JLab Under Construction: Road Closures Update
Important Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Notices:
- Rattley Road will remain closed to vehicle traffic through May 2010. Rattley Road may be used only as a pedestrian walkway between the Residence Facility and CEBAF Center/the south end of JLab.
- By vehicle, the Residence Facility is accessible only via Hogan Drive/SCOT.
- A number of parking spaces in the parking lot between CEBAF Center and the VARC remain off limits as they are adjacent to the construction area and are also being used as a pedestrian detour. Pedestrians are asked to use the sidewalk as much as possible and to follow the pedestrian detour path.
- The Golf Cart Bridge on the northeast end of CEBAF Center is closed to all golf cart traffic. The pedestrian footbridge portion is open but may be posted off limits due to construction from time-to-time.
On the Accelerator Site:
- CEBAF Blvd. around the CHL (Central Helium Liquefier, Bldg. 8) will remain closed through March 2010.
- The north corner of the East Arc will remain closed to traffic through September 2010.
See this JLab map for the locations of the road closures.
The Jefferson Lab roadway improvement project is proceeding well. All vehicle drivers and pedestrians are asked to watch for and heed all signs and posted speed limits.
Rattley Road will be used only by the construction company, residents walking to and from the Res. Facility and by commercial delivery trucks that have coordinated deliveries with JLab. All other vehicles must use Hogan Dr./Lawrence Dr. or Onnes Dr./Lawrence Dr. or Onnes/SURA Rd. to get to the CEBAF Center, EEL and Test Lab parking lots.
The north side of the East Arc on the Accelerator Site is closed to traffic. Only access to service buildings is permitted. When driving on the Accelerator Site, please follow the posted Detour Signs onto CEBAF Blvd. and adhere to the one-way traffic flow on the accelerator loop road.
We would like to thank everyone for their continued understanding and cooperation. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Debra Brand, the project manager, at 269-7684 or by e-mail at debrab@jlab.org. Contact Brand or Russell Mattox at 269-7477 or e-mail rmattox@jlab.org to coordinate commercial deliveries that need access to Rattley Rd.
content by magaldi@jlab.org
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