AI4DQM Virtual Workshop

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  • AI4DQM Virtual Workshop
    2023-08-25EDT9:00:00 ~ 2023-08-25EDT17:00:00
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There is a growing desire to use AI/ML to monitor data quality as evident by the increasing number of presentations on the topic coupled with the demands of autonomous systems employed during data taking (e.g. Streaming Read-Out and triggering systems). The field at large would benefit from an exchanging of ideas, tools, and techniques that have been developed for AI/ML based data quality monitoring. The AI4DQM workshop seeks to provide a forum for the discussion of data quality monitoring both in technical solutions as well as sociological challenges with adoption in a fairly informal, virtual, setting. This one day workshop will consist of a series of quick talks with room for discussions.

Event Date
(AI) Artificial Intelligence
Scientific Program
Contact Name
Thomas Britton
(757) 269-7624