Project Progress Summary
3 July 1990
Front End Test
Injector operation has converted to two shifts for higher productivity. CW operation provided beam for BPM tests. High humidity in tunnel is a continuing issue we are working to resolve.
Cavities: Three Interatom cavity pairs turned over to the cryounit assembly area. Waiting for the next shipment of Interatom cavities. Processing and testing two CEBAF cavities. (P. Kneisel)
Cryomodules: The new quarter-cryomodule is being assembled. Second cavity pair has been received and is being assembled into a cryounit to replace C’ in the cryomodule. The old C’ has been cut out, removed, and is undergoing evaluation for a leak. (W. Schneider)
Interlocks: Drawings continue to be signed off (all beam vacuum and radiation interlocks). Looking at interlocks for the heaters for outlet pressure control for the cryomodule. (W. Schneider)
Higher Order Mode Loads: Thermally cycled and RF tested more loads. Acquiring a WR430-HOM tapered waveguide which will allow measurement frequency at 1.7-2.6 GHz. This will confirm performance of the load. Actual measurement will occur next week. (I. Campisi)
RF Window: Five metallized ceramics were made. Brazing and temperature cycling went well. The adherence problem did not recur. They remain leak tight. Five brazed assembly and niobium frames have been sent to PTR in Connecticut for beam welding. (L. Phillips)
Dipole Contract: Common are dipole contracts signed by all parties with United Magnet Technologies of Oakland, CA., for coils, and with Process Equipment CO. of Tip City, Ohio, for cores and assembly.
Survey: Survey of the north linac service building floor completed; survey indicates a 2” drop over the length of the building. Tunnel transfer-line alignment done for WBS 7.
RF systems review next week; two-knob operation of RF system implemented in TACL (control) system; work continues at a frantic pace on PC cards for RF control module.
Arc bus duct being installed. Coordination of cable pulls in the tunnel is being initiated. All other WBSs should contact N. Dobeck or G. Burtner ASAP, so this work can proceed in a timely manner.
Installing SHD (serial highway driver) and fiber optics for cryogenics; running BPM tests on injector; software user’s manual ready for editing.
No report received. DOE approved Milestone 6B on 24 June, giving CEBAF the go-ahead on experimental equipment.
Survey complete (WBS 2) for proper placement of transfer lines; leak check of linac wall pipe and CHL piping in process; 10,000-liter dewar from LBL received and set in place; 4160-volt power for motor starter in CHL activated.
Accelerator Enclosure: The north linac tunnel from exit stair #1 to exit stair #2 (400 feet) was accepted from the contractor 2 July (with punch list). BOD for remaining portion of north linac service building is 5 July. South access building and south linac service building construction in progress; tunnel being backfilled. On 29 June, 4160-volt power activated to CHL. Water to cooling tower to be available 6 July. Cryo transfer line conduits to south linac completed 28 June.
End Stations: Excavation making significant progress. Concreting going well from Caddell tunnel through junction area for tunnels to end stations; waterproofing under way on ~100 linear feel of tunnel.
End Stations Package B Design: Final Review drawings and specification due 16 July; cost estimate due 29 July.
Test Lab: New ceiling being installed in chem room. Work on 250-ton chiller nearing completion; expected on line by 13 July. HVAC activated for upper-floor offices.
EEL: Roof deck almost complete; siding `80% mechanical and electrical under way; interior stud walls nearly finished; HVAC equipment and cranes on site.
Accelerator Division Support Services
Labels for non-CEBAF-originated drawings being adopted for CEBAF use are in the document control room and will be used beginning immediately.
WBS 1 and WBS 3 have reviewed the HOM filter support bracket design and approved it for prototyping. WBS 1 will recommend certain minor additional features.