CLAS Collaboration 2024

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  • CLAS Collaboration 2024
    CEBAF Center Auditorium & rm. F113
    2024-03-12EDT9:00:00 ~ 2024-03-15EDT19:00:00
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Composed of roughly 200 scientists from more than 40 institutions worldwide, the CLAS Collaboration will meet to discuss of the rich and diversified hadron physics program that is carried out in Hall B using the CLAS12 detector. The meeting will include physics updates on recently completed and most advanced data analyses, on new PAC proposals, updates on upcoming and just-completed experiments, reports and discussions on software and detector calibrations, and joint sessions devoted to the three physics Working Groups (Nuclear Physics, Deep Processes and Hadron Spectroscopy). Potential upgrades for Jefferson Lab and CLAS12, as well as the physics explorations these upgrades could allow, will be discussed.

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Event Date
CEBAF Center Auditorium & rm. F113
Scientific Program
Undergraduate and Graduate
Contact Name
Jessica Adams
(757) 269-7621