Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
March 12, 2008
12 GeV UpgradeProgress continues on various detector-related R&D projects, mainly in Halls B and D, and on engineering and design work in all halls. In Hall C, the next phase of a contract to complete the reference design of the Super High Momentum Spectrometer (SHMS) support structure and shield house has started. A design and safety review of the Hall D Barrel Calorimeter and Forward Calorimeter took place at JLab on Feb. 19-20. The review included presentations by several JLab users on their detector and electronics work and excellent discussions of the technical aspects of the design. The committee report is expected within the next few weeks. A recent Hall B collaboration meeting included a strong emphasis on both 12 GeV engineering work and science capabilities. Hall D hosted a workshop last week to discuss additional ideas for science with the GlueX detector, with more than 60 attendees. PhysicsAll three Experimental Halls are in an installation phase.
AcceleratorThe scheduled Accelerator Down (SAD) activities continued at an industrious but safe pace.
Free-Electron Laser (FEL)FEL staff made the first cathode in the Gun Test Stand and got the first electrons off, measuring excellent quantum efficiency (QE). FEL staff members plan to carefully begin a measurement program next week on this important milestone. The FEL gun also is proceeding with high-voltage conditioning, the new trim card channels tests continue, and the injector cavity windows were radiofrequency processed in anticipation of high-current operation. Theory CenterTo study the anomalous photon-photon form factor of the neutral pion, an extended holographic dual model of Qunatum Chromodynamics (QCD) was developed (arXiv:0803.1143 [hep-ph]) that includes the so-called Chern Simons term, which is needed to correctly reproduce the chiral structure of QCD. The form factor was calculated for the case of one real and one slightly virtual photon, and its slope was found to be close to the experimental value. For large virtualities, the predictions of the holographic model were found to analytically coincide with those of perturbative QCD, provided that one uses the asymptotic form for the pion distribution amplitude.
JLab's Safety Numbers175 Days since Last Recordable Accident (JLab record: 319) JLab Calendar of EventsMarch 10-14: APS March Meeting, New Orleans
Environment, Safety, Health & QualityPrevent Blindness America (PBA), an eye health and safety organization based in Chicago, has named March Workplace Eye Health and Safety Awareness Month. The organization says that 90 percent of the more than 800,000 annual reported workplace eye injuries could be prevented by use of proper eye protection. PBA offers the following tips to help keep eyes safe on the job:
Following Procedures Could Have Prevented Air Force "Near Miss" This event demonstrates what happens when organizations and their people, regardless of the activity, do not follow procedures in their daily work. This is important to remember as we go about our daily business at Jefferson Lab, where we strive to take a quality-driven, consistent approach to what we do. DOE's Integrated Safety Management System's (ISMS's) five Core Functions provide us with a safety framework. With regard to following procedures, Core Function 4, Perform Work Within Controls, is the one that applies. The other ISMS Core Functions are: Core Function 1, Define the Scope of the Work; Core Function 2, Analyze the Hazards; Core Function 3, Develop and Implement Hazard Controls and Core Function 5, Provide Feedback and Continuous Improvement. For additional JLab applicable ISM information, see the Lab's ISM website. Computing and Networking Infrastructure Instant Messaging at JLab Microsoft Office 2007/2008 Compatibility Information Announcements ISM Progress Tallied Online Tornado Preparedness Day (JLab Tornado Drill) JLab Colloquium and Public Lecture Radworker General Access RWP