12 GeV Upgrade
Installation planning for the upcoming six-month machine shutdown (mid-May to mid-November 2011) includes coordination of transportation, material handling equipment, and storage needs across the 12 GeV project. Weekly meetings continue to ensure effective integration of the 12 GeV installation activities within the JLab site-wide plan for the shutdown. Installation activities in Hall D are in progress following the ready–for-equipment milestone last month. The rules for conducting and coordinating work in Hall D can be found on the JLab web-based training document, SAF 113kd.
JSA/JLab Graduate Fellowship Program
JSA, LLC, is now accepting applications for the JSA/JLab Graduate Fellowship Program. More information and an application can be found on the website. The application deadline is Jan. 28. If you have questions about the program, contact Elizabeth Lawson.
JSA/JLab Sabbatical Support Program
JSA is now accepting applications for the 2010-2011 academic year JSA/JLab Sabbatical Support Program. More information and an application can be found on the website. The application deadline is Jan. 28. If you have questions about the program, contact Elizabeth Lawson.
The accelerator had been delivering beam to Halls B and C with some downtime. On Tuesday, the power supply of a trim rack failed and the faulty power supply was replaced. Hall B nanoamp beam position monitors had problems on a few occasions, which interrupted the beam delivery to Hall B each time. At times, high-current beam to Hall C was not stable, which the experts are still investigating.
Free-Electron Laser
The FEL team was able to verify that the lab penetrations will not be a radiation issue when they are filled with optical transport pipe for the ultraviolet and vacuum UV transport. This week, the team did a number of set ups and tests to verify readiness to perform the U.S. Particle Accelerator School class for the next two weeks, which includes guided hands-on FEL operational experience.
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Combining JLab data on unpolarized and polarized inclusive proton structure functions, a new paper <arXiv:1101.2016 [nucl-th]> reports the results of the first study of quark-hadron duality in individual helicity-1/2 and helicity-3/2 virtual photoproduction cross sections. The analysis finds that duality is realized more clearly in the helicity-1/2 channel, with duality-violating corrections <10 percent over the entire nucleon resonance region, while larger, <20 percent corrections are found in the helicity-3/2 sector. The results are in general agreement with quark model expectations and suggest that data above the Δ resonance region may be used to constrain both spin-averaged and spin-dependent parton distributions.
Young Scientist Prize - Computational Physics
The Commission on Computational Physics (C20) of IUPAP seeks nominations for its 2011 Young Scientist Prize. Nominations are due March 11. Nominees should have a maximum of eight years of research experience following their Ph.D. and should be the principal performer of original work of outstanding scientific quality in Computational Physics. The prize consists of 1,000 euros, a medal and a certificate. Procedures for making a nomination and other details about the prize are online.
Engineering Division Professional Development Program
The JLab Engineering Division's Professional Development Program is a series of free seminars to be presented by JLab staff and invited guest speakers representing cutting-edge fields in engineering.
The first set of eight seminars will be devoted to Cryogenics and presented by the lab's award-winning staff, Jan. 25-April 26. Two overview sessions are open to all lab staff, representatives from local industry and graduate engineering students who have a professional interest in the topic; overview sessions will be held at Jefferson Lab in the CEBAF Center auditorium. Six technical presentations are for engineers, senior/mid-level technicians and graduate engineering students; technical sessions will be held in CEBAF Center, Room F113. Eight Continuing Education Units will be granted by the Virginia State Licensing Board to professional engineers who complete the cryogenics series. Space is limited and advanced reservations are required for all sessions. |
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
Hash-Marked Floor - What Does It Mean?
In certain work areas, JLab employees may see the floor marked with yellow diagonal stripes, often with a solid border. These marked areas indicate that nothing is to be stored, kept, piled, located, left, positioned or staged in that location. The markings are often the result of regulatory requirements for areas, such as in front of electrical panels, near safety showers, in front of fire extinguishers, where doors open or to specify a dedicated work area, such as where liquid nitrogen may be dispensed. These marked zones create sufficient space for employees to safely perform their work and must remain easily accessible at all times; It is imperative that these marked areas be kept unobstructed.
During these times of facility re-arrangement and expansion, floor space is more precious than ever. However, blocking access to critical or safety equipment is not acceptable. Make a conscious decision about where you are positioning items on the floor before you move them, and never use the hash-marked areas.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
JLab Wireless Change On the Way
At 7 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 26, the 'jlab' wireless network will receive an updated VeriSign certificate. If you are presented with a box asking you to verify the new certificate, please do so. For laptops running Windows XP that are not joined to the JLab domain, go to this web page and verify your configuration anytime before the change. If you have any problems, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.
JLab_guest Wireless Change On the Way
At 7 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 7, the 'jlab_guest' wireless network will be upgraded from WEP to WPA2 Personal (WPA2-PSK). If you plan to use this network following the upgrade, visit the Computer Center website for details on how to reconfigure 'jlab_guest' on your device after the upgrade. If you have any questions, contact the IT Division Helpdesk, x7155.
Mont on Ultraviolet
The latest Montage has been posted to the JLab website. Montage is an ongoing series of articles about issues affecting the lab written by JLab Director Hugh Montgomery. Click the link for Montage or access it via the JLab homepage.
American Red Cross Blood Drive
The next blood drive is set for Friday, Jan. 21, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. in CEBAF Center, Room F113. New and repeat donors are encouraged to attend. Appointments and walk-ins are welcome. All signups will receive a Red Cross long-sleeved T-shirt! To schedule an appointment, contact Johnie Banks at x7539.
JLab Travelers: Get notifications by mobile phone, e-mail, etc.
JLab travelers can sign up for up-to-the-minute updates on changes to their travel itinerary, such as a delay or cancellation of your flight, a gate change on a connection, or any other airline emergency. Notifications will be sent to the traveler via mobile phone, e-mail or another telephone number listed in the traveler's profile in the Rearden Personal Assistant online booking system. To get details, speak with your Travel Coordinator or click the "Notification Preferences" link on the Travel Department web page.
Protect Your Identify: The Newest Identity Theft Scams
If your wallet or purse has ever been stolen or you've signed up for something that charged your credit card for several months before you could get it straightened out, you've experienced identify theft. FBI Special Agent in Charge Alex Turner, Norfolk Division, will discuss the newest ways thieves are stealing identities, and the resources you have to defend yourself. The entire JLab community is invited to this seminar in the CEBAF Center auditorium at 10 a.m., Jan. 27.
Canine Good Citizen/Therapy Dog International Training at JLab
The JAG Dog Training Club is offering a Canine Good Citizen/Therapy Dog International (CGC/TDI) class. TDI-certified dogs are trained to comfort and interact with people in hospitals, nursing homes, schools and libraries. Classes will begin on Tuesday, Feb. 8 at 7 p.m. in the VARC Lobby. The first class is an informational meeting; no dogs allowed. For more information, contact Joyce Miller, x7163, or Brian Kross, x7022.
E-Verify Processing - Are You Finished?
Employees who need to complete a new I-9 form received two e-mails from DONOTREPLY@PERFECTCOMPLIANCE.COM with login information on Jan. 6. Those employees must accomplish two tasks: complete an electronic I-9 through the online system and bring in verification documents to one of the convenient Temporary Document Centers. For more information on E-Verify, visit the Human Resources E-verify webpage. If you have questions about the I-9 or E-verify process, contact Sue Ewing or Rhonda Barbosa.
JLab Calendar of Events
Jan. 21: Blood Drive
Jan. 24: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Jan. 27: Protect Your Identify: The Newest Identity Theft Scams
Feb. 5: Va. Regional High School Science Bowl
Feb. 7: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Feb. 21: Presidents Day holiday: JLab closed
Feb. 23-25: Excited Hadronic States and the Deconfinement Transition Workshop
Feb. 28: Safety Shoe vendor onsite |