12 GeV Upgrade
Excellent progress continues to be made on the 12 GeV accelerator work planned for this shutdown period. The first 12 GeV cryomodule is presently being tested in the Test Lab, and the start of powered in-tunnel testing has a target date of Aug. 15. The radiofrequency zone for that new cryomodule is complete and fully populated with klystrons; testing of that zone has started. The second zone of rf is nearing completion. The computer network is fully up in the South Linac service building. Analysis of the microphonics characteristics of that cryomodule continues. One outcome of the analysis is that the net voltage of the cryomodule would surpass that needed for 12 GeV beam, provided the microphonics conditions in final operating mode are unchanged from the in-tunnel measurements taken in June. Assembly of the second cryomodule continues; assembly of the third has started. There are now 16 of the new klystrons on site.
In the injector, testing of the PEPPo polarimeter continues; penetrations that were used during installation have been sealed and refilled with stone. In the west arc, various magnet checks are in progress, and final alignment checks are continuing for arcs 2, 4, 6 and 8. In the South Linac, 2L23, 2L24 and 2L26 warm girders are ready for installation downstairs, while upstairs, 2L24 wiring checks and flushing is almost complete, and the 2L25 klystrons are going in. In the tunnel, personnel in Facilities Management and Logistics are working to correct or catch and control tunnel water leaks.
Free-Electron Laser
The injector beamline is under vacuum with two new valves, a new buncher ion pump, a new and upgraded beam viewer, a new spool/bellows beam position monitor replacement, a functional residual gas analyzer, and a new non-evaporable getter pump heater - all installed in less than two meters of beamline. The bake of this beamline has started, while the gun bake is complete. FEL staffers are working with the Cryogenics group and and ESH&Q to find a better procedure for installation and removal of the U-tube of the injector cryomodule as part of its safety vigilance.
There is good progress with the refurbishment of the east arc 5 dipoles. To date, all east arc 5, 7 and 9 dipoles have been removed. Refurbishment tasks in the south side of the east arc have been completed. Magnetic measurement and re-installation is scheduled for completion by July 22. In the west arc, the final alignment has been completed, with the magnets re-surveyed to their pre-shutdown positions.
Hall A's G2P beamline installation continues on schedule, with the FZ2 stand installed and its initial alignment complete. The FZ2 magnet travels vertically on this stand in order to accommodate more than two dozen different beam trajectories. The FZ1 magnet upstream of FZ2 was installed and aligned this week.
Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
Hearing Protection
When do you need to wear hearing protection? You may know from a work control document, or have been told that certain jobs or locations require the use of hearing protection, or from posted signs, or from personal experience. One easy way to determine that hearing protection should be used is in situations where you have to raise your voice to be heard when you are an arm’s length or less away from another person. Hearing loss is a cumulative process, so entering loud areas for just a few minutes a day or several times a day can eventually lead to a hearing loss.
American Red Cross Blood Drive
The next American Red Cross Blood Drive is scheduled for Wednesday, July 27, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. in CEBAF Center, Room F113. New and repeat donors are encouraged to attend. Appointments and walk-ins are welcome. To schedule an appointment, contact Johnie Banks, x7539.
JLab Property Passes Now Available Online
JLab equipment and property - including laptops, computers or monitors - must sometimes be taken offsite for official business. Before JLab property may be taken offsite, the person taking the items must get a valid JLab Property Pass. Property pass applications may now be filled out online. Refer any questions or concerns to Lamont Williams, x6270; Carl Iannacone, x5430; Tony Lumanog, x7688; or TJ Sessoms, x7348.
Department of Energy Sponsors Food Drive
The DOE is participating in the "Feds Feed Families" drive this year. The DOE encourages its federal employees to volunteer by collecting much-needed food for those in need. At JLab, the Thomas Jefferson Site Office (TJSO) has invited lab employees to participate in the food drive. If interested, items needed include: canned meats, canned fruits and vegetables, complete meals, boxed cereals, rice, granola bars, peanut butter and hygiene products. Items in glass containers cannot be accepted. Anyone wishing to participate may place non-perishable donations in the marked barrels located in the CEBAF Center lobby anytime July 25-Aug. 5. For more information on the program, see the website or contact Steve Neilson at x7215.
JLab Community Invited to Summer Interns Poster Session
Thirty high school and college students participating in summer science internship programs at JLab will share their experiences and projects during a poster session scheduled for Friday, July 29, 11:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in the CEBAF Center lobby. The entire JLab community is invited. These students plan to pursue careers in science or technology; and their respective projects at JLab directly involved them in the culture, activities and science of a U.S. DOE national laboratory, including accelerator engineering, experimental research, free-electron laser projects and computer programming.
Engineering Announces Special Cryo Seminars
Two special cryogenics seminars, part of the Engineering Division's Professional Development Program, will take place at JLab Aug. 4 and 16. These special-topic seminars, presented by Peter Knudsen, will address recent developments in cryogenics. The Aug. 4 seminar is titled: Cold End Process Options for Nominal 2 Kelvin Efficiency Improvements; and the Aug. 16 talk is titled: JLab's 12 GeV Compressor System and Development Work. Each event is scheduled for 1:30-3 p.m. in the CEBAF Center auditorium. JLab engineers, technicians and interested employees are invited to attend these presentations. Engineers from local industry and graduate engineering students enrolled in local universities may also attend. No advance registration is needed for these events, and no Continuing Education Units will be granted for these two talks. For additional information regarding these talks, see the Cryogenics Seminars poster. General inquiries about these seminars or the Engineering Division's Professional Development Program may be directed to Gayle Coleman, x7712.
Tracking Thomas at JLab
Little Thomas is visiting all corners of the JLab campus. If you can identify his location this week, email Kandice Carter with your guess. Guesses are accepted through Fridays.
Congratulations to John Kelly, who was the first person to correctly identify the July 13 location. An honorable mention goes to Doug Higinbotham. Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo.
JLab Calendar of Events
July 29: Summer Intern Programs Poster Session, CEBAF Center lobby
Aug. 4: Cryogenics Seminar
Aug. 16: Cryogenics Seminar
Aug. 22-26: PAC 38
Sept. 5: Labor Day holiday; JLab closed