Message from Mary Logue - Reminder of Jefferson Lab Smoking Policy
This message is being sent on behalf of Jefferson Lab's Acting Chief Operating Officer, Mary Logue.
We continue to receive complaints from Lab staff that individuals have been smoking just outside of building doors and in lab owned equipment including carts. As a reminder, smoking (both traditional smoking products and vapor/electric cigarettes) is not permitted:
- Inside any building or
- Within 50 feet of entrances, operable windows, or outdoor air intakes except in smoking shelters that have been placed around the Lab or
- In any government owned vehicle, cart, or equipment assigned to JSA/JLab, either on or off the Laboratory grounds.
The Lab’s Smoking Policy, published in Section 208.07 of the Jefferson Lab Administrative Manual was updated in 2014.
The policy applies to all JSA/Jefferson Lab staff, users, students, subcontractors, visitors and guests.
Cigarette butts and other smoking debris should not be thrown on the ground. Cigarette receptacles are available in the smoking shelters and should be used for cigarette disposal.
Everyone is responsible for complying with this policy while on Lab premises, and when using government owned vehicles/equipment. Please ensure all staff, users, students, subcontractors, visitors and guests are aware of and in compliance with this policy.
The entire policy is online at: