Project Progress Summary
23 January 1991
Multidisciplinary Appraisal
- DOE Oak Ridge Operations has begun its ES&H and QA appraisal of CEBAF. One group leader will be present the entire two weeks; reviewers for specific areas will b present for either the first or second week. Specific areas to be covered are as follows, with the number of reviewers in parentheses after each topic.
This Week |
Next Week |
Construction and Industrial Safety (1) |
Groundwater (3) |
Industrial Hygiene (1) |
Health Physics (1) |
Facility Safety (non-radiation) (3) |
Quality Assurance (2) |
Fire Safety (1) |
- The cryomodule cutter has been received and works very well.
- The second cryomodule is being cut apart for rework of the HOM flange joints to prevent leaks.
- The four cryounits for the third cryomodule are being assembled back into their helium vessels following rework of their HOM flange joints.
- Ten HOM flanges have been leak checked at room temperature with no leaks. Ten ceramics have been brazed and will be leak checked at 2 K.
- A design review was held for the arc quadrupole (QA).
Survey and Alignment:
- Started the program to increase the density of the monument network throughout the accelerator enclosure.
- Another level survey of the enclosure was started as part of the ongoing monitoring effort.
- The first shipment of custom-made clamp-on power supplies for the arc vacuum pumps is on its way.
Occupational Health and Safety:
- In addition to normal cleanup, we reviewed a considerable number of details of our work areas to enhance safety-improving electrical wiring practices, minimizing tripping and snagging hazards, and improving control and awareness of the chemicals we use.
RF Controls:
- Control module now running with the math co-processor activated. The speed of operation is much improved.
RF Power:
- The scheduled HOM filter manufacturing progress review was held at CEBAF.
- Gamma Microwave problems with slow delivery from its vendor have been overcome.
- Started work on the first production crowbar unit, which will be used as a model for the remaining 43 units.
- No report received.
- No report received.
- No report received.
- 2-K cold box arrived and set in place.Some National Electrical Code violations identified. Corrections in progress.
- All area housekeeping completed. Cleanup time has been allowed each day. CVI has been informed of the new rules of daily cleanup.
- Another leak has been identified in the 4-K cold box; repair activities are underway.
- The new trim for the 130 valve, #4 turbine bypass, does not seat and seal properly. This is a number one priority; repair activities are underway with CVI.
- Electrical Inspections have been completed at all cryogenics locations. Corrections are under way.
- Vacuum header for regeneration of the 80-K purifiers at the CHL is complete. LN2 and electrical must be completed prior to operation.
- A leak test of the 30,000 – gallon LHe dewar is under way.
- No report received.
Accelerator Division Support Services
- All PR’s for WBS 3 electronic kits were completed.
External Fabrication:
- Contracts for WBS 3 have been awarded for:
- 125 crates and modules
- 47 assemblies of the multi-output power supply.
- Within the next ten days Personnel will publish the next “Training Opportunities Bulletin,” providing details on upcoming courses including the following:
February 6 (and again March 6) |
Safety Orientation |
February 11 |
Radiation Health |
February 12 |
Forklift Operator Training |