12 GeV Upgrade
12 GeV installation plans for the 2011 six-month accelerator shutdown (mid-May through mid-November) are being finalized and incorporated into the lab-wide integrated schedule. Weekly cross-divisional meetings are being held to identify and resolve potential conflicts with work or shared resources. Hall D equipment installation planning continues as the scheduled ready-for-equipment (RFE) date of Nov. 30 approaches.
To coordinate 12 GeV Project needs, the JLab Facilities Management and Logistics group has developed an online database for related space and storage requests, including offsite rentals. Coordination of material handling and transportation equipment continues in order to appropriately support the safe completion of installation activities. The 12 GeV team has developed a project work order system that is integrated with the existing Facilities work request system.
PAC 37 Proposals Due Dec. 1
The Program Advisory Committee (PAC 37) will meet the week of Jan. 10. The PAC will review new proposals for the 12 GeV physics program, which are due no later than Dec. 1. The PAC will also assign scientific priorities and beamtime to already approved proposals and review and assign priority and time to some conditionally approved proposals. The details of the process for PAC 37 are available online.
JSA Postdoctoral Research Prize Nominations Due Dec. 1
JSA Postdoctoral Research Prize winners have a record of accomplishment in physics, promise of further accomplishments in the JLab research fields and an excellent proposal for use of the prize's research grant. All nominees must be within five years of graduation and in a postdoc or equivalent position at the time of nomination. For more information, see the announcement. The prize is funded through the JSA Initiatives Fund.
Last week was a good week. The accelerator delivered beam mainly to Halls A and B. Hall C did not take much beam due to its target work. One shift was spent for beam studies to calibrate the vertical Wien and the solenoid spin rotators. A couple of magnets caused about two hours of downtime. On Monday, the Wien angle was changed from 29 degrees to 5 degrees at Hall A’s request.
Free-Electron Laser
The FEL team chased down the source of an aggravating drift of radiofrequency in the injector to a sensor diode in an rf control module. A new module seems to be stable. With that in place, the team was able to continue exploration of sensitivity measurements for lasing at 700 nanometers.
JLab Calendar of Events
Nov. 3: United Way Fund-Raising Campaign ends
Nov. 4: Safety Shoe vendor onsite
Nov. 4: JSA's Electronic Commerce Vendor Show
Nov. 7: Daylight Saving Time ends
Nov. 23: Science Series Public Lecture
Nov. 25-26 Thanksgiving Holiday - JLab closed
Dec. 6: Safety Shoe Vendor onsite
Dec. 24-Dec. 31: Winter holidays/Shutdown days - JLab closed
JLab's Safety Numbers
8 Days since Last Recordable Accident (JLab record: 331)
65 Days since Last Lost Workday Accident (JLab record: 676)
Environment, Safety, Health & Quality
Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery
According to the U.S. Fire Administration, 65 percent of reported home fire deaths in 2000-2004 resulted from fires in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms. The batteries need to be replaced at least once every year in standard battery-powered smoke alarms and in hard-wired, battery back-up smoke alarms. In addition, the test button should be used every month to make certain the unit is working.
Don't remember the last time you changed the battery? The Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery campaign (sponsored by the International Association of Fire Chiefs, Energizer ™, and a network of 6,200 fire departments) encourages Americans to change the batteries in their smoke alarms when they spring forward or fall back for Daylight Saving Time. Take the opportunity to reset your smoke alarms with fresh batteries this weekend.
Computing and Networking Infrastructure
CNI Maintenance Day Set for Tomorrow
The CNI group is planning a short maintenance period on Thursday, Nov. 4, 5-7 p.m. During this time, there may be a short wireless outage in some parts of CEBAF Center. In addition, Linux patches will be released to all Common User Environment (CUE)-managed Linux systems. Leave your Linux desktop powered up during the evening for patch delivery and plan on rebooting your Linux system at a convenient time on Friday, Nov. 5. If you experience problems with your Linux system after performing the reboot, contact the IT Division Helpdesk.
JSA's Electronic Commerce Vendor Show
The vendor show will take place 9 a.m.-2 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 4, in CEBAF Center. If you purchase products for use at JLab, come on out to enjoy a continental breakfast and noontime snack as you peruse featured products offered by JLab's vendors to help make your and your colleagues' work safer, faster and easier.
Last Chance to Register for Pet First-Aid Class
The JAG Dog Club will hold a day-long Petsaver Class on Sunday, Dec. 5, if enough interest exists. The class will cover CPR, rescue breathing, conscious and unconscious airway obstruction (choking), shock management, bleeding protocols, injury and wellness assessments, heat injuries, restraint, dental care and care for elderly pets. The cost of the course is $125 per student; class size is limited to eight (six minimum). More information about the program is available online. If you're interested in registering for the class, contact Joyce Miller, x7163, before Nov. 5. The class will be held in the VARC classrooms, Building 28, rooms 72A and B.
Sentara Mobile Mammography Unit Onsite Dec. 6
The Sentara Mobile Mammography Unit will be at JLab on Monday, Dec. 6, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., in the ARC parking lot. This service is open to all employees as well as family members or friends, since personal health insurances will be billed. The procedure takes 15 minutes. To make an appointment, call 1-800-SENTARA (736-8272) or see the Screenings and Events section on the frontpage of the Sentara website.
Last Chance to Donate to United Way
The United Way annual fund-raising campaign at JLab ends today. Hard copy pledge forms are available at the VARC, ARC and CEBAF Center front desks, as well as in Building 85. Pledge forms are also available online. Send or deliver completed forms and address all questions by close of business today to Joshua Cameron in CEBAF Center, Room B214, Mail Stop 12B. |