January 17, 2006
In my December 14, 2005 message I updated you on the current budget situation and the need for a reduction in the Laboratory's workforce. In order to mitigate the number of involuntary layoffs that will be required to meet the necessary reduction, I am issuing this Laboratory-wide call for volunteers. Any individuals who wish to be considered for a voluntary resignation in lieu of other employees who would have been involuntarily laid off should indicate this desire on the requested form to Jim Stroud, Director of Human Resources, by close of business Tuesday, January 31, 2006. Acceptance of all resignations and effective dates will be based on operational needs and are subject to the approval of Laboratory management.
In addition to considering requests for voluntary resignations, the Laboratory will also consider requests from employees who may wish to reduce their schedules from full-time to some approved reduced schedule. If you wish to be considered for a reduced schedule that would result in reduced total time worked, please make your desire known on the requested form to both your supervisor and to Jim Stroud, Director of Human Resources, by close of business Tuesday, January 31, 2006. Approval of these requests will also be based on operational needs and is subject to the approval of Laboratory management. In addition, employees approved for reduced work schedules may be required to resume full work schedules at any time based on operational needs.
Voluntary Resignations
- Employees who are approved for voluntary resignations from requests made prior to COB January 31, 2006 will be eligible for severance in accordance with Laboratory policy. These individuals may be reemployed by the Laboratory at a future date. If this reemployment starts prior to the end of the period covered by the severance pay, the severance pay for the time period that the individual works must be refunded.
- As always, employees who resign and who are eligible for retirement (55 or older, 5 years of service, and age + service greater than or equal to 70) may take the retiree medical program.
- The voluntary resignation program that includes the severance package is a one time offering. For voluntary resignations received after COB January 31, 2006 there will be no severance package available.
There will be an open forum for employees with general questions at 12:00 noon on Thursday, January 19, 2006 in the CEBAF Center auditorium. The forms for requests for voluntary resignations and reductions in work schedule are available in the Human Resources office and on the Human Resources webpage, see: http://www.jlab.org/div_dept/admin/HR/. Please contact Jim Stroud, Director of Human Resources (5991) if you have any questions.
Christoph Leemann, Director
The Details
Those who are approved for voluntary separations will receive severance in accordance with the present severance plan. The severance payment schedule can be found in the Human Resources section of the Administrative Manual at: http://www.jlab.org/div_dept/admin/HR/Admin_Manual/200/212.04.html#A Reductions in work schedules do not qualify for severance benefits.
Medical Insurance:
Your medical insurance is in effect until the last day of the month of your termination.
As always, employees who resign and who are age 55 or older, have 5 years of service, and whose age + service ? 70 are eligible for retirement medical benefits. Information on retiree medical benefits may be found in Human Resources section the Administrative Manual at: http://www.jlab.org/div_dept/admin/HR/Admin_Manual/200/205.03.html#D
Employees who are not eligible for retirement medical benefits may continue coverage for up to 18 months by paying the full COBRA rate, which is 102% of the Lab's full cost of the medical coverage in which you are enrolled. Medical plans and premiums are subject to change.
Dental Insurance:
Your dental insurance is in effect until the last day of the month of your termination. You may continue coverage for up to 18 months by paying the full COBRA rate, which is 102% of the Lab's full cost of the dental coverage in which you are enrolled.
The dental plan and premiums are subject to change.
Life Insurance:
Life insurance coverage continues for 30 days after your date of termination. You have an option of converting your insurance to an individual policy. This is handled by CIGNA.
Pay for unused vacation:
Any accrued vacation time remaining as of your termination date will be paid to you.
TIAA-CREF Retirement Accounts:
Laboratory contributions end on your last paycheck. You may withdraw funds from your TIAA-CREF accounts, roll them over into other investment accounts, or leave them in the TIAA-CREF accounts. Depending on your age and the method of withdrawal there may be tax penalties. You should contact TIAA-CREF at 1-800-842-2776 to discuss your options.
Unemployment Benefits:
Contact the Virginia Employment Commission to check on your eligibility for unemployment benefits.
Forum Times
These forums will give staff the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers directly from Human Resources regarding the Voluntary Resignation Program which was mentioned in the Director's memo dated January 17,2005.
Session Information:
Date | Location | Time |
Jan 19 | CEBAF Center | Noon |
Jan 20 | CEBAF Center | 2pm |
Jan 24 | CEBAF Center | 2pm |
Jan 27 | CEBAF Center | 2pm |
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