Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs March 21, 2012

Jefferson Lab Weekly Briefs
March 21, 2012

12 GeV Upgrade

Both of the coldboxes for the new Central Helium Liquefier (CHL-2) have arrived and have been put into final positions. The C100-1 and C100-2 cryomodules continue to be used for beam operations at voltages up to 91 MV; refinement of the control of the radiofrequency fields continues. Helium headers have been attached for the eighth and ninth C100 cryomodules. Installation of all klystrons for the new RF zones in the South Linac is complete. Adjustments to the FY12 and FY13 accelerator work plans, in response to the reduction in FY12 funding relative to the baseline profile, are nearing completion.


Last week, the g2p experiment in Hall A started production running and finished the calibrations and commissioning. Unfortunately, the septum magnet had an electrical failure, causing significant damage to the magnet on Saturday. The extent of this damage and the path forward are being evaluated at this time.

In Hall C, the Q-weak experiment took production data on hydrogen and some background data with an aluminum target. The experiment started using the halo target, a target with a hole for the beam to pass through, to warn of poor beam conditions.

Minority Undergraduate Research Assistantship
JLab is seeking candidates for a research assistantship to provide an opportunity for a minority undergraduate student to work on projects that are part of the lab’s research program or directly related to the scientific or engineering aspects of the research program. This assistantship is funded by the JSA Initiatives Fund Program and will provide funds to support the student at the university during the 2012 - 2013 academic year. Nominations are due April 6 and must be submitted by the faculty sponsor before the student may apply. Faculty sponsors may obtain more information and submit their nomination online.


Last week began with a spot move: the spot on the cathode where the lasers hit to produce electrons was moved to an area on the cathode that produces electrons more efficiently. On Tuesday, a faulty valve interrupted cooling water flow to some injector components, requiring an access downstairs to the injector to investigate and repair. The injector experiment, PEPPo, performed tests using the injector beam while software and firmware upgrades were installed and worked on in the new C100 accelerating cavities in the South Linac. After beam studies wrapped up and a few repairs were made, beam was restored to Halls A and C, while Hall B continued target work. At the end of the week, zone 1L02 had a problem maintaining its liquid helium level due poor insulating vacuum. A supplemental vacuum pump was installed, which took a good chunk out of Friday's beam time. The weekend was quiet, except for Hall A issues with a septum magnet.

Free-Electron Laser

Operations of the FEL continued to optimize the machine for optics measurements, which are beginning this week. During the early shift, FEL staffers continued to assemble and align components of the ultraviolet wiggler chamber. The Office of Naval Research announced the cancellation of the Boeing FEL-Innovative Naval Prototypes program effort to happen after this week's conceptual design report.

Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics

Last week, a small group of experimentalists and theorists came together for a four-day workshop on Twin Approaches to Confinement Physics to consider how the fact that quarks are confined inside hadrons (and have never been found alone) determines the detailed properties of hadrons: their spectrum, structure and dynamics. The workshop discussed how experiments at JLab can probe the very mechanism of confinement and help us understand how QCD really works.


The Electrical Engineering Support Radiofrequency group completed testing of zone SL23, the third new 12 GeV RF system, at the end of February. Testing on SL22, the fourth new RF system, has begun. The RF Group by now has received nearly 70 percent of the the new high-power RF tubes (klystrons) needed for the 12 GeV upgrade. The EES DC Power, Instrumentation and Control, and Safety System groups have been busy making preparations for the upcoming long shutdown that begins in May. The EES fabrication shop has completed the assembly of all the remaining RF control crates needed for 12 GeV. They are currently assembling beam position monitor electronics, Personnel Safety System run/safe boxes and machine fast shutdown protection hardware for installation later this year. The EES electricians have worked on AC power infrastructure installation and upgrades around the accelerator in preparation for all the new equipment planned. All groups continue to provide accelerator operations support for the current physics run as well.

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality

Safety First When Walking/Jogging Onsite
The recent burst of bright sunshine and the warmth of an early spring has prompted many JLab employees and Users to take their exercise outside. If you plan to walk in an area where there is vehicular traffic, always observe safe walking practices. Here are a few safety tips from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles:

  • Make sure you walk facing oncoming vehicles (against traffic);
  • Walk on sidewalks along your route whenever available;
  • Wear light colors so motorists can see you;
  • Make sure to make use of crosswalks whenever available;
  • When crossing a street, look left, look right and look left again;
  • When walking at night, wear reflective clothing and/or use a flashlight to make yourself more visible to motorists;
  • If using headphones, reduce the volume so that traffic noise is audible and use extra caution near roadways and in crosswalks.


Last Chance to Vote for Your Favorite JLab 2012 T-Shirt Design!
Vote now to help select the design for JLab's 2012 T-shirt. The winning design will be unveiled at the lab's annual Run-A-Round. All JLab computer account holders are permitted one vote. Voting is open through March 23.

Volunteers Needed for May 19 JLab Open House
JLab's Open House is just around the corner, and this year's event, themed "Passport to Science," will be bigger than ever. Volunteers of all types provide the public with a safe, fun and educational experience. Sign up now through April 16. Hourly employees will be paid, with advance approval from his/her supervisor. Each volunteer will receive a T-shirt to wear for the Open House. When signing up, be prepared to provide your T-shirt size and your cell phone number. There will be mandatory volunteer briefings. Volunteers leading tours or staffing displays or activities for specific programs or locations should consult with that area's volunteer coordinator. Area volunteer coordinators are listed on the web sign-up page. Direct general-event volunteer questions to Tina Menefee, x5490, cell 768-4030.

National Rent-A-Car Promotion Onsite Thursday
JLab employees that rent a car during business travel can reap the benefits associated with the Emerald Club program from National. Members can by-pass kiosk lines at arriving airports, select their own vehicle off the lot, earn points toward free upgrades or personal rentals and more. National's local sales executive will be in the CEBAF Center atrium tomorrow, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., to answer questions and/or assist with enrollment on the Emerald Club program. Learn more online.

Seminar on Women in Physics Offered April 5
Elizabeth Simmons, theoretical physicist and Dean of Lyman Briggs College at Michigan State University, will offer insights into Women in Physics in the U.S.: Numbers, Challenge and Solutions, in a seminar sponsored by Human Resources. The seminar is open to all and will take place in the CEBAF Center auditorium on Thursday, April 5 at 3 p.m. Simmons has garnered many awards and distinctions, and is the February 2012 APS CSWP Woman Physicist of the Month, a AAAS Fellow, and an APS Fellow.

12th FLUKA Course Offered at JLab April 30 - May 4
FLUKA is a fully integrated particle physics Monte-Carlo simulation package. It has many applications in high energy experimental physics and engineering, shielding, detector and telescope design, cosmic ray studies, dosimetry, medical physics and radiobiology. The course will help professionals working in the Monte Carlo radiation transport fields to understand the various functions and attributes of the code. For more information, visit the course website.

Tracking Thomas at JLab
Little Thomas is visiting all corners of the JLab campus. If you can identify his location this week, email Kandice Carter with your guess. Guesses are accepted through Friday.

Congratulations this week go to David Lawrence, Samika Hawkins and Michelle Shinn, who were the first to correctly identify the March 14 location. Honorable mentions go to Michael Barnes, Michael Haddox-Schatz, Subashini De Silva, Doug Higinbotham and Dick Owen. Check out the Tracking Thomas webpage for a better view of his last location and this week's new mystery photo.

JLab Calendar of Events

March 26: Safety Shoe Vendor onsite
March 29: Newport News Public Schools Business & Education STEM Summit
April 3: JLab Publications Refresher Seminar
April 5: Seminar: Women in Physics
April 11: JLab Colloquium and Public Lecture - Ani Aprahamian
April 11: Teachers Science Night at JLab
April 25: JAG Run-A-Round
April 30: FLUKA Training Course