12 GeV Upgrade
The fifth of six coils needed for the CLAS12 torus magnet arrived in its coil case from Fermilab on March 21 and was prepared for testing at liquid nitrogen temperatures. The fourth coil has completed this test at Jefferson Lab and is being readied for adding layers of multi-layer insulation (MLI), to be followed by the thermal shield, more MLI and its cryostat. The third coil has been placed into its cryostat which is now being welded, the second has been moved to Hall B in preparation for mounting, and the first coil is now mounted in place on the cold hub for the torus in Hall B.
The vendor for the CLAS12 solenoid magnet is in production with the start of winding for the first of five major coils. Winding is expected to complete in Fall 2015. A contract has been placed to build the distribution can for the cryogenics for both the CLAS12 torus and solenoid magnets with delivery expected in October 2015. The vendor for the power supplies for the magnets has finished construction and is putting them through a series of in-factory tests before shipment to Jefferson Lab.
Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles March 23-27
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.
Records and Information Management Month Fact of the Week
Jefferson Lab's Information Resources staff is diligently working on cataloging the works of the pioneers and early leaders of the lab. If you have old written, photographic or electronic material in your office which you think might have historical archival value, send an email to Kim Kindrew with the following information: consecutive dates of materials, names of associated individuals, the location and condition of the materials, and any event or accomplishment to which the materials relate.
RIM Trivia Question of the Week
This week's trivia question: In Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings film adaptation, "The Fellowship of the Ring," Bilbo uses his funny magic ring and mysteriously disappears from his own birthday party after insulting many of his guests. Once Bilbo leaves the Shire for Rivendell, the ring is left with Frodo for safe keeping. Meanwhile, Gandalf visits archives in Gondor to read up on the history and characteristics of the one ring, in order to rule out the possibility that Bilbo's funny magic ring was the ring of power. Name any one of the things that Gandalf does in the archives that is definitely not allowed in Jefferson Lab's archives room (or any other modern archives).
All responses must be received by Kim Kindrew by noon on Friday, when a random drawing will take place of all correct answers. One person will win a Starbucks gift card! (Winners will be notified via email no later than 5 p.m. Friday following publication. Limit one gift card win per person.)
JSA Minority/Female Undergraduate Research Assistantship
Jefferson Lab is seeking candidates for a Research Assistantship. JSA will provide funds to support a junior or senior level student at the university during the 2015-2016 academic year. In recent years, students have used the funds to aid the exploration of 3D printed scintillator detectors for the study of field emission in accelerating cavities, as well as a presentation at the SESAPS conference on work done on the PrimEx-II Collaboration. Nominations will be accepted through April 17. For more information, visit the website.
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
Recent theoretical work has provided new insight into the charge and magnetization densities in the proton's periphery, where they arise from the "pion cloud" and can be computed from first principles using methods of chiral effective field theory. The orbital motion of the quantum pions surrounding the proton causes a left-right asymmetry of the internal current in a transversely polarized state and leads to a simple relation between the peripheral charge and magnetization densities. The striking effect attests to the relativistic nature of pion-nucleon dynamics and could be observed in measurements of proton and neutron elastic form factors at Jefferson Lab and other facilities.
The Electrical Engineering Systems (EES) department has had a busy few weeks. The major effort in the past several weeks has been to support operation of the accelerator during set up for three-hall operation. This effort required maintaining and repairing all the usual systems while concentrating on commissioning of the new 750 MHz radiofrequency beam separators that allow simultaneous running of multiple halls at full energy. When a site-wide power outage occurred, efforts were shifted to a rapid response to secure critical systems and to begin recovery and checkout of all accelerator components.
Other tasks that have been in progress have included support for 12 GeV Hall B engineering, work on the LCLS-II project low-level RF controls, planning and costing for an Injector Test Facility (UITF ), a Personnel Safety System Design Review and multiple other improvement projects for the accelerator (dogleg power supply construction, Harp improvements, cavity and stripline beam position monitor upgrades for Halls B and D, and accelerator path length diagnostic enhancements). More of the same is expected as time marches towards the summer shutdown. |
Environment, Safety, Health & Quality
Resolving ES&H Concerns
To ensure your welfare and productivity, Jefferson Lab has several mechanisms for employees, or anyone who comes into contact with the lab, to report issues potentially affecting the safety of workers, visitors, lab neighbors or the environment without fear of retaliation or reprisal. ES&H Manual Chapter 2310 lists a variety of mechanisms for resolving and reporting ES&H concerns and for preventing similar concerns from occurring in the future.
Here is a list of the options you have for resolving an ES&H concern:
If possible, resolve the ES&H concern yourself.
If you are unable to resolve the concern yourself, refer the concern to your supervisor and management chain using the mechanisms outlined here.
You may also consult your Safety Warden, Division Safety Officer, your representative to the Worker Safety Committee, or contact an ESH&Q staff member directly for any ES&H concerns you may have.
If you would like to remain anonymous, or if you feel that it is more appropriate, use Jefferson Lab’s Employee Concerns Program.
If one or more of the above steps have not resulted in resolution of the concern, or if you feel that it is more appropriate, you may also use the formal DOE Employee Concerns Management System hotline at 800-676-3267.
Or use this link to the form for the DOE's Differing Professional Opinion (DPO) process also found in DOE Order 442.2 or by calling or emailing the DOE DPO Manager, Scott Davis, at 301-903-9641.
The DOE DPO process ensures that all JSA employees and contractor employees have the right to report environment, safety, and health technical concerns that have not been resolved through routine work processes.
Once your concern has been addressed, communicate any lessons learned to your staff, co-workers, supervisors and your Division Lessons Learned Coordinator. ES&H Manual Chapter 2310 offers more information on concern resolution.
Vote for Your Favorite 2015 Jefferson Lab T-Shirt Design
Vote for your favorite submission in the 2015 Jefferson Lab Annual T-Shirt Contest. There are 12 different designs to choose from this year. Voting will remain open until April 10. The winning design will be unveiled at the lab's annual Run-A-Round.
TIAA-CREF Individual Counseling Available by Appointment
TIAA-CREF will be offering additional Individual Counseling Sessions in the coming months. The consultant will be available to discuss how to help you achieve your financial goals by investing in financial solutions such as mutual funds, brokerage, life insurance and annuities. Sessions will be offered on June 17, July 22 and 23, August 13, Sept. 17, Oct. 8, Nov. 19 and Dec. 16 in Support Service Center room 41a. To schedule an appointment with a TIAA-CREF Individual Consultant to discuss your plan and options for managing your retirement savings, call TIAA-CREF at (800) 732-8353, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (ET).
Reminder: RadCon Services Limited March 25-April 17
The Jefferson Lab Radiation Control (RadCon) Operations Group, Electronics Group, Training Group, Analytical Lab and Dosimetry Group will be moving from their current location (in the RadCon trailers near the Accelerator entrance/Guard Post) to the ARC Library (first floor) on April 8. Due to the move, RadCon staff will be available on a limited basis March 25-April 17. For more information, see the full All-Staff memo.
Student Projects, Volunteer Mentors Needed for High School Interns
Eight outstanding high school students have been selected to participate in the lab's High School Summer Honors Program, which will be held June 22 – July 31. Critical to the success of their internship experience are projects for the students with mentors who can oversee one or more students as they carry out their work. The students are currently in the 11th and 12th grades and have expressed interest in pursuing scientific and technical careers. Lab scientists, engineers and other technical managers who are interested in serving as a mentor to high-achieving high school students and have a project, or any number of small projects that can be accomplished over the summer, are asked to contact Brita Hampton with a description of the work to be assigned by May 1. If you have questions, email or call her at x7633.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
April 11-14: APS April Meeting
April 14: American Red Cross Blood Drive
April 19-20: A' Experiment (APEX) 2015 Collaboration Meeting
May 3-8: International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC15)
May 13: JAG Run-A-Round