12 GeV Upgrade
The Hall D Ready-for-Equipment (RFE) inspection was held in early December, with representatives from 12 GeV Upgrade management, the Hall D Group and the ESH&Q Division. The inspection resulted in a summary list of open issues. The construction contractor completed the remaining items and RFE was established on Dec. 28.
The pre-construction meeting for Phase III of the Hall D (Civil) construction contract was held on Dec. 20. Phase III includes the connection to the existing accelerator tunnel at the northeast stub. Onsite work will begin with the start of the scheduled accelerator shutdown in May 2011.
The contract for the North and South Access low-conductivity water (LCW) upgrades was awarded in December, and the pre-construction meeting was held on Jan. 5.
In Hall C, major repairs to the Qtor magnet power supply were completed in December, restoring magnet operation, although some reliability issues remained. Further minor repairs in January have restored the power supply to reliable operation. Modifications to the Q-weak target eliminated a small helium leak, and the target was cooled down in the first week of January. Q-weak has resumed data taking, starting with low-current tracking mode calibration runs and to be followed by high-current production running this week.
APS April Meeting Abstracts Due Friday
Celebrate 100 Years of Sub-Atomic Physics at the APS April Meeting, April 30-May 3. Abstracts are due Jan. 14.
Nominations for Outstanding Nuclear Physicist Award Due Friday
The JSA Outstanding Nuclear Physicist Award will recognize individuals whose work and careers in JLab nuclear physics in experimental or theoretical research, or technical achievements related to this research, have been noted by their peers in the field nationally and internationally. Nominations for individuals who have made outstanding or sustained contributions to JLab research are due Friday, Jan. 14; see the website for nomination details. The award is funded through the JSA Initiatives Fund.
AIP Congressional Fellowship Program Applications Due Saturday
Members of the physics community who want to spend a year learning about the inner workings of Congress should consider applying to the American Institute of Physics Congressional Science Fellowship Program. The application deadline is Jan. 15. Application instructions can be found online.
After the holiday break, the accelerator was successfully restored in four days. Hall B and Hall C started to take continuous wave beam on swing shift of Jan. 6. Hall A is down due to installation of a new experiment. The injector gun high-voltage (130 kilovolt) power supply failed at the end of the winter run. The injector gun is currently operating at 100 kV.
Free-Electron Laser
Installation of improved ultraviolet optics was the primary focus of the first week back after the holidays. The FEL team continued preparations for the U.S. Particle Accelerator School to be held in Hampton Jan. 17-28. This week, the team will exercise the systems and do dry runs.
Theoretical and Computational Physics
A new paper <arXiv:1101.1011> by Theory Center staff and physicists in Italy studies semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) within a generalized parton model approach, taking into account the transverse motion of quarks and assuming factorization. Complete formulas for single- and double-spin asymmetries are derived, and expressions for asymmetries are presented using simplified Gaussian parametrizations of transverse momentum dependent distributions. These will be useful for phenomenological studies and analysis of future SIDIS data from JLab.
Young Scientist Prize - Computational Physics
The Commission on Computational Physics (C20) of IUPAP seeks nominations for its 2011 Young Scientist Prize. Nominees should have a maximum of eight years of research experience following their Ph.D. and should be the principal performer of original work of outstanding scientific quality in Computational Physics. The prize consists of 1,000 euros, a medal and a certificate. Procedures for making a nomination and other details about the prize are online.
Engineering Division Professional Development Program
The JLab Engineering Division's Professional Development Program is a series of free seminars to be presented by JLab staff and invited guest speakers representing cutting-edge fields in engineering.
The first set of eight seminars will be devoted to Cryogenics and presented by the lab's award-winning staff, Jan. 25-April 26. Two overview sessions are open to all lab staff, representatives from local industry and graduate engineering students who have a professional interest in the topic; overview sessions will be held at Jefferson Lab in the CEBAF Center auditorium. Six technical presentations are for engineers, senior/mid-level technicians and graduate engineering students; technical sessions will be held in CEBAF Center, Room F113. Eight Continuing Education Units will be granted by the Virginia State Licensing Board to professional engineers who complete the cryogenics series. Space is limited and advanced reservations are required for all sessions. |
Facilities Management and Logistics
With the shorter hours of winter days upon us, drivers must consider how the sun’s low position in the sky impairs vision, even at JLab.
Most employees and users leave the lab near 5 p.m., which is currently at sunset and the onset of twilight. During the twilight period, the eyes are slowly transiting from daylight color vision to black and white night vision, so vision is not optimized for either. It has been reported that, in general, a person aged 60-plus has significantly less measurable night vision than a 20 year old.
You can decrease your chance of an accident by simply turning on your headlights as your prepare to leave the lab. Doing so increases your chance of being seen by other drivers in the sunset and twilight hours.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
Computer User Audit Is Underway
The JLab Computer User Audit has begun. It is very important that all supervisors and sponsors take time now to review the people you sponsor and ensure they still need JLab accounts. If you have any questions or concerns about the audit process, contact either Jessica Perry, x7262, or Kelvin Edwards, x7770.
JLab_guest Wireless Changes On the Way
At 7 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 7, the 'jlab_guest' wireless network will be upgraded from WEP to WPA2 Personal (WPA2-PSK). If you plan to use this network following the upgrade, visit the Computer Center website for details on how to reconfigure 'jlab_guest' on your device after the upgrade. If you have any questions, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.
American Red Cross Blood Drive
The next blood drive is set for Friday, Jan. 21, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. in CEBAF Center, Room F113. New and repeat donors are encouraged to attend. Appointments and walk-ins are welcome. All signups will receive a Red Cross long-sleeved T-shirt! To schedule an appointment, contact Johnie Banks at x7539.
Canine Good Citizen/Therapy Dog International Training at JLab
Did you make a New Year's resolution to volunteer in the community or to train your dog? You can do both by joining the JAG Dog Training Club for a Canine Good Citizen/Therapy Dog International (CGC/TDI) class! TDI-certified dogs are trained to comfort and interact with people in hospitals, nursing homes, schools and libraries. Classes will begin on Tuesday, Feb. 8 at 7 p.m. in the VARC Lobby. The first class is an informational meeting; no dogs allowed. Any size or breed of dog can become a therapy dog--but this work is more suited to a dog with a friendly temperament toward people and other dogs. There is a 10-dog limit for the class, and the JAG club teachers won't be able to do any one-on-one training to deal with behavioral issues. All dogs must be 100 percent housebroken and must be at least one year old to take the Therapy Dog test at the end of class. For more information, contact Joyce Miller, x7163, or Brian Kross, x7022.
Last Chance to Complete IT Division Survey
The Information Technology Division is asking all JLab staff and users to participate in a survey regarding IT services. Completed surveys will provide valuable feedback and allow IT to better serve the JLab community. Survey respondents may enter their e-mail address for a chance to win one of several $25 prizes. All survey entries will remain anonymous, whether or not an e-mail address is entered for the raffle. The survey may be accessed through a link on the JLab IT Division website or directly via this link. Please note that the direct link will take you to Zoomerang, an online survey service provider.
E-Verify Processing - Are You Finished?
Employees who need to complete a new I-9 form received two e-mails from DONOTREPLY@PERFECTCOMPLIANCE.COM with login information on Jan. 6. Those employees must accomplish two tasks: complete an electronic I-9 through the online system and bring in verification documents to one of the convenient Temporary Document Centers. Present your documents as soon as possible after you complete your electronic I-9, so that you may be entered into the system in a timely fashion. Final compliance for all employees is Jan. 27.
For more information on E-Verify, visit the Human Resources E-verify webpage. If you believe you might have deleted the two e-mails from PERFECTCOMPLIANCE.COM in error, contact Sue Ewing at x7687. If you have questions about the I-9 or E-verify process, contact Sue Ewing or Rhonda Barbosa.
JSA/JLab Graduate Fellowship Program
Jefferson Science Associates, LLC, is now accepting applications for the JSA/JLab Graduate Fellowship Program. More information and an application can be found on the website. The application deadline is Jan. 28. If you have questions about the program, contact Elizabeth Lawson.
JSA/JLab Sabbatical Support Program
JSA is now accepting applications for the 2010-2011 academic year JSA/JLab Sabbatical Support Program. More information and an application can be found on the website. The application deadline is Jan. 28. If you have questions about the program, contact Elizabeth Lawson.
JLab Calendar of Events
Jan. 10-14: PAC 37
Jan. 17: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday - JLab closed
Jan. 21: Blood Drive
Jan. 24: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Jan. 27: Protect Your Identify: The Newest Identity Theft Scams |