Experimental Hall A

Experimental Hall A Monte-Carlo used in Hall-A Several codes exist, some of them are well known to the community and have been used by different groups while others are not. This list is incomplete so far ... The 2009 Hall A Analysis Workshop had a session dedicated to Monte Carlo Simulations applicable to our Hall. MCEEP - Standard Hall A Monte Carlo Tool Hall C SIMC Wiki - Hall C Wiki entry with CVS instructions, etc. HAMC - Hall A Single Arm Monte Carlo GEANT3 BigBite Model - Modified version of Pavel Degtiarenko's code that includes BigBite GEANT 4 Simulation of 12 GeV Møller Experiment - Modified version of Pavel Degtiarenko's code that includes BigBite COSY Infinity - beam dynamics simulation HRS Spectrometer Transfer Functions - based on SNAKE models of the SAMC - C++ version of SAMC for HRS: Single Arm Monte Carlo Maintained by B. Sawatzky