. 23, for the holiday shutdown. The cafeteria re-opens for business with breakfast on Monday, Jan. 5.

JLab's Safety Numbers

98 Days since Last Recordable Accident (JLab record: 331)
98 Days since Last Lost Workday Accident (JLab record: 676)

JLab Calendar of Events

Dec. 24-Jan. 2: Winter holidays/Shutdown days: JLab closed
Jan. 19: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday - JLab closed
Jan. 23: American Red Cross Blood Drive
Jan. 26-30: PAC 34



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