Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs January 25, 2012

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
January 25, 2012

12 GeV Upgrade

The warm compressors for the new Central Helium Liquefier, CHL2, have been placed in the new building, and installation of interconnect piping is underway. The eighth cavity string for the new C100 cryomodules is complete. Cryomodule C100-5 is being tested in the Cryomodule Test Facility. The final cathode power supply for the new radiofrequency systems has been delivered. An rf separator cavity was tested successfully at power levels above that needed for 12 GeV. Tests and refinement of the installed new linac zones (cryomodules and rf) continue.


Due to the outstanding efforts of the target group, the replacement polarized target has been installed on the pivot in Hall A. This puts Hall A on track for being ready for beam in mid-February and on target to achieve the primary goals of both the g2p and Gep experiments.

In Hall C, the Q-weak experiment is continuing production data taking at 180 microamps.


Are you a member of the Jefferson Lab Users Group?
The Jefferson Lab Users Group consists of approximately 1,360 scientists from 259 institutions. Scientists (including students and postdocs) who pursue experimental, theoretical or applied research using (or related to) the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF) are members, as well as everyone who is registered with the User Liaison office. The group's membership is open to all scientists and engineers interested in JLab. All users are strongly encouraged to keep themselves informed of group activities and news by reading email sent out to the CUGA list and by periodically checking the Wiki. To sign up for the CUGA email list (if you don't already receive CUGA emails), contact Lorelei Carlson.


JSA/JLab Graduate Fellowship Program
JSA, LLC, is now accepting applications for the 2012-2013 JSA/JLab Graduate Fellowship Program. More information and an application can be found on the JSA, LLC website. The application deadline is March 9.

JSA/JLab Sabbatical Support Program
JSA is now accepting applications for the 2012-2013 academic year JSA/JLab Sabbatical Support Program. More information and an application can be found on the JSA, LLC website. The application deadline is March 9.


The week began with Accelerator Operations staff trying to understand the high background rates in the Hall C Compton polarimeter and a 52 Hertz noise signal in the injector rf controls. Optics work in the injector on Tuesday improved the background rates, while the 52 Hz noise was determined to be caused by the flow of nitrogen through the cooling shield of the cryomodule, which induced microphonics (minute vibrations that affect the tune of the superconducting cavity). Dipole magnet power supplies for Arcs 1, 3 and 7 caused multiple headaches and down time. After much work during the week on magnet power supplies, accelerator running over the weekend was quiet. The Arc 1 power supply would still occasionally trip on overload, but it would quickly recover.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

JSA/JLab Distinguished Theory Student Fellowship Program
JSA is now accepting applications for the 2012-2013 JSA/JLab Distinguished Theory Student Fellowship. Applications are due Feb. 20. For program information, see the website.


The first material delivery of the BCOM magnets, a 12 GeV magnet procurement, has been received. These are the first magnets in the spreader areas and the last magnets in the re-combiner areas that must bend up to five separate beams running at different energy levels. In addition, the spreader/re-combiner dipole curved vacuum chamber contract has been awarded. Procurements of the new stand, girders, and beamline components are progressing. The Arc 10 vertical support stand has been received and inspected. The reworked M15 beam position monitors are back on site; so far, no leaks have been found.

A model used in a particle physics simulation package has been successfully translated for use in an engineering simulation package (FLUKA to ANSYS), allowing the steady state thermal analysis of a beam/target interaction. This is a positive step in extending the capabilities of the radiation analysis with the Radiation Control group. FLUKA is a fully integrated particle physics Monte Carlo simulation package. It has many applications in high-energy experimental physics and engineering, shielding, detector and telescope design, cosmic ray studies, dosimetry, medical physics and radio-biology.

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

Scald Prevention Tip Sheet
Scald burns are the second-leading cause of all burn injuries. A new study has found that prepackaged microwavable soups, especially noodle soups, frequently cause scald burn injuries, because they can easily tip over, pouring hot liquid and noodles on the person. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors offer the following safety tips for preventing scald burns:

  • Test the water at the faucet; it should be less than 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Always supervise a child in or near a bathtub. Before placing a child in the bath or getting in the bath yourself, test the water; the water should feel warm, not hot, to the touch.
  • Place hot liquids and food in the center of a table or toward the back of a counter.
  • Have a “kid-free zone” of at least 3 feet (1 meter) around the stove and areas where hot food or drink is prepared or carried. Never hold a child while you are cooking, drinking a hot liquid, or carrying hot foods or liquids.
  • Allow microwaved food to cool before eating and open it slowly, away from the face.
  • Choose prepackaged soups whose containers have a wide base or, to avoid the possibility of a spill, pour the soup into a traditional bowl after heating.
  • Treat a burn right away; Cool the burn with cool water for 3-5 minutes and then cover with a clean, dry cloth. Get medical help if needed.

Computing and Networking Infrastructure

Linux Patches Planned for Thursday
A new, critical security patch for Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6 will be deployed to all RHEL 6 desktops and servers on the evening of Thursday, Jan. 26. This patch will require a reboot of RHEL 6 systems, so all users of RHEL6 systems should plan on rebooting as soon as possible on Friday. For more information, contact the IT Helpdesk, x7155.

Annual Computer User Account Audit
The annual Computer User Account Audit will begin on Wednesday, Feb. 1. All supervisors and sponsors of users with computer accounts at JLab are required to review and re-authorize these accounts. This audit is a critical part of maintaining an appropriate level of cyber security at JLab. If you sponsor someone with a computer user account at JLab, you will receive an email on Feb. 1 with information on how to complete the audit. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this audit, contact Jessica A. Perry, x7262.


Onsite Blood Drive Is Friday
The next American Red Cross Blood Drive is scheduled for Friday, Jan. 27, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in CEBAF Center Room F113. New and repeat donors are encouraged to attend. Appointments and walk-ins are welcome. To schedule an appointment, contact Johnie Banks, x7539.

Tracking Thomas at JLab
Little Thomas is visiting all corners of the JLab campus. If you can identify his location this week, email Kandice Carter with your guess. Guesses are accepted through Friday.

Congratulations this week go to Doug Higinbotham, Stephen Smith, Gwyn Williams, Ron Bartek and Samika Hawkins, who were the first to correctly identify the Jan. 18 location. Honorable mentions go to Michael Haddox-Schatz, Paul Letta, John Leckey, David Lawrence, Debra Brand, Mark Stevens, Brian L. Agor, Michelle Shinn, Stephanie Vermeire, Jason Willoughby, Dennis Merritt, Ryan Bodenstein, Harry Fanning, Mike Martin, DeAnn Maddox, Casey Heck, Rebecca Yasky, Josh Foyles, Anthony Dela Cruz, David Anderson and Karen Bartek. Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo.

JLab Calendar of Events

Jan. 27: American Red Cross Blood Drive
Feb. 4: Va. Regional High School Science Bowl
Feb. 6: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Feb. 7: Science Series Lecture: Living and Working in the Freezer

Feb. 15: Colloquium and Public Lecture
Feb. 28: Advanced Materials Forum, CC auditorium