12 GEV Upgrade
Assembly of C100 cryomodules continues. Excellent progress continues to be made on the rebuild of the beamlines; installation of the new configuration has begun. All stands have been installed in the East Recombiner. Initial installation of the moveable shield wall in the tunnel to the Hall D tagger has begun. Work by the vendors of the compressors and coldbox for Central Helium Liquefier-2 is nearly complete.
Work on removing the SOS spectrometer from Hall C is continuing, with a focus on preparations for removing the dipole in September. Work in the hall this week will be devoted to cleaning up from the flooding. The water level in Hall C reached 28 inches, nearly enough to fill half an Olympic swimming pool.
Free-Electron Laser
The FEL team did some very important housekeeping in preparation for future activities by cleaning out storage areas in the shipping containers. The team also tackled a successful recovery from the unexpected effects of a power outage. In addition, presentations were made to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency in Fort Belvoir, while preparations also were made for next week’s FEL conference in Nara, Japan.
Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics
Precision lattice calculations of hadronic masses are now feasible with methods that have an accelerated approach to the physical limit. However, calculations of hadronic matrix elements require additional effort to maintain this accelerated convergence, and additionally require a nonperturbative matching to the continuum renormalization schemes used to analyze experimental measurements. Two recent technical papers, <arXiv:1208.4661> and <arXiv:1208.4591>, demonstrate that such a method exists and is feasible, laying the groundwork for precise lattice calculations of QCD matrix elements, such as the generalized parton distributions of the nucleon.
JLab Calendar of Events
Aug. 29: Theory Seminar
Aug. 29: Zimbra Training Sessions Offered
Sept. 3: Labor Day holiday, JLab closed
Sept. 10: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
We have all heard the expression – “Just use common sense.” But it’s apparent that “common sense” can mean different things to different people. For example, how would you react if you saw a stack of 10-foot long, 2-inch pipes with no anti-roll wedges or blocks? Or what would you do if asked to go head first into stacks of items that have sharp corners and uncapped bolt threads sticking out, as well as stiff wires sticking out from every direction? Would you consider wearing wrap-around eye protection? The point is that around the lab we see many hazards. Our job is to point them out when we see them – it’s just common sense.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
JLab Migrates to Zimbra Calendar Over Weekend
As of 5 p.m. on Friday, Jefferson Lab's Corporate Time calendar system will become unavailable. Over the weekend, all entries posted in Corp. Time, from Jan. 1, 2011 through Dec. 31, 2014, will be migrated to the new Zimbra calendar. Please begin using the Zimbra calendar on Tuesday, Sept. 4. Anything posted to the Zimbra calendar before Sept. 5 will be lost.
For easy access, add the Zimbra web interface URL (https://zimbra.jlab.org) to your bookmark list; and delete the Corp. Time icon from your desktop. To access the Zimbra calendar, log in and click on the Calendar tab. Some frequently asked questions and answers to help you get started are documented online.
The Zimbra training handout, for individuals who couldn't attend one of the four training sessions, will be available for pick up at the HelpDesk and will be posted online at: cc.jlab.org/zimbra
Added Zimbra Training for Designated People and Resources Schedulers
The CNI group has added an additional Zimbra calendar training session for administrators and anyone who handles the scheduling of designated individuals and/or resources. The training session will take place at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 30, in CEBAF Center, room F113.
JLab Mail Delivery
To better serve the Jefferson Lab community, beginning Nov. 1 all incorrectly addressed mail sent to the lab will be returned to sender. To receive mail from the USPS, all JLab postal mail must be properly addressed. If you are in doubt about your correct mailing address, Staff search or JLIST can be utilized to find your correct mailing address. Please make certain to include your suite number in the address. It is important that you contact all vendors and other sources of your mail and provide your correct address that includes a suite number for delivery. If there are any questions, please contact Carl Iannacone Ext 5430 or Bill Brisiel at Ext 7233 or Debbie Campbell at Ext 7077.
Successful Blood Drive
The Aug. 21 Red Cross Blood Drive was very successful. The Red Cross collected 47 pints of whole blood and red cells using the Double Red process exceeding the lab’s goal of 40 units! Jefferson Lab donors made a significant contribution to the American Red Cross. On behalf of Occupational Medicine, Johnie Banks extended a thank you to everyone who participated in the blood drive and congratulated all for a job well done. Mark your calendars for the next blood drive on Oct. 23.
Important Change in Radiological Status of Hall B
Please note that the radiological posting level of Hall B has changed. The hall is now posted as a Radioactive Material Area (RMA). The training requirement for unescorted entry is GERT (General Employee Radiological Training) - the same as unescorted access to Jefferson Lab's accelerator site. Personnel dosimetry is not required in the general areas of Hall B. Some isolated areas within the hall, however, do remain posted as Radiologically Controlled Areas (RCAs), so please be watchful of postings as conditions are subject to change. The beam tunnels leading into the hall and downstream to the beam dump also remain posted as RCAs. Several radiological requirements remain in place in the hall. As a radioactive materials area, the hall may contain low-level radioactive material, and may house radioactive material storage cabinets and other containers. Any items stored in such a container or tagged as radioactive material are not to be handled by non-radiation workers. In addition, all materials that were present in the hall during experimental operations must be cleared for removal by qualified Radiation Control (RadCon) staff. To contact RadCon for clearance of material or for any questions about this change, please call the RadCon duty phone, at 757-876-1743.
New Dates Offered for Onsite TIAA-CREF Counseling
TIAA-CREF will offer individual counseling sessions onsite in the Support Service Center (formerly VARC) room 53A on Oct. 26, Nov. 29 and Nov. 30. In these sessions, employees can discuss their personal financial situation with a TIAA-CREF consultant on a confidential basis. To discuss your plan and options for managing your retirement savings or to schedule an appointment with a TIAA-CREF individual consultant, call TIAA-CREF at (800) 732-8353, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-8 p.m.
JLab Publications Refresher Training Offered
If you are an author who needs a refresher course on the requirements and use of JLab Publications, the next one will take place on Sept. 12, 9-10 a.m. in CEBAF Center room F226. If you plan to attend, R.S.V.P. by Friday, Sept. 7 to Kim Kindrew. Topics that will be covered in this brief course include: What kinds of publications are submitted; How to submit and resubmit your paper into the signature queue; How to review and approve papers. Come with your questions and become a master of JLab publications. Refreshments will be provided.
The United Way School Tools Drive Is Underway
JLab is once again participating in this community outreach program to assist students as they prepare to return to school next month. Collection boxes for donations of new school supplies are available in the lobbies of Building 85, the Support Service Center, CEBAF Center and the ARC until Friday, Sept. 7. Appropriate items include: pens, pencils, student scissors, crayons, spiral notebooks, 3-ring binders, binder paper, pocket folders, rulers, protractor/compass sets, etc. The United Way will collect and disburse the materials to area schools. For more information, call Joshua Cameron, x7628.
Tracking Thomas at JLab
Little Thomas is taking some time off to watch the Republican National Convention and prepare for the Democratic National Convention. He's so absorbed, he can't think straight right now. (No politician jokes, please.) He promises to regain his focus soon. Winners and honorable mentions from Aug. 22 will be listed on Sept. 12.
Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for last week's mystery photo. |