Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
November 16, 2011
12 GeV UpgradeThe Six-Month Shutdown is wrapping up this week with machine restoration and preparation for the upcoming physics run. Installation work for 12 GeV during the shutdown was successful, and C-100 cryomodule testing continues in the accelerator. Closeout reports and lessons learned are being captured in preparation for the 12-month shutdown scheduled to start in May 2012. The schedule of 12 GeV installation activities for the long shutdown is under development and will be incorporated into the labwide integrated installation schedule. PhysicsHall A is preparing for a possible beamline commissioning run in December. There is some concern that the beam position monitors will not be completed in time for that; if not, the hall might not get beam until January. Meanwhile, the target group is refurbishing the Hall B polarized target magnet for use with the g2p experiment. AcceleratorProblems with stability and hardware limitations forced a reevaluation of the beam breakup setup, so the accelerator energy was increased to 282 MeV/linac. This resulted in lower permissible maximum beam current to the beam switchyard dump, but allowed BBU data to be taken. Commissioning of the C100 zones SL24 and SL25 continued; both zones operated with beam for BBU testing. Detailed repairs also continued on accelerator systems in preparation for beam delivery to the halls next week. These repairs included valves in the South Linac, various viewers throughout the machine and the low-conductivity water supply lines to magnet dipole segments, which had been found to be electrically shorted. Five-pass beam was spun up and the optics optimization procedures are in progress in preparation for beam delivery next week.
JLab Calendar of Events Nov. 16 Colloquium and Public Lecture |
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Use at JLab Announcements JLab Colloquium and Public Lecture Set for Nov. 16 Quark Cafe Offers Holiday Desserts Maximum Vacation Reminder The maximum vacation leave balance that can be carried forward at the end of calendar year is 240 hours. Any accrued vacation over this limit that has not been taken by Dec. 31, 2011, will be lost. Please remember to include the vacation accrual for the remainder of this calendar year (through Dec. 31) when figuring your remaining vacation balance for the year.
Thanksgiving Warm-Up Buffet in the Quark Cafe Tracking Thomas at JLab Congratulations this week go to Doug Higinbotham, Stephanie Vermeire and Michael Haddox-Schatz, who were the first to correctly identify the Nov. 9 location. Honorable mentions go to DeAnn Maddox, Karen Bartek, Greg Adams, Michelle Bailey, Dennis Merritt and Ron Bartek. Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo. |