12th Course of the International School of Radiation Damage and Protection
- 12th Course of the International School of Radiation Damage and Protectionhttp://indico.cern.ch/e/RadSchool_EriceErice, Italy2022-04-09EDT8:00:00 ~ 2022-04-16EDT18:00:0014272
You are cordially invited to register for the 12th Course of the International School of Radiation Damage and Protection that will be held at "Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture" in Erice (Sicily), Italy, from the 9th April until the 16th April 2022.
The course aims at bringing together experts in the field of radiation damage and activation with newcomers from science and industry in the unique settings of the Erice Centre near Trapani in Sicily. It gives an overview to the vast fields of radiation damage and related radiation protection at accelerator facilities and space missions that must both be equally addressed to ensure a reliable and efficient operation.
The participants will dive into the fundamental quantities and concepts as well as computational and experimental tools and methods for the assessment of radiation damage of materials and electronics, as well as radio-activation aspects of accelerator component and shielding materials. The course puts also emphasis on applications and lessons learned at high-energy accelerators, experiments, high power target facilities and light sources and addresses synergies with other areas such as space radiation applications and fusion facilities.
Further details on the venue along with information on the Ettore Majorana Centre and registration formalities can be found on the course website
Registration is open on a first-come-first-served basis. Successful registrants will receive a confirmation e-mail by December 31, 2021 with a request to proceed with the payment of fees within a given delay in order to validate the registration. A waiting list will be open throughout the entire process and be considered afterwards.
We remain attentive to the evolution of restrictions imposed by the COVID pandemic and will keep all registrants informed on related changes to the organization of the event. The venue will be confirmed, or alternative dates will be proposed at the latest by end of December and as a function of maintained COVID restrictions. Information on the cancellation and re-fund policy will be given on the course website.
Please feel free forwarding this invitation to colleagues in relevant application or research fields.
We look forward to a stimulating course and enriching discussions at Erice
Markus Brugger (CERN), Stefan Roesler (CERN), Vaclav Vylet (JLAB retired)
(Directors of the school)
Ruben Garcia Alia (CERN), Hee-Seock Lee (PAL), Nikolai Mokhov (FNAL)
(Directors of the course)