JLab: Attending 12 GeV Groundbreaking Event
If you plan to attend the 12 GeV Groundbreaking ceremony and reception scheduled to begin promptly at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 14, please take a few minutes to read this message. If you won't be attending the event, you will be able to watch it live with Windows Media Player (mplayer on Linux) from your computer at: mms://jlabvid.jlab.org/Live1
If severe weather impacts the area, the event will be held in the JLab auditorium and an *e-mail update will go out by 9 a.m. Tuesday*. Limited seating in the auditorium will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Once the auditorium is full, the doors will be closed. However, you will still be able to watch the event live at mms://jlabvid.jlab.org/Live1 and on SWIS in F227, the MCC Conference Room and other conference rooms across site.
As the event is being held on the northeast corner of the Accelerator Site (inside the Accelerator fence), special rules have been put in place via an Operational Safety Procedure (OSP) 3310 that must be adhered to during the event to meet requirements of JLab's safety and security programs.
Lab staff and users attending the ceremony are asked to be in place by 10:45 a.m. and may get to the event either by walking or by taking a shuttle bus.
Walkers: Anyone walking must have Accelerator Site access with your JLab ID badge and enter via the sidewalk turnstile. Walkers may NOT escort individuals who don't have Accelerator Site access. Stay on the sidewalk after passing through the pedestrian turnstile. At the juncture of the sidewalk and the West Arc perimeter road you will leave the sidewalk and follow the North Linac perimeter road to the groundbreaking site.
Bus Riders: All event attendees who don't have Accelerator Site access, and anyone with access who wants transport to the event, must come to CEBAF Center between 9:50 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. to ride a shuttle bus to the event location. Everyone riding a shuttle bus must wear their JLab ID badges, swipe their badges at the transportable Card Reader before getting on a bus, and WEAR a shuttle-bus-rider sticker until they return to CEBAF Center. If you go out on a shuttle bus you MUST return on a shuttle bus. One bus is wheelchair accessible; if you require use of this bus, please let a Volunteer know.
General Information: The event will be under a Big Top Tent, but carry a jacket or umbrella if you desire, as the forecast calls for rain and temperatures in the 50s. Wear comfortable, sturdy shoes. Footing could be wet and uneven.
- Minimal restroom facilities will be available: A single restroom in Stairwell 2, Bldg. 37, adjacent to the groundbreaking site, and upstairs in the FEL User Facility, Bldg. 18. Please check with a Volunteer if you require an Escort while on the Accelerator Site. If you don't have current GERT or Radiation Worker training, ODH and RWP, you REQUIRE an Escort while on the Accelerator Site.
- VIPs and invited guests will be bused from CEBAF Center to the groundbreaking site at 10:45 a.m.
- Immediately after the ceremony: Cake and punch will be served to staff and users. (This is planned for under the Tent, however inclement weather could move the reception to the CEBAF Center lobby.)
- Once our invited guests and their JLab Escorts have been bused back to CEBAF Center, the shuttle buses will begin returning the bus riders to CEBAF Center. ANYONE who came in on a bus must depart via a bus. If it rains, people who walked may return to CEBAF Center via the shuttle buses. Please be patient; a bus will get you back to CEBAF Center. Please swipe your ID Badge at transportable Card Reader upon return.
- Quark Cafe will delay opening for lunch until 12:15 p.m. and will remain open until 2 p.m.
Accommodations and Restrictions to be aware of and adhered to for the Groundbreaking Event:
- Please comply with instructional signs or direction provided by Volunteers.
- Approximately 50 parking spaces on the south end of the CEBAF Center parking lot will be reserved/blocked on Tuesday morning for use by invited guests who will arrive mid-morning for the event. If you normally park in this area, please park in the parking lot stretching between CEBAF Center and the VARC or in one of the ARC parking lots. This parking will return to normal after 1 p.m.
- No Golf Carts will be allowed in the CEBAF Center Circle between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14, due to heavy bus activity.
- From Monday afternoon through Tuesday afternoon individuals won't be able to enter the C Stairwell door at the end of the 1st floor, C Hallway of CEBAF Center. The Card Reader at this access point will be used for the transportable Card Reader in the CEBAF Center Circle during bus loading operations. Please use the CEBAF Center main entrance or Stairwell G entry point.
Accelerator Site
- No vehicles or golf cart movement will be allowed on the east half of the Accelerator Site from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on April 14, except for two designated carts supporting the groundbreaking event. Golf carts should be kept off CEBAF Blvd. during this time frame as shuttle buses will be continuously moving staff, users and guests between CEBAF Center and the groundbreaking location.
- Normal access is in effect for workers on the Accelerator Site; however, vehicle movement and parking will be restricted by Top Guard from about 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Vehicles entering the Accelerator Site during that time will be diverted to the parking area on the connector road between the North and South Linacs or to parking between buildings 98 and 97.
- Accelerator Site workers needing to get anyone onto the Accelerator Site for reasons other than the groundbreaking should do so before 10 a.m. or after 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14.
- Impromptu "personal escorts or tours" are NOT permitted anywhere on the Accelerator Site (Control Room, Counting House, FEL, service buildings, etc.) on this day.
All event attendees will receive a commemorative 12 GeV Groundbreaking program and a 12 GeV memento.
Thank you and please stay tuned.
JLab Public Affairs
content by magaldi@jlab.org
maintained by webmaster@jlab.org