Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
January 23, 2013
12 GeV UpgradeDetector construction for the Hall C Super High Momentum Spectrometer continues, with drift chamber stringing progressing at Hampton University and a design readied for the noble gas Cerenkov counter. Machining of the helium vessel has started for the horizontal bend dipole magnet, and the design detailing of the liquid nitrogen shield and vacuum vessel is underway. The machining and water-jet cutting of the steel laminations for the Q1 quadrupole magnet is continuing, with the last steel parts being delivered. Soldering of the copper stabilizer to the superconducting SSC cable for the Q2, Q3 and dipole magnets is complete. Tests of the epoxy impregnation method to be used for the coils of the dipole, Q2 and Q3 magnets were made and production of tooling for this has begun. Installation of the rails for the SHMS support carriage has started, and bids for the main contract to assemble the support carriage are in hand. The needed quantities of boron carbide and plastic flakes for the specialized concrete for the shield house are arriving. Final machining is 40 percent complete for the several hundred tons of Q2, Q3 and dipole magnet steel yokes. Physics 2012 Thesis Prize Nomination Deadline Nears JSA/JLab Graduate Fellowship Program JSA/JLab Sabbatical and Research Leave Support Program Free-Electron LaserDesign engineering and fabrication of the parts of the new gun continue at a rapid pace. Good progress is also being made on the ring resonator assembly. The full implications of the delay due to the repairs to the Central Helium Liquefier cooling water leak are still under analysis. The FEL team completed a substantial amount of safety documentation updates, including a revision of the FEL Operational Directives Supplement in accordance with OHSAS 18001. Center for Theoretical and Computational PhysicsAn important component of the spectroscopy efforts within the Theory Center is the determination of the decay properties of resonances. A recent paper has investigated how finite lattice volume techniques can be used to determine resonance parameters within isospin-1 π-π scattering (the "ρ"). This work will serve as a prototype for the extraction of scattering parameters in more complicated resonant systems. JLab Calendar of Events Jan. 25: American Red Cross Blood Drive |
Environment, Safety, Health and QualityVisually Impaired Walking Many JLab staffers and users need corrective lenses to see better, but in some situations, a worker may be unnecessarily degrading their ability see the world. For instance, with a lot of recent office moves and equipment changes, a number of workers have been seen walking with boxes stacked higher than their eyes or so wide they can barely reach the corners (this is an ergonomic issue as well). Any time you are walking but unable to see the path in front of you, you are creating a hazardous situation for yourself and your fellow workers. Instead, choose to carry fewer boxes on each trip or properly load a handcart or dolly to secure and move the items. The situation can become even more dangerous when a person whose vision is blocked by a load is attempting to navigate stairs. If you can not see the step you are on or the next step that you need to take, you are again creating a hazardous situation for yourself and your fellow workers. One good rule of thumb: If you can't use the handrail because your hands are too full, you should decrease the load or choose to take the elevator with your items loaded onto a handcart or dolly. Remember: These tips are not only for your own safety, but also for the safety of your fellow workers. Announcements
Onsite Blood Drive Set for this Friday
New SOTR Training Feb. 1 JLab Annual Sustainability Plan Now Available Long Shutdown Safety Meeting Video Is Online Dog-Friendly Landscaping Tips and Therapy Dog Class Tracking Thomas at JLab No one correctly guessed the location for Jan. 16. Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo.