12 GeV Upgrade
The accelerator tunnel air conditioning contract vendor, Warwick Plumbing & Heating, made excellent progress during the January scheduled accelerator down (SAD) period. All of the 132 chilled beams are installed, and the majority of the chilled water and fire protection piping is also installed. The remaining piping work in the accelerator tunnel will be completed during the Summer 2015 SAD. Also during the January SAD, Warwick connected and commissioned the backup cooling towers for the North and South Access low-conductivity water systems. These towers, along with the previously installed 12 GeV cooling towers at maximum capacity, support accelerator operations during the demolition of the old cooling towers under the Utilities Infrastructure Modernization (UIM) project.
Jefferson Lab Published Journal Articles Jan. 26-30
Remember to submit your papers for approval to the Jefferson Lab Publications database.
2014 JSA Thesis Prize Nominations Accepted
The Users Group Board of Directors is now accepting nominations for the 2014 JSA Thesis Prize for the best Jefferson Lab-related thesis. The prize is supported by the JSA Initiatives Fund Program. A complete package requires a nomination letter by a senior scientist giving the name and institution of the person being nominated and the names of three people who will send letters of recommendation, along with a copy of the thesis. All materials must be submitted electronically. The three letters of recommendation must be sent before the deadline. Theses completed during the calendar year 2014 are eligible, as well as theses completed during the last quarter of 2013 (if they haven't been submitted before). All materials must be sent by email to Lorelei Chopard by the nomination deadline of March 2. If you have any questions about the prize, contact John Arrington.
JSA Accepting Applications for 2015-16 Graduate Fellowships
Jefferson Science Associates is currently accepting applications for graduate fellowships at Jefferson Lab for the 2015-16 academic year. The JSA/JLab Graduate Fellowship Program is supported by the JSA Initiatives Fund. FY2015 funds are available for up to seven fellowship awards. Application packages should be submitted via email to jsaprograms@sura.org with the subject line "JSA Graduate Fellowships" by Feb. 20. See the full announcement.
JSA Accepting Applications for 2015-16 Sabbatical Leave Support Program
Jefferson Science Associates is currently accepting applications for the JSA/JLab Sabbatical Leave Support Program for academic year 2015-16 at Jefferson Lab. The JSA/JLab Sabbatical Leave Support Program is supported by the JSA Initiatives Fund. Materials should be submitted via email to jsaprograms@sura.org with the subject line "JSA Sabbatical Support" by March 2. See the full announcement.
Jefferson Lab Calendar of Events
Feb. 17-March 2: Benefits Open Enrollment
Feb. 19: GlueX Collaboration Meeting
Feb. 26-27: International Committee on Future Accelerators meeting
March 7: Va. Regional Middle School Science Bowl
March 12-14: Q-weak Collaboration Meeting
March 16: Safety Shoe Vendor on-site |
Environment, Safety, Health & Quality
Report All Injuries to Occupational Medicine in a Timely Manner
It's extremely important that all possible work-related injuries and illnesses be reported to Jefferson Lab Occupational Medicine as soon as they occur. Reasons for the time-critical nature of reporting include:
- Immediate reporting decreases the likelihood that the problem will worsen, because reporting triggers first aid and medical interventions, such as wound cleaning and dressing to prevent infections and administration of a timely tetanus vaccination, when needed.
- Many problems warrant work restrictions during the recovery period, which serve to protect the employee from additional injury, pain, slowed recovery or risk to coworkers.
- The lab must correctly fulfill its obligation to the Department of Energy to promptly report injuries.
- Delayed reporting can adversely affect an individual's worker's compensation insurance claims evaluation.
Possible injuries or illnesses related to work can be reported to Occupational Medicine through a variety of mechanisms, including dialing 911 when necessary, visiting Occupational Medicine department in room 22 in the Support Service Center (Bldg. 28) or calling Occupational Medicine staff at x7539. If the employee is confident that the problem is trivial and does not warrant in-person assistance, then the employee can simply call Occupational Medicine staff, leave a voicemail message, or send an email to jbanks@jlab.org or jnewman@jlab.org. If the event occurs after-hours, notify Occupational Medicine staff by phone or email as soon as possible, so that staff can follow up in a timely manner once the lab reopens. You may see the full all-staff memo regarding the reporting of injuries here.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
Annual Computer User Account Audit Begins Soon
On Monday, Feb. 16, the IT Division will begin the annual computer user account audit. All supervisors and sponsors of employees/users with computer accounts at Jefferson Lab are required to review and re-authorize accounts. Supervisors and sponsors must complete the audit by close of business Monday, March 16. This audit is a critical part of maintaining an appropriate level of cyber security at Jefferson Lab. If you need assistance during the audit, contact Chris Williamson, x6245, or Jessica A. Perry, x7262.
CNI Maintenance Period Set for Feb. 17
The CNI group is planning a systems maintenance period for Tuesday, Feb. 17, 5-10 p.m. During this maintenance period, Windows and Linux patches will be released to all systems and desktops. This may cause web and system outages as these servers reboot to finalize the patch installation. Plan on rebooting your desktop Windows or Linux system by Friday, Feb. 20, to finalize the patch installation, as well. Also, Firefox, Thunderbird, PuTTY, JAVA, and shockwave updates will be released. Finally, there will be short outages around 8 p.m. to all Management and Information Systems applications as servers are rebooted to finalize patch installation. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.
Symantec Anti-Virus Software Update On Feb. 17
On Tuesday evening, Feb. 17, starting at around 5:30 p.m., the CNI group will be sending out an update to the Windows Symantec client on all desktops. Be aware that this Symantec update will reboot your desktop once it completes installation. For this reason, the group recommends that you log out of all Windows desktops prior to leaving on Tuesday evening. The actual installation and reboot time of your desktop will be between 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday and 7 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 18. If you have any questions or concerns about this update, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.
Valentine’s at the Quark Cafe
Celebrate Valentine’s Day at the Quark Cafe during lunch on Thursday, Feb. 12. The special menu features carved roast tenderloin of beef, pasta primavera, fried oyster po’ boy, steamed lemon asparagus, lobster mashed potatoes and French silk pie. The cafe will offer the special menu 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Director’s All-Hands Meeting Video Posted Online
A video of the all-hands meetings held on Feb. 5 is now available for viewing online. A Jefferson Lab username and password is required to access the video. This and future videos may also be viewed at any time at the All-Hands Meetings link.
Jefferson Lab Benefits Open Enrollment Begins Feb. 17
Attention All Regular and Term Employees: The 2015 Benefits Open Enrollment will begin Feb. 17 and will close on March 2. This is the time of the season for you to review and, if necessary, modify your benefits options. More information will be coming soon.
Professional Development Lunch & Learn Offered
Human Resources is sponsoring a Dale Carnegie® Training Lunch & Learn on Professional Development. The training session will be held on Feb. 17 in CEBAF Center, room F113, at noon-1 p.m. Feel free to bring your lunch and join in on the discussion. This training is informal and open to all employees. For more information, contact Brandye Rogers, x5959, or see the link for topics of discussion.
Graduate Student Research Grants Available
The Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program is now accepting applications for its 2015 solicitation. The SCGSR program provides supplemental awards to outstanding U.S. graduate students to pursue part of their graduate thesis research at a DOE laboratory in areas that address scientific challenges central to the Office of Science mission. The research opportunity is expected to advance the graduate students’ overall doctoral thesis while providing access to the expertise, resources and capabilities available at the DOE laboratories. The 2014 program solicitation resulted in awards to 65 graduate students from 50 different universities to conduct thesis research at 15 DOE national laboratories - three students are at Jefferson Lab. Applications are due April 14. The SCGSR website has specific details. If you have any questions about the program, contact Jan Tyler.
Annual Travel Workshop for Travelers
A Workshop for Travelers is scheduled for Feb. 25, 9:30-11 a.m. in CEBAF Center room F113. If you have any questions about the workshop, contact Carol Kinsey at x7519 or kinsey@jlab.org.